Tuesday, June 16, 2015

God's Thoughts, God's Ways

Isaiah 55:8-9
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the Lord.  "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways."

I'm driving my granddaughter, Virginia Rose, home last Tuesday after a marvelous play date when we hear the sound of sirens.  Sure enough!  Here comes a fire engine, lights flashing gaudily, barreling down the road with an ambulance trailing close behind.

"Look, Gammie, look!"  Virginia exclaims excitedly.  "It's a firetruck and ambulance!"

"I see, sweetie," I say.  "They must be on their way to an emergency somewhere near here."

We drive on for several more miles with Virginia babbling on about this thing and that.  She does love to talk, that's for sure.  I get such a kick out of all her stories, but I have to be careful when I time a comment, or I might hear, "Gammie, I wasn't finished.  You interrupted me."

"Oops!  I'm sorry, Virginia," I always promptly say.  "I didn't mean to."

As we round a bend (and there are plenty of bends in the route we take from my house to hers), we spy another fire truck, this time with no siren blaring or lights flashing.  Virginia is instantly curious.  "Gammie, why are there no sirens and lights?"

"Because this truck has already seen to the emergency and is on its way back to the fire house," I explain.

"Gammie," Virginia declares brightly, "you're so smart.  You know everything!"

Oh, how her statement makes me laugh!  Because the older I get, the more I realize how little I really do know, and the more I stand in awe of our God whose ways and thoughts are vastly higher than any of us can imagine.  

To almost five-year-old Virginia, of course, the thoughts of adults appear to be just as lofty and unfathomable as we regard God's.  One day, when she is all grown up, she will see the light and understand the limits of the human mind.

Until that day comes, I pray that any knowledge this Gammie passes on to her will serve her well and lead her to look to God's ways and thoughts to guide her life.

And guard her heart.


Do you have an amusing or touching story about something your child or grandchild said to you?  Please share!

Prayer:  Father, may we never forget that Your ways and Your thoughts are so much higher than ours, they are beyond our comprehension.  Yet You, in Your mercy, sent Your Son, Christ Jesus, to reveal who You are to us so we might understand Your will for our lives.  Thank You, Father, for loving us so much.  In Jesus' name, we pray.  Amen.


  1. Aww that was so sweet and smart of her!

    It reminds me of my youngest cousin sister. Who is like more than two decades younger to me but the way I play with her, she believes that I am just a few years older to her.

    So one day she takes me along to her friend's house to play. When her friend looks at me top and bottom and frowns, she promptly replies " Oh she just looks that big. You see she had lot of Bournvita. She is like us and she will play with us don't worry!"

    I still laugh whenever I think of these words of hers as they remind me how I will perhaps always be young at heart ;)

    1. Oh, what a precious story, Privy! Thanks so much for sharing with me. And yes, I think you will ever be young at heart, my friend.
      Love and blessings!

  2. Martha, I so enjoy reading/hearing what my friends' children/grandchildren say and do. It really helps keep things in perspective. The verse you shared from Isaiah is meaningful and so true. When I'm tempted to question God's ways, I remind myself (or try too) of this verse.

    Love and blessings!

    1. Yes, it's a great verse, Kim, and always a reminder that we in no way have things figured out. It's a relief, too, isn't it, to know everything is in God's hands?
      Love and blessings!

  3. delightful and good reflection too. Love how you tell stories, Grammie!

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Jean. Yes, I love telling stories - so much a part of who God made me to be!
      Love and blessings!

  4. Such a precious story! I just love how kids look at the world. And it's such a treasure when they think we know and can do everything. I remember one Halloween with my youngest son, and he was probably 8 or 9. He decided he wanted to be a dragon, and wanted me to make his costume. I remember how disappointed he was when he discovered that I couldn't actually make him fly. "But you can do anything, Mom." Such a sweet sentiment, and I'll never forget it!

    Fortunately, we have a heavenly Father who can indeed make us soar on wings like eagles!


    1. Oh, what a sweet, sweet story you have shared here, Sharon! What amazing confidence our children have in us and what a trust that is as we help them to grow into responsible and loving young men and women.
      And I'm thankful as you are for our Father in heaven who does give us the wings of eagles. For with God, nothing is impossible!
      Love and blessings!

  5. I'm sure I do have one but they are many. My grandson loves to laugh and joke with me and watch movies (action kind) and we have laughed more than I can remember or share. Some are spontaneous and some more detailed.

    1. I'm sure you have a blast with your grandson, Bill. Being a parent was wonderful, but being a grandparent takes the cake, doesn't it?
      Love and blessings!

  6. When my daughter was little she explained infinity to me, how numbers were and people were not. I nearly drove off the road when she asked me not to go anywhere for a while. She was three, maybe four.

    1. Oh, my goodness, Brenda, what an amazing story! She was one gifted and insightful child and I'm sure she's turning out to be an amazing young lady. Thanks for sharing!
      Love and blessings!


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