Friday, March 8, 2013

Waste Not, Want Not

Danny and I on our honeymoon, April 2005

Matthew 6:25
"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear.  Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?"

I'm a pretty frugal person.  Even when I worked outside the home and had my own steady stream of income, I was always careful as to how and why I spent my money.  And, when I did spend it, more than likely it was to buy something for my husband, Danny, or for my children.

The natural fallout from my thriftiness is I rarely buy clothes or shoes.  I'll wear something until it wears out.  I hate to admit it, but I cling to some favorite turtleneck sweaters, even when they grow holes in the neckline, because these are concealed by the rim of the turned-down neck.  See the sweater in the photo above?  I still have it!!!

I have six pairs of jeans.  Two I call my "church jeans" because they're spiffy enough to wear to the contemporary praise service where dressing casually is encouraged.  Another two are my "whatever jeans" as they are getting worn, but are still presentable.  The last two pairs are so riddled with tears in the seat and pockets that I no longer dare to go public with them.  I should just heave them, shouldn't I?

And, shoes?  Well, I have a closet full, but since I rarely have cause to dress up these days, I favor a pair of clogs and my sneakers.  The clogs are new, a surprise gift from Danny when he notes my old ones have a gaping hole just above my right big toe.  And, my sneakers?  The ones I work out in?  I realize just the other day that I've had these babies for a whopping four years.  Ridiculous, right?

So, when Danny and I are at Costco last week, purchasing some provisions for our upcoming trip to the mountains, a huge display of woman's running shoes catches our attention.

"Didn't you tell me weeks ago you needed new shoes for the gym?"  Danny asks.

"Yes, I did," I answer hesitantly.  I am momentarily put off by the shoe color - black with screaming turquoise trim.

But it's the price which wins me over.  FILA shoes for only $19.95???  Am I dreaming???

We find my size and remove the shoes from their box so I can try them on.  They are practically weightless!  And, when my feet slip inside, I've never felt such comfort outside of being barefoot.

So, the heck with the funky colors.  I have to have them!

Because, I know my life is so much more than what I wear . . .


Do you wear your clothes until they wear out, or do you wear them gently and donate them to charity?

Will you join me in prayer?
Thank You, Father, for Jesus' reminder that we are not defined by the clothes we wear or the food we eat.  Whether in rags or finery, we are Your beloved children.  And, for that, dear Lord, we are eternally grateful.  Amen.


  1. I'm not much of a shopper so I don't buy clothes much and I do tend to wear the same things over and over. I'm pretty big on not accumulating too much stuff as well. Shoes are a whole other story. Not because I'm addicted to shoes but because my feet are so small I have a VERY difficult time finding shoes, so I do tend to keep them forever. And if I find shoes that fit, I'll buy several pairs at once.

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Lynne!
      You sound so much like me - I just don't like the mall or shopping in general. However, your practice with the shoe buying is so smart and practical. Makes a whole lot of sense to me!
      Love and blessings!

  2. Hi, Martha:
    I was turned onto Goodwill ny a friend of mine. I know! I know! Goodwill? Isn't that for people who are destitute? Actually, no! There is a store bout fifteen minutes from where I live. Madison has a rep of being wealthy.

    You wouldn't believe how many people I recognize who shop there now. People come up to me and say hi. I have no stigma shopping there and I find some awesome clothes.

    Went last week and got four pairs of pants (Khakis and name brands) and three polo short sleeve shirts for $15.00. I found my new clothes shopping store.

    1. Thanks for coming by, Chris!
      Oh, wow, what great deals you've found! And, no, I'm definitely not above shopping at thrift stores - it's a practical idea, for sure. Where we live, there is a great place called Wellspring Treasures that sells gently used clothing and accessories; all proceeds go to help women and girls recover from the horrendous experience of being trafficked for sex. I will be having a book signing there a week from Saturday!
      Blessings, my friend!

  3. I love the verse in the beginning. One of my favorites...It really gives one perspective. And yes, I keep the clothes that fit me until the very end! I really don't like shopping, so if I find something that fits well I try to buy different colors of it if I can and I just wear many of the same articles of clothing until they wear out! I still have a sweatshirt that I finally had to stop wearing that I had gotten on our honeymoon to the Cape...and that was almost 10 years ago! lol

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Jessica!
      Oh, yes, one of my all-time favorite verses, too! Such a marvelous reminder of all that truly counts in this life.
      You sound just like me when it comes to shopping - I've never enjoyed it and only go to the store under great duress. :) If I can order on-line, I'm a much happier camper. And, seems like you hang onto clothes as long as I do! :)
      Love and blessings!

  4. I wear my clothes to the point of rags if I like them well enough, they're like friends. I just recently was forced to buy a new pair of sneakers, after 7 years the old ones finally broke down and wept.

    1. Thanks for coming by, Cairn!
      Wow! Looks like you and I are in the same boat when it comes to clothes and shoes. I love how you referred to them as friends. We can become so attached to that favorite piece of clothing.
      Blessings always!

