Friday, October 14, 2016

Take a Walk on the Prayer Side

James 5:16
The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.

I hate to admit this, having lived in the Fairfax neighborhood for eleven years, but I only know a handful of my neighbors by name.  Sure, I recognize faces when folks are out walking their dogs or working in their yards, but learning who they are beyond a friendly wave?  Sadly, no.

Something happens recently, though, which promises to change all that.  Many of us are connected online through a chat room entitled Neighborhood Fairfax.  Tom posts that he is discouraged by the state of disrepair into which the sign at the entrance of our neighborhood has fallen.  This precipitates a lively exchange as many of us suggest ideas and solutions.

Before we know it, an artistically talented man by the name of Ron, volunteers to completely overhaul the sign if we are willing to contribute monetarily.  I am delighted by the eager response of my neighbors as pledges come pouring in!  And just look at Ron's marvelous handiwork replete with fall decorations!

Now it might seem like I'm shifting subjects here, but bear with me.  It is only days after the sign is erected that I read a post by my blogging friend, Beckie Lindsey, at Spotlight about the concept of Prayer Walking.  Beckie writes:  The idea of prayer walking through your community is to allow your prayers to extend beyond your own concerns, focusing on the needs of others, while opening yourself to see them with God's eyes and heart.  Prayer Walking is simply taking our prayers to the very places we desire to see God's presence manifested.

What an awesome concept!  I decide, then and there, to skip the treadmill at the gym and instead, walk through Fairfax, praying for those living in each and every home.  I ask God to pour His blessings of love, grace and peace on all who dwell there; I pray, too, that if they do not yet know Jesus, that God would lead them to accept Him as their Lord and Savior.

I have to say, without reservation, that this is the best walk I've ever experienced.

I didn't think about me, or how tired my legs were feeling (we have a lot of hills in our 'hood), or how hot the day was waxing.  My entire being is focused on prayer.

On God.

On my neighbors.

I still can't put names with the faces, though I'm holding out hope.  But after my prayer walk, I feel I love and appreciate my neighbors in an entirely new way.

God's way.



Meditations of My Heart will be on hiatus next week as Danny and I head for the North Carolina mountains.  It's our first visit to a cabin during the peak leaf-changing season, so we are really pumped!  As usual, when I get away like this, I tune down/turn off social media, so will not be reading/commenting on any of your always wonderful blogs.  I will return here on WEDNESDAY, not the usual Tuesday, October 26th.  God's blessings to you all!


  1. Wonderful idea, Martha! May God give us the prayers to pray for our neighbors.

    1. Yes, it is! So thankful to Beckie for making me aware of this.
      Love and blessings!

  2. Martha, prayer is such a powerful weapon--one that makes a huge difference in lives (a difference that isn't always readily noticeable). A few times over the last several years, I was blessed to listen to a man who is a prayer walker (God called him to this ministry years ago). He literally goes throughout the world walking and reclaiming territory/land for God!

    Love and blessings!

    1. Oh, wow, what a story, Kim! What if we all made a committed practice to that kind of prayer walking? I imagine we could make a huge difference for the better in our communities.
      Love and blessings!

  3. What a beautiful way to take a walk...a prayer walk! I love this. We walk everyday, but don't have very many human neighbors. Many of the homes nearby are vacation homes, and we never or rarely ever see anyone there. But recently God led me to contact one such neighbor due to some problems at their cottage, and a new friendship has formed online. I believe God directed this, and I now pray for this "neighbor" frequently. So, perhaps I need to do this for the other homes as well, even if I never do see the people. God knows where they are! Great idea! Thank you.

    1. Oh, what a remarkable story, Pam! I'm with you in thinking this new connection was definitely God-inspired.
      Since you don't have many human neighbors, perhaps the next time you are out shopping, you could say a silent prayer for each person you come across as you go up and down those aisles. Couldn't hurt!
      Love and blessings!

  4. what a neat application of being neighborly. I don't know my neighbors well either. I know some of the ones that have been here for awhile but there are new ones I really don't know. I will begin to pray for them Great idea.

    1. Glad you liked the idea, too, Jean! It is a perfect way to be neighborly.
      Love and blessings!

  5. Prayer walking. That is beyond brilliant! Thank you for this wonderful idea. I'm going to start prayer walking and prayer driving. Perfect inspiration today!

    1. Ooh! Prayer driving, too? That's a great idea, Galen!
      Love and blessings!

  6. Hi Martha! Have a wonderful trip and break!
    I love walking outside myself, but never really thought about the Prayer Walking aspect. Thank you for introducing it here. I'm so happy for you that you had such a fulfilling walk and prayer time. That's a huge blessing for you, and for your neighbors. Who knows what your prayer began in someone?
    See you back soon,

    1. It was a blessing for me, indeed, Ceil, and I do hope it blessed others, too. We are back now from a much needed rest, and I will be repeating this prayer walk exercise really soon, especially since the weather is cooler.
      Love and blessings!

  7. Oh Martha ... a prayer walk, yes.

    I'll remember this the next time I make my way through the neighborhood. Talk about redeeming the time, yes?

    Thanks for this sacred invitation.

    1. Yes, Linda, a marvelous way to redeem our time, to remember to love our neighbors, and to simply enjoy God's creation while we're at it. :)
      Love and blessings!

  8. What a wonderful idea, thanks for sharing and inspiring.
    Have a great vacation.

    1. Glad you liked the idea, TC, and I hope you'll try it out soon.
      Yes, our vacation was just what the doctor ordered!
      Love and blessings!


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