Friday, May 23, 2014

Crazy Sand!

Isaiah 64:8
Yet you, Lord, are our Father.  We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand.

In my earlier post which you can reference here, my granddaughter, Virginia Rose, and I go shopping to get a special gift for her and her brand new baby sister, Savannah Jane.  Virginia has her heart set on something called "Crazy Sand."  It's been advertised regularly on television and, I have to admit, it does look like a lot of fun.

When I inquire about this product at the toy store, I'm told they don't carry it.  Don't carry it???  I'm afraid Virginia will be so disappointed, but when I tell her I'll have her Papa order it online, she seems satisfied with that.

The very first thing Virginia does when we get home is tell my husband, Danny, her Papa, that he needs to order her Crazy Sand on the internet.

"I can't believe the store didn't have it," he remarks as he opens his Amazon tab and begins the search.

"I can't either," I say.  "Maybe, it was on of those T. V.-only offers."

Danny locates a sand box made by Brookstone and places the order.

This is what we imagine will arrive -

This is what's actually delivered - 

What???  No sand?

"There was nothing I saw when I ordered to box to indicate that sand wasn't included," Danny fumes.  "That's misleading advertising, for sure."

But, knowing how much his granddaughter wants this toy, Danny places a special order for just the sand itself.  When all is said and done, he's spent $30 on the sand box with its sundry tools and another $30 on the sand.  Talk about sticker shock!

The rewards, however, are priceless.  The day the Crazy Sand arrives, I have Virginia with me.  She can barely contain her excitement!

"Open it, Gammie!  Open it!"  she shouts gleefully, hopping up and down and clapping her hands.

I readily comply.  And within minutes, Virginia plunges her eager hands into the sand which keeps her delightfully engaged for hours.

Watching Virginia playing so happily makes me think of the joy God must have taken in Adam as He molded and shaped him from the earth.  Creating him in God's own image.  Breathing the breath of the Holy Spirit into him.  Beaming like a proud parent as Adam came to life.

And, that creation process continues even now.

For we are, each of us, lumps of living, breathing crazy sand which our Father, the Master Potter, continues to shape and form as we grow in His Spirit.  Jesus' teachings reveal how we should live in order to show that we are, indeed, made in the Father's image.  And, the Holy Spirit continues to guide us along the path of righteousness.


How is the Master Potter shaping you?

Prayer:  We are so grateful, Father, that You created each one of us in Your image.  Let us be the clay in Your potter's hand as You mold and fashion us to be more and more like Christ Jesus, loving You and loving our neighbors as ourselves.  Amen.


  1. Aww that line about Master creating Adam was just so touching :')

    Lovely post Martha, as always!

    1. So glad you visited, Privy, and that this post touched you deeply. That means so much!
      Love and blessings!

  2. Oh, how nicely you've 'moulded' a simple anecdote into a wonderful lesson! And that sweet tiny tot is really an angel! all my love to her!

    1. She is my angel, Portia, and I so appreciate your compliment on this post. I will give her your love!
      Love and blessings!

  3. Loved the way you moulded the stories. And Virginia looks super happy.

    1. Virginia was, and is, still super happy with her crazy sand. Glad you liked how the stories worked together.
      Love and blessings!

  4. Amazing imagery, Martha. God is continually shaping all of His children. It never stops! There are times that the shaping isn't all that pleasant.

    Love and blessings!

    1. Yes, sometimes the molding is painful at worst and uncomfortable at best, but I'm reminded each day of its necessity to move us forward in His call to us.
      Love and blessings!


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