  5. Hi Martha :o),

    this post touches some points that are very important to me.Anyway,first of all I've got to say that I find the picture of you and your husband so sweet :) and I like the sneakers a lot.
    I find myself very near to you when you say that you're a frugal person.How I spend my money it's of extreme importance to me,too!Plus,I'm the same with clothes.I wear them out and I threw my last sneakers away only when they were literaly falling apart.
    However,clothes,shoes and the way I look is very important to me.I truly think that I praise God and His Son Jesus if I try to look good,because it's for me like a way of saying thank you to Him for my body.Of course,there are days when I seriously think that I should better stay at home,because my hair looks ˝blah˝ and my look certainly isn't even closely to what could be defined stylish :).But,I'm trying my best to look good.
    As far as the look for the church I don't really know what to say,because for the past few years I've been going to church on my own and out of the regular times.You know,I like to go alone,sit there,pray,light a candle...I've not been to a mass for the longest ever.This is just due to the fact that I was still reasrching other views (as said in my blog),but I plan to go in the near future.Well,I'm talking about the Catholic church here... Oh there's a thing that I noticed in our church and I don't think this has changed a lot during the least this is what I hear from other's important to be quite covered.You can be stylish and all,but you still have to be quite covered and look smart.In some Catholic churches in the southern parts of Europe women also like to cover their hair with a scarf made of lace.

    Well,enough of commenting :))!I wish you a nice Sunday and a good week.


    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Jasmina, and for leaving such a detailed comment here.
      I think we look our best for God when we act in the ways He wishes us to, loving Him and loving our neighbor as ourselves. If it makes us feel closer to Him by dressing for church or covering our heads, then we should do so by all means! I'm so glad you have been communing regularly with the Lord even if you're not attending mass. Hope you will find a way and a place to worship with others at a church you feel comfortable with.
      Blessings to you, and may your week be wonderful, too!

  6. I have my favorite shirts and pants :) I actually wear hand-me-downs but I don't mind since most of them still look new.

    I wear my shoes off ~ I kept my closed shoes in the cabinet so I could use them only for formal meetings. I like wearing my sandals.

    I pray with you. Most of the time, we get worried with trivialities... but when we look around, there are so many who don't even have good clothes nor shoes to wear.

    May we ever be so sensitive to others' needs too aside from our own.

    Lots of love to you!

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Melissa!
      Nothing wrong with hand-me-downs or wearing those favorite shoes until they wear out. :) I'm sure you always look sharp no matter what you're wearing!
      Thank you for praying with me as always - it's such a comfort!
      Love and blessings to you!

  7. This is a really nice post!:) I admit I love to buy clothing but I also do have some that I keep until it wears out. Generally I do try to donate nice and gently used clothing to charity o give it to a friend who may enjoy it.

    1. Thank you for coming by today, Colleen, and welcome to the blog!
      Glad you enjoyed this post. It's so good to know that someone here donates gently used clothing. It's great when we can help the less fortunate.
      Blessings to you!

  8. Hey Martha. I tend to keep my clothes for a very long time. And only have few and regularly reduce them. So what I've started doing of late is buying nicer clothes that last for a long time. I don't do it very often but when I do purchase, buy with the eye of it lasting 10+ years. haha I still do have some 10 year old shirts and they still do fit. The best shirt i had was one from my grandad's from the 60's. I wore that shirt for about 20 years before it got worn out:) Vishnu

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, Vishnu!
      It is such a good idea to buy quality clothing as they do last last longer. I love buying my jeans from L. L. Bean - sure, they cost more than Walmart, but hold up through thousands of washes.
      Love that you had your grandfather's shirt for 20 years!
      Blessings to you!

  9. Martha I am so like so in that way. I have clothes that I wear that are about 10 years old. I love them, they are so comfortable and partly it is also vanity that I can fit into them. LOL!

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Rimly!
      It seems that both of us go for the comfort and familiarity in the clothes we love. And, it is great you can still wear them after 10 years! :)
      Love and blessings!

  10. Great post Martha. I do a clean out at least twice a year and send the clothes off to charity. Of course there are those special ones that stay in my closet forever. btw, love the shoes.

    1. Thanks for visiting, Suzy!
      Unfortunately, I wear my clothes out, for the most part, so can't donate them. :( Glad you liked the shoes; I'm getting used to them and they are so, so comfortable!
      Blessings and love!

  11. Dear Martha,

    I think your new shoes are adorable! Comfy, too, right?

    I've always loved clothes but I have a lot more since I've been with Mr. C! I know some people consider fashion frivolous, but God created butterflies and daffodils too! They didn't have to be that beautiful! It's just another way to express creatively and I enjoy it immensely ;-)

    1. Oh, yes, way comfy! I have them on right now. :)
      And, I agree with you that fashion can definitely show our creativity and uniqueness; not frivolous at all when we become a walking/talking work of art.
      Thanks for stopping by today!
      Love and blessings, Linda!


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