Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Let Not Your Hearts Be Troubled

John 14:27
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.  I do not give as the world gives.  Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

I a blog I read recently, the author questions why she can hear the negative words of Satan loud and clear, while the voice of God is the merest of whispers.  She describes in wrenching, heartfelt prose her intense longing to push the taunts of the devil away, and embrace only the presence of the Lord and His love for her.  She needs reassurance that, though she is in the world, she is not of it.

Don't we all feel that way at times?  How can we not when the world, Satan's kingdom, bombards us with disasters, dangers, death, and destruction the moment we turn on the evening news or peruse the latest headlines on the internet?  I, like this blogger I follow, struggle to blot out the noise stridently delivered to me, and strive to hang on to the truth of the Word.

God's Word.

How radically it conflicts with, challenges, opposes, the present vagaries of sin and impending doom!  How God's Word offers us instead infinite hope and endless freedom!

A complete about-face.

A turning toward the One who saves.  The One who provides.

The One who knows that this earth cannot give us peace.

The One who tells us we are not of this world, though we are caught up in its trials and tribulations.

God calls us to live out our lives for His honor and glory.

Simple as that.

Letting His kingdom come; His will be done.

Ignoring Satan at every turn, moment to moment, on our life's journey.

Faithfully following the path the Lord promised to us.  The way which would neither trouble our hearts nor cause fear to conquer us.

God's voice may only be a whisper, but when our ears are attuned to His loving witness, how can we not hear?

How can we not act?

How can we not have hope?

How can we not feel His peace which passes all understanding?


As Christians, we are called to live in this world, but not be of it.  How are you living this witness out in your life so that others may know the power and peace of Christ Jesus?

Prayer:  Jesus told us so many times, Father, to not be afraid because He has overcome the world and all our fears.  When our hearts are troubled, let us first turn to You, to Him, and to the Holy Spirit for solace, guidance and healing.  Grant us Your peace that we might pass that same peace on to those in need of your comfort and grace.  Amen.


  1. I so agree with you Martha there are many times when I feel terribly lost in the world without any sight of hope.

    But then it is such times that help us appreciate the good times more and cherish them.

    1. It is easy, Privy, for us to be distracted and discouraged by what we see in the world around us. That's what makes focusing on the Lord and the eternal hope He offers us so incredibly important!
      Love and blessings!

  2. Happens...and self-doubt is a big hindrance in our progress. Easier said than done but we just have to wait till the moment passes and make a resolve to be more positive.

    1. Being positive is key, isn't it? When self-doubt creeps in, we have to make that extra effort to turn away from it.
      Love and blessings!

  3. Great post Martha. I struggle to hear God's voice above the noise of the world. As I've mentioned before, I can be my own worst enemy. I do try to live my life differently--being in but not of the world--hopefully that comes out in my interactions both in person and through Facebook and Twitter.

    Love and blessings!

    1. I think all of us struggle in our own way to hear God's voice speaking to us amid the din of the world. And, you are doing a fine job in showing a loving person who is serving Christ and others.
      Love and blessings!


  4. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.***

    one of my all time favorite verses of all time.

    Lovely post. xx

    1. It is one of mine, too, MyInnerChick. So very reassuring and always a present help in times of trouble.
      Love and blessings!

  5. You certainly do have to tune in to Him to hear him. Sometimes He is loud and clear, which I love.

    1. I love it when He is loud and clear, too!
      Love and blessings!


Grace for the Race

  Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.  After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry...