Tuesday, June 23, 2015

For It Is Not Me Speaking

Mark 3:13:11
Whenever you are arrested and brought to trial, do not worry beforehand about what to say.  Just say whatever is given you at the time, for it is not you speaking, but the Holy Spirit.

As those of you who regularly follow Meditations of My Heart already know, I submitted my second book in Adventures in The Glade to my publisher earlier this month.  The ending of Redemption, while seamlessly suited, is a sad one, so unlike previous novel endings which are either upbeat or cliff-hangers.  I think as I bundle the book and send it to my publisher, why not?  Why not break the rules you inadvertently set for yourself?  What's wrong with a not-so-happy ending?  After all, real life isn't about happily ever after, is it?

But over the next several days, my mind drifts back to the book.  To the ending.  I try to shake the feeling of uncertainty I have, but it refuses to be banished.  Instead, it grows, little by little, until it finally manifests into a restlessness which drives me back to the hard-copy manuscript lying on my desk.

I peruse the ending chapter of Redemption and the beginning paragraphs of the sequel, Revelation.  Then it hits.  Hard!  A bolt from the blue!  "I've got it!  I've got it!"  I shout to my husband, Danny, as I careen toward my computer.  "I know the ending Redemption should have!"

I pull up Word, and in a matter of minutes, write this:

 Davy lay restlessly upon his cot.  Visions of tomorrow with the promised river ride kept sleep at bay.  Those first glimpses of the Nantahala River played like a beloved song in his mind, calling to him, beckoning him to be one with the rolling rapids.  He felt something inexpressible was about to happen, but he could not fathom what that might be.  The feeling, both exciting and hopeful, remained elusive and indefinable.

Davy purposely turned his eyes toward the stars twinkling through the towering oaks.  What is it, Lord?  What will I find?  What will I know?  The stars winked their comforting acknowledgments, but offered no answers.  I'll find out tomorrow.  Racer will be with me then.  I'll find out tomorrow . . . 

I stare at these words, consumed by awe.  For once again, the Holy Spirit has seen fit to pay me an inspirational visit.  Of that, I am absolutely confident.  So much so, in fact, I do something I rarely, if ever, do.  I turn right around and send this addendum to my publisher.

No edits.

No changes.

Just.  As.  It.  Is.

For it is not me speaking.

It is the Holy Spirit.


Have you had an experience where you knew for certain the Holy Spirit was speaking to/through you?

Prayer:  Father, we thank You for the gift of Your Holy Spirit who comforts, leads, and guides us in Your perfect will for our lives.  May we be ever open to allowing the Holy Spirit to move in us and through us to Your honor and glory.  In Jesus' name, we pray.  Amen.


  1. Looking forward to reading these last two in the series Martha. Also agree with you there are those times when you definitely know He is speaking to and through you. I have seen that recently and it continually blows me away (and it is not in a sermon). :)

    1. It is definitely an experience which blows us away, Bill. How God works through His Holy Spirit defies description, though I've tried my best here to capture it. Glad you are looking forward to the next books - should be soon for #2!
      Love and blessings!

  2. Beautifully written and expressed Martha as always! Looking forward to reading your books.

    1. Thank you, Privy! Book #2 in the second series should be available soon. I will keep everyone posted.
      Love and blessings!

  3. wow what an "ah ha" moment, and better than that, you listened to it.
    good job.

    1. Yes, a definite "ah ha" which are precious gifts from God. He's taught me so much about listening, though I know I can still learn more!
      Love and blessings!

  4. Beautiful Martha! I'm so excited for you!

  5. Martha,
    How exciting! As a writer I can recall some times where what I was needing to write seemed to write itself; the same can be said for my sermons. When it comes to my sermons, I try to be open to the Spirit's leading as I'm preaching; therefore, I can "stray" a bit from my manuscript.

    Love and blessings!

    1. Yes, Kim, the Holy Spirit will let us "stray" from our script which we assume is in no need of improvement. How I love that about how God works! There is always more to learn and always ways to grow in faith and trust in Him.
      Love and blessings!

  6. Oh my gosh Martha, I love this! Yes, I have felt uneasiness about what I write very often. I know the message is right, but not the way I presented it. When I have the time to just sit on it, it seems that the Spirit comes to make it all so clear. It's so amazing, isn't it? I love your new ending!

    Please let us know what your publisher thinks, okay? May God continue to inspire you with creative ways to write :)

    1. Ceil, thanks for sharing your experiences with writing; it is always best to let our thoughts sit and rest and allow the Spirit to work it out in the way He wants it and always makes it clear. My publisher LOVED the ending, by the way!
      Love and blessings!

  7. Actually yes, I have had such a moment and it was illuminating. It proved without any doubt that not only was God with me and paying attention, but most of all that He really cared about me and my situation at the time. Did wonders for my faith.

    1. Amen, Kathy! What a powerful testimony! And it's so true - God cares about each and every one of us and our situations all the time. What an awesome gift we've been given!
      Love and blessings!

  8. It is how I have lived my life as long as I can remember. I once heard a sermon entitled "Are you someone the Holy Spirit can trust?" In other words, do you listen and obey? Funnily enough I had a really cool experience along those lines with a stranger at Starbucks this week and wrote a blogpost about it. It is wonderful to know you can be used - daily.

    1. What an amazing testimony, Carol -"It is how I have lived my life as long as I can remember." Wow! And isn't it such a comfort knowing the Holy Spirit does trust in us? Thanks so much for the visit today. Hope to see you here often. :)
      Love and blessings!

  9. WOW What a blessing and a witness. Thanks for sharing it with us as this encouraged all of us. Happy weekend!

    1. Yes, a blessing, indeed! I do hope it encourages others, Jean.
      Love and blessings!


Grace for the Race

  Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.  After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry...