Friday, July 25, 2014

Growing More and More

Virginia at the Georgia Aquarium

2 Thessalonians 1:3
We ought always to thank God for you, brothers and sisters, and rightly so, because your faith is growing more and more, and the love all of you have for one another is increasing.

Recently, we celebrate our granddaughter, Virginia Rose's, fourth birthday.  I think to myself, Where has the time gone?  It seems like only yesterday we were celebrating birthday number three!

But, time marches on and growth is inevitable.  Physically, emotionally, cognitively.

And, most importantly, spiritually.

When we are walking with Jesus, allowing the Holy Spirit to guide us, and worshiping our God afresh every day, how can we not recognize, and accept with gladness, all that He offers as daily gifts in our lives?

How can we not celebrate those moments of spontaneous fun?

Our God offers us a delightful array of surprises when we pray for eyes to see, and welcome Him into our lives with open hearts.

And, may we ever let our light shine brightly for His sake.

Savoring His goodness, His love, and His grace.

Viewing God's world through infant eyes of innocence, acceptance, and trust in Him.

Our grandchildren are growing more and more, and with every new day, their love increases.  May this be true for us, too.  For God isn't finished with us.  As our grand girls are dependent upon their parents and grandparents, so the Lord longs for our dependence upon Him.  He is Abba, Father.  The one and only true Parent of us all.  We are His precious children.

He celebrates, not just our birthdays, but every day in which we choose to be born again in Him.


Will you celebrate being born again in the Lord this day?

Prayer:  Loving Father, we thank You for growing our faith and building our trust in You.  Help us to always have love for one another, and for allowing that love to increase every day.  We ask that Your blessings be poured upon all the little children of this world.  May they know the power and comfort of Your unending and ever faithful love for them.  In the precious name of Jesus, we pray.  Amen.


  1. Lovely pictures. Virginia is such a pretty little girl. Thanks for sharing her birthday with us. Happy Birthday Virginia. many blessings.

    1. Thank you so much, Suzy! We are blessed to have a granddaughter who is beautiful both inside and out. And, yes, she had a very happy birthday. :)
      Love and blessings!

  2. Another meaningful post, Martha! You're granddaughters are beautiful and "growing like weeds". :)

    As I reflect on the last ten years, I've experienced so many changes--particularly in my relationship with the Lord. It was about ten years ago, that I really returned to the Lord and got serious about things.

    In the end, my life is not the same, not what it once was--and for that I'm thankful! The Lord brought a wonderful pastor into my life, who He has used greatly to minister to me. I'm doing things (namely preaching) that I never thought I would do!

    All praise, honor, and glory goes to God!

    Happy Birthday to Virginia!!

    Love and Blessings!

    1. Thank you, Kim, for your kind and lovely comments about the grand children!
      When we finally, as you said here, we "return(ed) to the Lord and {get} serious about things," that marvelous, wondrous things begin to happen and our lives seem to fall into place. That has been so true for me, and I imagine other Christians would have the same story to tell. Jesus makes all the difference, doesn't He?
      Love and blessings to you, too!

  3. She is beautiful and made me smile tonight. I have a 5 year old granddaughter and twin three year old grand boys. what blessings and sure do help us see the wonder and delight again.

    1. Oh, yes, Jean, you are so blessed with those grandchildren! I'm glad Virginia and Savannah brought a smile to your face. They make me smile, too!
      Love and blessings!

  4. Not sure if this will show up as a duplicate comment, Martha. Thank you for sharing the adorable photos of your granddaughters. They are a reminder of God's constant blessings in our lives. God makes so much time for us and loves us so much. How often do we dedicate every day of our lives to him? Your post made me wonder about that and encouraged me to let God play an even more important role in our daily life.

    Thank you for this post and encouraging message.

    1. So glad this message encouraged and inspired you, Vishnu! The girls always remind me of how richly God has blessed me. And, we do need to dedicate each day of our lives to Him.
      Love and blessings!

  5. Hi, Martha! ~

    Virginia Rose is such a beauty! I especially love the photo where she is blowing the party horn in Daddy's face -- haha! Instant classic!

    It is true, as you say, that "time marches on", however I disagree that "growth is inevitable". I see many people every day who refuse to grow and cling to what they know, like a baby clinging to a security blanket. Unfortunately, there is no security is avoiding growth.

    Thank you for this thoughtful and lovely post! xoxo

    1. Linda, I love your point about growth. As I wrote this, I was thinking about physical growth only; I'm painfully aware that there are many folks out there who refuse to grow spiritually. Such a shame!
      Glad you enjoyed the photos (the one with the party horn is my favorite, too), and thanks for your kind words about Virginia Rose. :)
      Love and blessings!

  6. Hi Martha, I'm a new visitor. Your granddaughter is darling. Aren't they just the best? We have two grandsons and we're having so much fun! Thanks for sharing these great pictures of the celebration!

    1. Hi, Deb, so glad you stopped by and took the time to leave a comment! Aren't grandchildren the absolute best? :) Glad you enjoyed the photos and hope you will visit often. I'm writing Meditations of My Heart sporadically from now until the end of August as I'm needing to spend time writing my next series of novels, but you can find me at my alternate blog, Moments and Musings -
      Love and blessings!

  7. Your grandkids are adorable!!! ♥

    1. Thank you! I'm prejudiced, but I think so, too. :)
      Love and blessings!


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