Friday, July 29, 2016

When It Rains . . .

Luke 6:38
Give, and it will be given to you.  A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap.  For with the measure you use, it be measured to you.

Last Friday is a long workday for my husband, Danny, who most of you know does the cooking here at the Orlando Cafe.  "Why don't we just order a pizza?"  I suggest.

Danny is visibly relieved.  "That sounds great to me," he says, and promptly proceeds to go on line to place an order with our newest, favorite pizza chain, Marco's.  (If you like thin crust, friends, theirs is to die for!)

"Scheduled delivery time: 7:12," Danny announces, glancing at his watch.  "Thirty minutes sounds too good to be true, but we'll see."  And changing the subject, he adds, "After we eat, I'm going to have to run the sprinklers again.  This ninety-degree heat is going to kill the moss."

"Not to mention kill our water bill," I observe.  "Isn't there any chance of a pop-up storm tonight?"

"Doesn't look that way right now," says Danny.

I sigh, and decide to spend some time on Facebook before the pizza arrives.  Danny does the same.  Before we know it, there is a knock on the door.  "Can that be the Marco's delivery guy so quickly?"  I ask in amazement.

"Seven-twelve!"  Danny declares.  "Right on the button!"

He pays the driver while I hurriedly grab napkins, plates and forks.  Danny sets the pizza box and an order of chicken wings on the table.  Chicken wings???  He never orders chicken wings!  Oh, well, maybe he had a hankering for them.  Come to think of it, I'm in the mood for wings, too.  No sooner are the pizza slices on our plates and the first bites taken, when there is another knock on the door.  Danny and I exchange quizzical looks as he gets up to answer it.

Momentarily, Danny returns to the table with another pizza box and an order of chicken nuggets.  "What's all this?"  I wonder aloud.

"This is the order I originally placed," Danny explains.  "The driver got them mixed up, so it looks like we got two meals for the price of one!"

"What a deal!"  I exclaim, laughing.  "When it rains, it pours!"

"Sure wish it would," Danny responds.

We enjoy our meal, and store the leftovers, which are plenteous, in the fridge.  As I begin to load the dishwasher, I hear it faintly, still in the distance.  It is the unmistakable sound of thunder.  Can it be?  Could we possibly be in the path of this pop-up?  Oh, Lord, let it rain!

As if on cue, I hear the first pitter-patter of rain hitting the stove vent.  The leaves on the maple tree outside the kitchen window reflect the first shimmering drops.  And then?

The bottom drops out!

No wishy-washy rain here.  It's a gully-washer!

As Danny and I watch gleefully from our French doors that look out on our deck, we both feel overwhelmingly blessed.  Unexpected food in the fridge and no sprinklers tonight!

Danny looks at me and smiles.  "When it rains, it pours!"


When did God last shower you with unexpected blessings?

Prayer:  Father, thank You for all the good things You give to us in abundance, more than we could ask for, and much more than we deserve.  May we continue to give to and love others as You commanded, showing them Your light and grace.  In Jesus' name, we pray.  Amen.


  1. Martha, You and Danny received a couple of blessings recently; those unexpected ones are the best kind. Just today, I had the unexpected blessing of contacting a local person about my gutters--he came today (just before lunch), gave me an estimate, and came back after lunch to do a quick repair (for the weekend). He'll be here Monday to tear off the old (and dispose of it) and put the new up. I pray the estimate is correct (it's pretty pricey!!), however, it needs doing.

    Love and blessings!

    1. Blessing upon blessing, Kim! I really believe that when we are dedicated to living our lives out for the Lord in faith and trust, our blessings aren't sprinkles, they're downpours (why you need those gutters working!) Get ready, for His best is yet to come!
      Love and blessings!

  2. Hmmm been awhile since I have received free food. :) But I certainly can't complain about the way God blesses us. We have been receiving our share of pop ups as well. Saturating pop ups. But you gotta take what you get when you get it. :)

    1. Oh, yes, Bill, we'll always take what we can get when it comes to rain! May we all be aware of how God is blessing us even when it might not "feel" that way.
      Love and blessings!

  3. I love your storytelling and glimpse into your evening. so many ordinary blessing escape us unless we capture them and you did here with these words. mmmm I could smell the pizza! LOL

    1. Thank you, Jean! I truly do love telling stories whenever I can in my posts. And yes, the pizza was excellent! :)
      Love and blessings!


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