Friday, May 19, 2017

Amazing Company

Philippians 1:18b-19
Yes, and I will continue to rejoice, for I know through your prayers and God's provision of the Spirit of Jesus Christ what has happened to me will turn out for my deliverance.

Surgery day has arrived at last!  I hurry through coffee and breakfast so I can get over to the hospital no later than mid-morning.  With the operation scheduled for 12:30, I want to have ample time with Danny beforehand, and I need to make arrangements for the hospital chaplain to pay us a visit.

I can't help but recall Danny's previous two surgeries - one to install the original defibrillator and the other to replace the battery - when our former pastor, Wallace, arrives in time to pray with both of us, then stays with me throughout the entire procedure.  What comfort this gives me, and what peace of mind it gives Danny to know I won't be waiting out the ordeal alone.

This time around, everything's different.  Though we feel, still, the incredible calm generated by the prayers of so many, there's simply nothing like having a believer physically present, to join hands, and pray aloud over us.  I can't help but wonder what the St. Joseph's chaplain will be like.

About an hour after I make the request, a middle-aged man in a wheelchair appears at Danny's doorway.  A warm smile engulfs his bespectacled face.  "Am I at the right room?"  he asks in a voice as pleasant as his expression.  "I was told you all wished to see the chaplain."

"Yes, yes," says Danny eagerly.  "Please come in!"

James, as he introduces himself, rolls into the room and settles his chair near the foot of Danny's bed.  He wants to hear our story, of how and why we came here, where we are from, and what we do at home.  As we speak in turn, James listens empathetically and with genuine interest.  A born pastor, I think to myself, and perfectly suited for a chaplain's role.

When James hears the part where we leave the cabin in such a hurry, I don't think to bring my Bible, he regards me kindly, and says, "I'll see to it that you get one today before the surgery.  That's a promise."

I am grateful beyond words!

James lingers much longer than we expect, and we are both so happy he does; he is amazing company!  Finally, we join hands and, though I can't remember exactly what James speaks in prayer, Danny and I are instantly filled with God's peace and assurance.

And in the midst of uncertainty, we can rejoice.

To be continued . . .



  2. Martha, God is so good. Thanking Him for James. I'm still praying for you and Danny. Thanks for including your readers friends on this journey.
    In Christ's love,

    1. I'm thanking Him for James, too, Beckie. What a gentle, caring soul he was/is. Thanks for the continued prayers - they mean so much!
      Love and blessings!

  3. What a blessing to have a ministering "angel" in the form of a chaplain come "wheeling" in to pray with you. God knew exactly who you would need. He's always right on time too!!! Thank you for this continued beautiful story.

    1. Oh, yes, Pam, God sent us the perfect pastor in James for that very moment. He was an absolute joy!
      Glad, too, that you are staying tuned to the story.
      Love and blessings!

  4. It's so amazing how God watched over you and Danny through this scary and sad event away from home and family. A line of a song just came to my mind - "The God of angel armies is always on my side." So true, isn't it? Love and hugs to you, Martha!

    1. Oh, Trudy, I absolutely LOVE that song! We used to play that quite often when we were in the praise band at church. What an awesome concept it is - that the God of the whole universe is also right beside us. Wow! I'm so grateful.
      Love and blessings!

  5. Praise God for James ... an angel in disguise. Trusting you and Danny into our Savior's loving care.

    Rest well this evening, friend.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Oh, yes, Linda! James certainly was an angel in disguise, that's for sure. He truly filled in that gap we were feeling at the time.
      Thank you so much for your prayers!
      Love and blessings!

  6. Amazing power of prayer and love in these stories, Martha!

    1. Jean, I must admit that before all this happened, and because of things I've endured in years past, I had doubts about the power of prayer, especially intercessory. No more! It is as vital and important as the very air we breathe. And God's love is in it and works through it in ways we may never understand, but don't need to in order to reap the benefits.
      Love and blessings!

  7. My first thought was "angel." Seems others have had that same idea. i guess great minds think alike. LOL I'm glad he was there for you both.

    1. Angel, indeed, Bill! James was such a precious, comforting presence when we so needed it that day.
      Praying for Sunday and your sermon.
      Love and blessings!

  8. Oh Martha, what an amazing part of the story. Chaplain James sounds like he is amazing at what he does--so thankful that he is saying "yes" to God's call on his life! He was truly a God-send to you and Danny. As always, I look forward to the next part of the story!

    Love and blessings!

    1. James was, indeed, a God-send, Kim! Such a comforting presence in our time of need. Thanks for staying tuned in!
      Love and blessings!

  9. Hi Martha! There's so much power in just listening, isn't there? Such a lost art these days. I'm so glad you had a chance to tell him just what you've been through...I'm sure just telling the story again brought some peace.
    I'm also sure your pastor would have loved to be with you before the surgery. I know he would be in Spirit if he knew.

    God bless you for your faith, and James for providing a bible when you needed most,

    1. Yes, Ceil, I agree that there is a ton of power in listening to someone intently, and without interruption. A true gift! James was, indeed, a Godsend to us both at this trying time. God provides so amazingly for His children!
      Love and blessings!

  10. James sounds like a perfect chaplain. The one we had with my mother from Hospice was perfect for us. He had the gift of listening and it was exactly what I needed. Continuing to pray for husband and you.

    1. Yes, James was certainly a perfect fit for us; so glad you had a wonderful chaplain for you mother at what must have been a most difficult time.
      Thank you for your continued prayers, Betty!
      Love and blessings!


Forever and Ever

  The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God stands forever. ~Isaiah 40:8 With Valentine's Day right around the corner...