Friday, June 19, 2015

Undivided Devotion

1 Corinthians 7:35
I am saying this for your own good, not to restrict you, but that you may live in a right way in undivided devotion to the Lord.

I really think paying attention to God is a key spiritual practice and one we don't always "pay attention" to.  ~Jean Wise at Healthy Spirituality 

When our granddaughter, Virginia Rose, visits with us, we engage in the usual activities:  Playing with Crazy Sand; building with Legos; searching Google images for pictures of spider webs (yes, I know that sounds odd, but she has a fascination with them); feeding the birds and squirrels, and completing several riotous rounds of the Sneaky, Snacky Squirrel Game.  But with Virginia's mother's birthday fast approaching, I steer her to the table, retrieve paper and crayons, and encourage her to create a memorable card.

Virginia works diligently, paying close attention to every detail as she draws.

Her devotion to her picture is undivided until the task is complete to her satisfaction.

Watching Virginia so focused upon her work makes me reflect on my own prayer life and relationship with God.  Am I praying with undivided attention?  Am I engrossed in His Word?  Am I paying attention to what the Lord is trying to tell me?

Or, am I flitting from pillar to post, allowing the vagaries of worldly thoughts to interfere with what should be a dedicated, distraction-free time with God?

As Jean Wise states above, "paying attention to God is a key spiritual practice."

I know the moments I spend with the Lord each day could use some fine tuning.

It's time for me to wake up and pay attention.


Are you giving your undivided devotion to God?  Are you paying attention?

Prayer:  Father, may we learn to pay better attention to You, not just in our study and prayer time, but throughout the day, that we might live, as Paul says, in a right way in undivided devotion to You.  In Jesus' name, we pray.  Amen.


  1. Martha, Virginia does give us a great example of focus and attention to what we have to do--what is in front of us. It can be challenging for me to focus when I'm spending time with the Lord. I've pondered for quite some time about quality time versus quantity time. My thoughts are that quality is better than quantity.

    Love and blessings!

    1. I think you've hit the nail on the head with quality trumping quantity, Kim. Of course, He wants our focus to be on Him in all we do, but those special, quiet times should allow nothing but God to be there.
      Love and blessings!

  2. Great photos too. She looks so beautiful. Thanks for the link too. Good message. At this retreat today I got off course for awhile consumed with worry, fear, uneasiness but then refocused on God and peace immediately captured my heart. Pay attention to the right thing!

    1. Oh, yes, Jean, we do need to pay attention to the right thing. So glad I could share a link to your amazing blog, too. Hope your retreat went swimmingly once you refocused.
      Love and blessings!

  3. Hi Martha! It's so true that the little ones lead us, isn't it?
    She does look so focused and engrossed in her labor of love. That's what prayer should be for me, a labor of love. Not a checkmark on my list of things to do today, and not something I should allow myself to wander away from.

    I love Jean's messages. What an inspiration to see you use her words to guide you,

    1. Jean is such an incredible guide, Ceil, I wholeheartedly agree!
      And the little ones? We only have to return to Jesus' take on the importance of the children among us. We are His children, and He wants us to worship and love with the same trust and abandon as an innocent child. The world is poison, and He is the antidote. The only one!
      Love and blessings!

  4. I love the pictures of your sweet granddaughter! And what a great reminder. May devotion linger on every breath we take and may we see through eyes that are ever fixed on loving God.

    1. "Eyes that are ever fixed on loving God." It is all that matters, it is all that makes life real and meaningful. There is no other and there is nothing better. I know He has filled completely the hole in my aching heart. Thanks be to God!
      Love and blessings, dear daughter!

  5. Oh Martha, this was a special post. Your granddaughter is adorable, and what a wonderful lesson God gave you. I am taking it to heart. When it comes to prayer, I think that I am like that phrase - "The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak." I get so distracted. I focus on fear and forget to bring my worries to Him. May He help me to lay aside the things of this world, and learn even more how to bask in His Presence.


  6. Lately God has gotten my attention through others also. Reminders He is active in my life even when I am not active in His. Grace..

  7. Lately God has gotten my attention through others also. Reminders He is active in my life even when I am not active in His. Grace..

  8. What a lovely reminder there Martha and with some beautiful pictures. It is always a pleasure reading about Virginia :)

  9. I'm trying to pay attention Martha but in this world that fights so much for our attention, it's difficult:) I know God is found in the silence of our prayer - the early morning hours is when I can most focus and dedicate prayer to Him.


Grace for the Race

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