Friday, September 20, 2013

The Greatest Story Ever Told

2 Timothy 3:16-17
All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

When I was a child, I had several books which I read multiple times.  Why?  Because the stories and the characters were genuine, compelling, and they touched me deeply and indescribably.  What were those novels?  Charlotte's Web, The Hobbit, and The Chronicles of Narnia.  In my childhood, they were, to me, the greatest stories ever told.

And, if you've read The Glade Series, I'm sure you can detect the influence these beloved books and authors had on me.  What with the talking animals, the mystery, the adventure, and the underlying Christian themes, their inspiration becomes clear, though my writing voice is, indeed, my own.

When my first novel in the series, A Trip, a Tryst, and a Terror was released, I recall hoping with all my heart that it would become a favorite story in the hearts of others.  One which they wished to return to and reread countless times over.  That was my hope.

That was my prayer . . .

So, imagine my utter delight when I recently receive the following comment from my friend, Mary, on my Facebook page, The Glade Series.

After months of savoring it, I finally finished "The Moment of Truth"!  It was spectacular!!  You truly are a gifted writer!  The characters became my friends and, at the end, I was sad to close the book and see them all go!!!  To me, that's a sign of an amazing book!!  Please, please keep writing, sweetie!!

Could any writer anywhere not be overjoyed and overwhelmed by such a vote of confidence?  I know I am beside myself at Mary's generous, heartfelt praise.  Will she reread the series to hook back up with her new friends?  I do hope so!

And, what is it one is truly seeking when drawn to reread anything, be it fiction or non-fiction?  Do we identify with a particular character?  Are we in need of a good laugh, or a cry?  Or, are we so moved by the story's content that we simply must embark upon that journey one more time?

That's how I feel every time I read the Bible.  I can come across the same passages, the familiar words, the engaging stories, the hard lessons, the evidence of God's love, again and again and again, and never grow weary of them.  In fact, each time I reread, it seems God reveals something deeper and more meaningful than ever I could envision.

God, the consummate Story Teller, meets me where I am and carries me forward.  His stories renew me.  Lead me.  Heal me.

Make me whole . . .

I'll continue to read and reread for my lifetime the Greatest Story ever told.


How about you?  Will you continue to let God's stories speak to you, time and time again?

Will you pray with me?
Father in Heaven, we thank You today for the Scriptures You have given us, equipping us for every good work in Your name.  My we immerse ourselves daily in Your Word, and grow in righteousness because of Your lessons and love.  Amen.


  1. Some stories just stick with us and never get old. Those stories I find myself reading over and over too.

    1. That is so true, Kathy! Seems like no matter how many times we read them, they are always fresh and inspiring.
      Thanks so much for visiting!
      Love and blessings!

  2. So true. I feel that way about the Bible, and also the Tao Te Ching. There is always wisdom and truth at my fingertips.

    1. Wisdom and truth at our fingertips . . . Could we ask for anything more? :)
      Thanks for visiting, Galen!
      Love and blessings!

  3. Some stories, some characters always stay with us...either, they mirror a part of us or make us be a part of them. Am glad you got such positive reviews. Keep it up.

    1. Thanks so much for coming by, Janaki, and for your kind words. Yes, I will keep up the writing!
      Love and blessings!

  4. Such a sweet comment from Mary, Martha! Anybody given that kind of feedback would surely feel overjoyed!

    I feel the same way about the Bible, too. The more I reread some of the passages, the better my understanding becomes. Rereading the Scriptures for me is the same as being with God over and over again, and I guess you really need to be with someone often in order to get to know him/her.

    Wonderful reflections, Martha! Wishing you the best in all your endeavors! Much love and God bless! <3 :-)

    1. I know, Irene, it WAS such an amazing compliment from Mary. It sure humbled me.
      Glad to know you feel the same way about the Bible, too. God does reveal Himself through His word, and it is a perfect opportunity to get to know Him better.
      Thanks for coming by and for your well wishes!
      Love and blessings!

  5. Martha - Congrats on the well-deserved book review! And for telling stories which resonate with people. I am reading the Bible the first time through so every story and passage has been new to me. My journey to the scriptures started with the Psalms which are so moving and inspiring! I have a feeling this story is going to influence and impact me the rest of my life:)

    1. Thanks for coming by today, Vishnu!
      Oh, I love the Psalms! I, too, have been working my way through the Bible from beginning to end and am in 1 Samuel right now. A great companion book for reading the Bible is 66 Love Letters by Larry Crabbe. Really gives such insight!
      Blessings to you!

  6. That's wonderful, Martha. I don't think most people understand how much effort it takes to write a novel, how much courage it takes to go through the publishing process, how my strength is required to endure reading the reviews, the energy needed to keep writing, and the faith to believe. You're dream is only starting, don't stop believing (as if you ever would).

    1. No, Brenda, I won't stop believing and dreaming! Yes, unless one is a writer who has gone through this lengthy and often times discouraging process, one can't understand how difficult it can be.
      Thanks so much for dropping by today!
      Love and blessings!

  7. Congratulations Martha! I'm getting more excited as I hear many wonderful compliments on your trilogy ~ oh what joy!

    I love that everyday the Lord reveals something new to me to ponder on and to act upon in His words... 'Devour' ~ that's how I'd describe it ~ not just read and digest but really taste it for God's Words are very rich and uplifting ~ engaging, yes!

    I continually pray with you dear friend ~ may we come to know Jesus through His Words and develop a personal relationship with Him and may we grow more in love with Him each day ~ Love you Martha! You continue to be His light :)

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Melissa, and glad this post made you even more eager to read the books. :)
      I love your use of the word "devour" in this sense! Yes! We are not to just taste God's Word, but to feast upon it. Great image!
      You are in my prayers, too, my friend.
      Much love and many blessings!

  8. Without God's promises & love, I would have perished LONG ago. x

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, my friend!
      Oh, I can't imagine how we could live one moment without God.
      Blessings to you!


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