Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Something to Smile About

Lamentations 3:22-23
Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed,
for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.

Three weeks ago, while my husband, Danny, and I are at Jekyll Island, our oldest granddaughter, Virginia Rose, loses both of her front baby teeth.  This certainly changes her appearance, wouldn't you agree?

And every time I see them, two-year-old Savannah Jane and fourteen-month-old Alexandra Nancy have learned new words and gained new skills.

Savannah can't quite say "Gammie" yet - it comes out "Mimi," which is cute because it's Danny's mother's name!

And Alexandra?  Just the other day she said, "Thank you, Mama," to my daughter!  Just wow!

The girls may vary in looks and ages, but I see the common threads of joy and curiosity woven through all of them.  Just being around them always makes me smile!

While it's hard to see all our little grands growing up so fast, growth, and the changes it brings, is inevitable.  And though there will be an end to a child's physical growth one day, there is no limit to how much she or he can continue to grow mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Just as the Lord's compassion toward us is new every morning, we can look at each new day as an opportunity to learn new things, to expand our minds, and most importantly, move that much closer to God in faith and trust.

We can reawaken the wonder and curiosity of the child within us, looking at the seemingly ordinary things around us as if seeing them for the first time.  We can dare to have joy even in the midst of darkness and troubles.

Because we can rest assured of God's great love and unfailing compassion for His children, no matter how young or old we are.

And that's something to smile about!



  1. Martha, your post is beautiful and spot on. I'm learning to see each new day as a gift from God--a fresh start (like the beginning of the year)--a chance to learn and grow in many ways. I'm so thankful for God's great faithfulness!

    Your grand-daughters are so precious! And yes, Virginia's appearance without her two front teeth is changing!

    Love and blessings!

    1. Kim, I'm glad you are seeing each day as God's gift; I think we all should view it that way.
      And thanks for your sweet words about the grands. Virginia does look so different, doesn't she?
      Love and blessings!

  2. Martha, I'm smiling!!! Thanks for sharing those precious pictures and reminding us that we are never done growing spiritually. God is so good to us.

    1. Beckie, I'm so glad this post made you smile!
      Yes, God is so very good to us and, in my case, very patient, too. Thanks be to God!
      Love and blessings!

  3. Such beautiful, precious children! You are truly blessed! And yes, I am glad that God continues to watch us grow and even helps to bring it along, gently, sweetly, and even when it seems aggressively...always tempered with His grace. What a wonderful Father. Amen!

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Pamela! Like you, I am so grateful for our Father in heaven who cares about each and every one of us so deeply, and takes joy in our growing closer to Him.
      Love and blessings!

  4. I love the diversity in your grandchildren Martha. As for Virginia Rose: I tell all the little kids who go through that stage that it may look different but it is great for using a straw.

    1. Lol, Bill! It is the perfect framework for using a straw, I agree. And thanks for your kind words about the grands. God's amazing genetic mix at work!
      Love and blessings!

  5. Sweet, sweet grandbabies. God's gift to us in this season, yes?

    Celebrating love, laughter, joy and tears with you, Martha ...

    1. Truly, God's gift, Linda! Being a parent is amazing, but being a grandparent? Indescribable!
      Love and blessings!

  6. Hi Martha! Last weekend I visited my daughter and her three children (all under the age of 5). Now that's some energy!
    Love the gap-tooth smile on your granddaughter, isn't it lovely that she doesn't feel self conscious? All the things they learn, and the leaps and bounds of language and joy is so fulfilling, isn't it? I know your daughter is a wonderful mom, she learned from the best!

    1. Wow, Ceil, that was a high energy weekend, for sure, but I know you had a blast! There's nothing like grandchildren, is there?
      And surprisingly, Virginia is not self-conscious about the gap in her mouth. She really has a lot of confidence in herself, and for that I'm so grateful.
      Disclaimer: I don't know if she learned from the best, but my daughter is an incredible mom. She was born to the role. :)
      Love and blessings!

  7. Those pics sure do make one smile. Joyfilled post here. Thanks Martha and have a joy filled weekend too.

    1. Thank you, Jean! Smiling always does us good, right?
      Love and blessings!

  8. I am just amazed at how big she's getting. Time goes by so fast.

    1. Brenda, yes, the time is flying! Can't wait to see the girls this Monday when I pick Virginia up at the bus stop.
      Love and blessings!


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