Tuesday, May 23, 2017

"Only to Find Gideon's Bible . . ."

Psalm 119:105
Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.

This post continues our recent misadventures in Asheville.  If you are new here and want to catch up, look at the Blog Archives to the right of the page and begin with "The Voice of the Lord" published on April 7th.

Not long after Chaplain James departs, the head nurse stops by.  "I just want to let you all know that the surgeons are running behind schedule over at Mission.  They can't confirm when the ambulance will be coming to take you from St. Joseph's to there, but I'll stay on top of things, and tell you as soon as I'm notified.  So sorry for the delay, but these things happen."

This isn't what Danny wants to hear, especially since he has fasted since midnight.  I feel so badly for him, but I can't even give him a sip of water; at this point, we want this operation over and done with, and would never dream of doing anything to jeopardize that!

Time drags as we wait for word.  And I begin to wonder, too, if James has forgotten all about that Bible he promised to bring me.  Does he even know we're still here, way past the scheduled time for Danny's surgery?  This train of thought is unexpectedly, but delightfully, interrupted.

"The ambulance is on the way," the head nurse announces as she enters the room, a beaming smile on her face.  "All set?"

"I've been all set for over two hours," Danny declares, a bit grouchily, but who can blame him?  His stomach has been growling non-stop the entire afternoon.  Luckily, the nurse is not one who is easily offended.

When Jenny and Juan, the EMTs, arrive, they waste no time getting Danny transferred to the gurney and hooked up to the monitors so his pulse and blood pressure can be checked along the way.  Unlike my first experience (and hopefully my last) in an ambulance, this journey is short, sweet and well within the speed limit.  An added bonus?  I get to sit in the back with Danny!

We arrive without incident, and Jenny and Juan expertly lower the gurney from the ambulance and have us on our way to the pre-surgery rooms in no time.  We have to wait outside the one designated for Danny for a few minutes.  That's when I see Juan, who has been eyeing the heart monitor, do something that Jenny finds surprising.

"Why are you printing out the patient's heart information?"  she asks her partner.

"I've been in this business for over twenty years," Juan says, "and I've only seen two third degree heart blocks in all of that time.  I want some proof this go around."

Danny and I can't blame Juan for wanting a "souvenir," but the revelation doesn't offer us much comfort as surgery looms.  Is Danny's condition that rare?  Are the doctors going to be able to fix him as promised?  Lord, I really need Your Word right about now!

Finally, Danny's room is ready, and he is quickly settled in.  Now we wait to be visited by the pacemaker technologist, the anesthesiologist, and the doctor who will perform the procedure.  Before any of them make an entrance, and unfamiliar face appears at the doorway.

"Hi," the man says cheerfully.  "I'm Mark, the chaplain here at Mission.  My friend, James, told me you all requested a Bible?"

"Yes, we did!"  I say enthusiastically.

"Well, then, here you go," Mark says as he places the Bible into my hands.  "A complimentary gift from the Gideon's!"

I can't help but chuckle.  These Bible-delivery fellows may not have made it to Homewood Suites, but they sure did make it to Mission.

And not a moment too soon.

To be continued . . .


  1. Thank you for sharing this adventure with us... except you are driving us all crazy with the "To be continued..."

    1. I know, Ed - so sorry about that! But the end is in sight, believe me, so just hang in there.
      Love and blessings!

  2. Wow!!! Talk about perfect timing! And how wonderful that God's messengers are connected between hospitals...so thoughtful and wonderful! Praise God for the beautiful ways He works in the midst of our difficult moments.

    1. Yes, Pamela, God's timing and work during these difficult days never ceased to amaze both of us. We were so blessed by so many caring folks!
      Love and blessings!

  3. Just like God: seldom early but never late. :)

    1. Amen, Bill, you can say that again!
      Love and blessings!

  4. Again God never left you or forsook you, Martha. Even when Danny's stomach was growling! I had to smile how God still gave you the Bible. Even though you were at a different location, He's got you! Love and hugs to you!

    1. Oh, yes, Trudy! God was truly working through James who got Mark at Mission involved in the whole process without us even knowing. What an amazing angel and emissary for God he was!
      Love and blessings!

  5. Martha, Thank you for sharing all the ways God was so in the details surrounding your vacation that wasn't much of a vacation. And the Bible? I think it appeared at just the right time. God has His children in the right place and at the right time!

    Love and Blessings!

    1. God does, indeed, have His children at the right place and at the right time, Kim! As I mentioned to Trudy, James did all the footwork necessary to have us covered. God was most certainly working through him!
      Love and blessings!

  6. What an adventure! So glad God walked with you all the way.

    1. He did, indeed, Jean, and He is still with us on this journey of healing. Danny is doing remarkably well, and we are full of thanks to the Lord for His great goodness!
      One more installment, and the story is complete. :)
      Love and blessings!

  7. Sounds like our timing was good for y'all. We had a Bible blitz a few months ago and replaced all the Bibles in the Asheville area regardless of their degree of wear and tear. Of course we replaced the missing ones, as well. The most important work we do is on our knees. You and Danny have been on our prayer list for quite some time now. Blessings to you both!

    1. Wow, Chip, that's quite the coincidence, or maybe not since we know God had a hand in all of it! And yes, the most important thing any of us can do is to pray. Thank you so much for keeping us on the Gideon prayer list!
      Love and blessings!

  8. God's timing is always perfect! I love reading about the journey of faith God has had you and Danny on. Looking forward to the final installment.
    God bless you both and all the wonderful people who have helped!

    1. Yes, indeed, Beckie, God's timing is always perfect, and for that, I am so grateful! Final installment this Friday, so stay tuned.
      Love and blessings!

  9. Dear Martha ... those Gideons would be delighted at the timeliness of this gift of God's Word. Thanks for keeping us posted along the way.

    I'm believing that keeping pen and ink flowing is a wonderful solace to you these days, helping you sort through all that is happening in your life. May God give you peace as you write ...

    1. Writing it all out has been so healing and cathartic for me, Linda, that's for sure. Happy to say that Danny is doing so well now, it's hard to believe we went through such trying and frightening times.
      Love and blessings!

  10. Hi Martha! That James is an angel isn't he? The Word can be such a comfort, a lifeline really. I'm so glad you got what you needed at a time when a little care goes a long way.
    Jeez, I think I'd be a little freaked out by the EMT printing out a tape of your husband's EKG. (Maybe I'd want one too though, truth to be told.) Poor guy, having to wait so long to get to the hospital. Thank goodness the procedure wasn't prolonged another day! I think...??

    1. Yes, Ceil, James was yet another angel in a whole line of them who helped us so much during this difficult time. And the print out was freaky and unnerving!
      Sneak peek: Yes, the surgery was done that afternoon! Last installment is Friday, so stay tuned.
      Love and blessings!


Forever and Ever

  The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God stands forever. ~Isaiah 40:8 With Valentine's Day right around the corner...