Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled

Virginia trying out her new school backpack

John 14:27
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.  I do not give as the world gives.  Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

Our granddaughter, Virginia Rose, turned five on July 21st of this year.  This means she is entering kindergarten on Monday, August 3rd (Yes, school is year-round where we live, hence an early start date).  She is beside herself with excitement for and in anticipation of this new adventure.  While a part of me is happy because Virginia is, there is another part of this Gammie that is grieving.

Where has the time gone?  How can Virginia possibly be ready for such a dramatic change having just turned five?  She's never even been in a church nursery on a regular basis!  How will she adjust and acclimate to this new schedule, these new environs?

My heart, I admit, is troubled.  Having worked in schools for many years as both a paraprofessional and a teacher, I'm too well aware of the pressures placed upon children to perform and achieve.  All in the name of test scores.  While kindergarten may not harbor such onerous threats at first, the underlying current is there.  I'm not worried that Virginia can't grasp the concepts presented.  I'm concerned that, in the process, her creativity and spontaneity will be squelched.

Lord, my heart is troubled.

And I am fearful for my beloved Virginia.  Always outgoing and friendly, trusting and forthcoming, she is about to be hit by the baggage of twenty other classmates as they interact on a daily basis.  What happens when a child, frustrated because of an unsavory occurrence at home that morning, strikes her or another child in anger?  What then?  How will she deal with that?  How will the teachers?

Lord, my heart is troubled.

But You admonish me to be neither troubled nor afraid.

And tell me Your peace is sufficient.

So, Lord, I will pray for Virginia and trust in You to be with her in all things.

I have to let go and let You.

How did you feel when your oldest child or grandchild began kindergarten?  Or, how did you feel on your first day at school?  Please share in the comments!

Prayer:  Father, today we pray for all the children entering school for the first time and for their teachers.  Cover them with Your love and grace.  Bless them and keep them close to You.  All this we ask in the name of Your Son, Jesus, who invited the little children to come to Him.  Amen.


  1. Hugs Martha, I can understand your concerns. As someone who has not only witnessed those pressures but also bore the brunt of them for quite some time I can say one thing for sure, with the wonderful support of a family like yours I am sure she will sail through it all with a smile :)

    Wishing her all the luck and love for her first day and ahead too!

    Take care

    1. Thank you for your well wishes, Privy, and for sharing your own feelings about the process. We will certainly be supportive of all Virginia's efforts and I'm praying for a wonderful year for her.
      Love and blessings!

  2. Martha, I'm simply sending hugs and prayers your way. Even though I'm not a parent, I share your concerns, knowing how the educational system is organized now. I agree with Privy, with you and her parents' love, support, and encouragement, she will thrive!

    Love and blessings!

    1. The hugs and prayers are so welcome, Kim! Yes, one way or the other, we will help Virginia and the other girls through the school years. I'm hoping down the road my daughter will decide to home school.
      Love and blessings!

  3. It's really hard to let go. My oldest grand child is starting her junior year of high school, starts her new job on Monday and life is moving too fast. I worry constantly but also lay the 'concerns' out for the Lord to handle. I cannot be with them all the time. Each of our six grand children have different needs and interests but it's the teen and pre-teen years I worry the most. Be assured grandma she will be ok.

    1. Yes, Sharon, letting go is difficult at best. And it's hard to watch our grandchildren grow up so fast, but they have a way of doing that. You are blessed, indeed, to have six of them. Praying they all have a wonderful year in school!
      Love and blessings!

  4. oh the grew up so quickly don't they? My oldest grand just turned 6 and will be going to kindergarten. yes the hurts, the conflicts, the learning and growing. Hard to step back and watch. I think parenting the adult child is harder because we do have to let go completely. That is one surprise for me. trust and prayer are the only ways.... good thought. She is so cute!

    1. Jean, it sounds like you and I are in the same boat with our oldest grandchildren starting school. It is hard to let go, it really is, but I am praying for her and trusting God to be there with her. Hope your grandchild has a wonderful school year!
      Love and blessings!

  5. Hi Martha! God bless your Gammie-heart my friend. It's such a joy to see Virginia's photo here, so happy and so excited for a new path. I know that God will take care of her, and ease your heart for her. Love makes us want to cover our families in bubble wrap, doesn't it? I feel the same way about my granddaughters.

    I will pray that God will cover her and you with His joy and peace. And I hope you hear many stories of fun and learning from your dear granddaughter too.

    1. Thank you, Ceil, for your prayers and comforting comment here. I love your imagery of the bubble wrap - it's perfect! That's what we want to do with our children and grandchildren, keeping them protected from the vagaries of the world, but we have to trust God will take care of them when we cannot be there.
      Love and blessings!

  6. Our school started yesterday but it is not year round...yet. Fall Break. Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks. Built in snow days. Possible 2 weeks for Spring break depending on the snow. It will soon be year round. As for Virginia, my 8 y/o grandson concerns me. With a father who is worldly and teaches him nothing about God, I can be fearful. Or I can pray. I prefer to do the latter.

    1. Oh, boy, Bill, that's quite the dilemma with your grandson. I agree that your best weapon is praying for him and for the family that they come to know Jesus. As we both know, God can change hearts!
      Love and blessings!


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