Friday, July 1, 2016


Luke 18:16
But Jesus called the children to him and said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these."

When we attend VBS several weeks ago, our granddaughter, Virginia Rose, is enamored with the puppet character, Snappy the Crab, official mascot of the Surf Shack.  We bring home a sheet each day that recaps the key phrase and Bible story learned, and Snappy is always prominently featured on these.  Needless to say, on of the first things Virginia wants to do when we get home is color her new buddy.

As I observe how correctly and carefully Virginia's crayons bring Snappy to life, it dawns on me that Virginia might not realize her BFF is a puppet.  I wonder if she thinks he's a living, breathing crab?  In case she does, I decide not to burst that precious bubble of childhood innocence.  Instead, I am given a one-of-a-kind opportunity to make Snappy as real as real can be.

"Virginia," I say when I notice one of kitchen chair pads carelessly tossed on the floor, "how did that cushion get over there?  Snappy!  Did you do it?  You did?  You little rascal!"

That's all it takes to reel Virginia in, hook, line and sinker!  Every time we discover something out of place or "hidden" where it shouldn't be, it's always because Snappy is engaged in his mischievous ways.  When she's sure I'm not looking, Virginia aids Snappy in his escapades, her imagination revved to overdrive.  Oh, how we laugh at this crab's impish tricks!

The next day at VBS, Virginia regales the class with tales of Snappy's antics.  I can tell by the way she talks about him that somewhere, deep down inside, she truly believes Snappy is alive.  Even though she know that she is responsible for some of the crab's actions, the line separating imagination from rational thought simply hasn't formed in her mind.  To Virginia, everything, no matter how far-fetched it seems to us grown-ups, is still possible.

And I think Jesus wants us to have the same mindset.  One that trusts fully, believes mightily, and knows that with God, all things are possible.

Because indeed, with God, they are.

I leave you today with one of Virginia's favorite songs from VBS, Shine Bright.  May it inspire you to shine brightly for God today and every day!


For the next several weeks, I will be posting on Wednesday instead of Tuesday as I join a Christian blogging group in reading and reflecting upon The Discipline of Grace by Jerry Bridges.  I am truly looking forward to this change of pace from my usual devotionals, and do hope you will enjoy this journey with me.
Looking forward to seeing you all next Wednesday!


  1. If only we could believe as little would be so much easier :)

  2. Oh Martha, I simply LOVE this post. Virginia is at a great age where fantasy and reality are fused--imagination is a wonderful thing--it certainly helps in simply accepting the miracles that occurred in the Bible. Oh to have the simple faith of a child!

    Love and blessings!

    1. Oh, yes, Kim! I truly believe God never wants us to let go of His miraculous possibilities. It is also what keeps us young in both heart and mind.
      Love and blessings!

  3. OK, I want to meet Snappy!! I'm still a lover of stuffed animals, and have a bench full of them. Of course, everyone has to have a name. I have a little elephant that was given to me when I was 1. Snippy is now 61 years old, and a treasure!

    Yes, it's wonderful to retain that childlike way of having wonder. I think it's one of the things that Jesus loves so much in children, and delights when we retain it.

    And hey, I like Virginia's idea - maybe I'll blame Snippy the next time the chocolate gets eaten up!


    1. The good news, Sharon? You CAN meet Snappy! I ordered him from Cokesbury for Virginia's upcoming birthday. I can't wait to see her face when she opens that gift!
      While I can't say I have stuffed animals on display with the exception of two squirrels (Racer from my books), I have many stored in the attic of my mother's home. Next time I go down to her house (and the weather is cooler), I plan to dig them out for a nostalgic look.
      And yes, Snappy is an ideal scapegoat, is he not? Oh, and I'll help you with that chocolate!
      Love and blessings!


Grace for the Race

  Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.  After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry...