Friday, July 15, 2016

Ready for Adventure!

Job 33:4
The Spirit of God has made me; the breath of the Almighty gives me life.

In the scorching heat of summer here in Georgia, it is such a blessing to be able to take our granddaughter, Virginia Rose to an indoor playground called "Catch Air."  What an appropriate name as catching one's breath outside when the weather is extremely hot or frigidly cold can be problematic.

From the moment we enter the venue, Virginia is in perpetual motion.  Whether it's immersing herself in a an ocean of buoyant plastic balls,

or conquering the world,

or riding high on top of it,

Virginia's heart is more than ready for adventure!

Here she is "behind bars," but rest assured, she won't stay there for long!

The giant, green slide is her guaranteed escape, and she visits it numerous times.

Sweat-drenched, and needing a pause from all her frenetic activities, Virginia finds rest in building with larger-than-life Lego blocks.  Like the ancient dreamed when constructing the Tower of Babel, she wants to make it go all the way to the top.

It isn't long before other children arrive and remake the tower in their own image.

But by this time, Virginia no longer cares.  She makes the most of another photo opportunity aboard this inflated, rotating climbing attraction.

Then, just as we prepare to depart, Virginia thinks one more slide is needed to round out our two hours of playtime.

I've known Virginia Rose since the day she was born, yet never have I seen her expend the amount of energy she displays today.  She is the perfect testament to unbridled joy, that same joy given to each of us through the breath of the Almighty.

Virginia, in her constant embrace of the present moment, personifies the Spirit of God that has made her.

May we all dare to live so abundantly, trusting in God's love and grace.

Always ready for the the adventures He has in store for us!


Is God calling you to new adventures today?

Prayer:  Father, we thank You for Your breath which breathes life into us.  May we ever be open to the adventures upon which You are calling us to embark.  Let Your Holy Spirit so dwell within us that we do all things to Your honor and glory.  In Jesus' name, we pray.  Amen.


  1. Such a perfectly timed read for me Martha as I also feel He is calling me to new adventures today.

    The pictures and the narration is so heartwarming. I felt I was there witnessing her joy and enthusiasm.

    1. Thank you, Privy! I'm glad the Lord is calling you to new adventures, and that this post spoke to your heart today.
      Love and blessings!

  2. Great post, Martha! I'm trying to get myself to the place I'm always ready for a new adventure. Of course, with the Lord, every day can be an adventure! The indoor play area looks amazing!

    Love and blessings!

    1. Yes, every day CAN be an adventure with our Lord! And it is a wonderful place, where kids are free to run and play to their hearts content. Can't tell you how many trips we made to the water fountain. LOL!
      Love and blessings!

  3. Doesn't this make you want to be a kid again. What fun. What joy. You brought me delight this evening by sharing this!

    1. Oh, yes, it certainly does make me want to be a kid again, Jean! But it was also rewarding just watching Virginia have fun.
      Love and blessings!

  4. As a matter of fact Martha, I do believe the Lord is calling me to step out in faith in a couple of areas...

    1. Oh, I'll be interested to hear where the Lord is leading you, Betty!
      Love and blessings!

  5. As a matter of fact Martha, I do believe the Lord is calling me to step out in faith in a couple of areas...

  6. Thanks Martha for the adorable photos. I've spent some time in these play areas with my nephews. We forget about adventure as we grow up but we can always have adventure in our life if we take time for it.

    1. Vishnu, I'm glad you've been able to have times like these with your nephews. Time spent with the little ones are always precious!
      I think God is ever calling us to new experiences and adventures. We just have to answer Him with a resounding 'yes!'
      Love and blessings!


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