Friday, August 9, 2013

Mirror Ball

Matthew 5:14
"You are the light of the world.  A town built on a hill cannot be hidden."

In his book, Mirror Ball, worship leader/songwriter Matt Redman recounts the experience which led to the choosing of this particular title.

It is the last night of the Passion worship for college students.  Founder of Passion, Louie Giglio, is determined to send these young folks home on a spectacular and inspirational note.  He tells the musicians that he's hanging a mirror ball which will be lowered into the arena on the last song of the evening.  Matt thinks this is a marvelous idea.  He and the band members plan an exhilarating song for the finale; something to suit the amazing light sure to be reflected from Louie's mirror ball.

When he emerges on stage, Matt purposefully looks for the mirror ball in the rafters.  He has a difficult time finding it.  When he finally spots it, his heart sinks.  It's so tiny!  How can anything that small make any impression on anyone?  Has Louie lost his mind?

Matt prays this won't be the flop he fears it will be.  Hopes beyond hope that Louie's idea will be successful after all.  Here is Matt in his own words:

And then the moment arrived.  Mirror ball time.  Down from the ceiling came the world's smallest disco ball.  I didn't know whether to laugh, cry . . . or get my binoculars out to actually see the thing.

However, in one bright, shining moment, all my fears died.  Powerful beams of light hit the face of the ball, and suddenly, in every corner of that massive arena, radiance shown all around.  Light filled the room.  It seemed to glow on every face and shine on every inch of floor, wall, and ceiling.  A huge arena filled with light - by way of a tiny mirror ball.  And people partied.  In that moment, focusing on the glory of the Savior and celebrating His victories, we shouted for joy and danced with abandon.

Wow!  What a testimony this is to how God's light can radiate through each and every one of us!  We may perceive ourselves as small and insignificant, unable to make a difference in this dark and hurting world.  But, Jesus says we are the light of the world.  He means it!

And, when we choose to let the light of the Lord shine through us, how can we not reflect His glory?  How can we not glow with His love and grace?

How can we, dancing in His light, not fill this world with joy and celebration?


Will you be a mirror ball, shining God's infinite light onto others?

Will you pray with me?
We pray, dear Father, that we can be the light of the world and live up to Jesus' expectations of us as His followers.  May we radiate Your light and love to all we meet, that they may know we are a "city on a hill, shining brightly."  Amen.

You can order Matt's book here, and connect with him at his website


  1. Just beautiful. How true your words ring....although we may not have the vision to see the potential in something, through the Lord's grace, even the smallest living creature (or a mirror ball in this case!) can reflect the light and love of the the Lord. Thank you so much for this beautiful meditation.

    Love and blessings to you!

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Vrndavana!
      Oh, yes, we can all mirror the grace which comes from God, no matter how small or insignificant we are or think we are.
      Glad you enjoyed today's post. :)
      Love and blessings right back at you!

  2. Lovely, Martha! Now I'm humming "This Little Light of Mine!"

    1. Hum away, Lori! :)
      So glad you stopped by today.
      Love and blessings!

  3. This is such a wonderful reflection on light Martha. I love how Christ entered the world in such humility and yet is the light ~ our light, although not recognized by all.

    And I love how each one of us could be mirror balls in our own unique way ~ if only we allow Christ to work fully in us.

    I continually pray for you and your family dear friend. Thank you for the inspiring testimonies of God's love in your blog through the people you have invited this week.

    Lots of love to you always!

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Melissa!
      When I read this passage from Matt's book, I just knew I'd have to include it in a blog. So glad I did!
      I believe we are all little mirror balls, but some of us are still too timid to come out of the shadows and truly let Christ's love be reflected in us. Let's pray that those persons will "see the light" and let it shine!
      Thanks, as always, for your prayers and love!
      Love and blessings, always!

  4. What a great lesson for all of us. I love when God does things like this! He uses and blesses seemingly insignificant things and people and reveals His glory. Praise God! Thanks Martha.

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Jason! Great to have you here!
      Yes, when God uses the small things, powerful miracles can happen. We just have to have eyes to see and ears to hear.
      Blessings to you!

  5. I enjoyed reading this, Martha, and a true reminder of the glory of God in all of our lives. We each can shine that bright, only if we realized it:) And when we have the light, we are able to share it with all those around us. One flicker of light can help inspire a world filled with light.

    1. Thanks so much for dropping by, Vishnu!
      Yes, you are so right about those little lights of ours. We need to let them shine for the glory of God!
      Blessings to you!

  6. Awesome analogy. I can feel the Light!

    1. Thanks for visiting, Floyd, and welcome! Hope to see you here often.
      Glad you liked the analogy and could "feel the light."
      Blessings to you!


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