Tuesday, May 16, 2017

"I Say a Little Prayer for You"

James 5:16b
The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.

In the midst of my recap of our "vacation" in North Carolina, my husband, Danny, suffered a setback with his new pacemaker due to a severe infection.  I simply could not continue with the story here until we had some positive resolution.  Praise the Lord, we have!  After enduring two surgeries in a week's time, Danny is back home and improving every day.  And even though you now have a sneak peek at the final outcome, I hope the encounters and revelations from our North Carolina experience shared here will inspire and encourage you in your walk with the Lord.

I am back in Danny's hospital room after my successful Walmart run, delighted to see that Dr. H. has arrived with good news.  Surgery for the needed pacemaker is slated for 12:30 tomorrow (Wednesday)!  Having a definite time frame at last, I am anxious to contact family and friends to keep Danny in prayer, and though we haven't attended our church in months since the dissolution of our band, I'm still active on the prayer chain.  I promptly email the coordinator all the information.

"But are you sure that's all right to do?"  Danny queries after I tell him the prayer chain has been alerted.

"Honey, just because we haven't been attending church doesn't mean these people don't care about you, about us," I assure him.  "And don't you agree that we need all the prayers we can get right now?"

"I can't argue with that," he says, and adds wistfully, "I wish we could go back there, but there's no way I can.  Just can't let go of the hurt, you know?"

I squeeze his hand understandingly.  "It's hard to forgive, isn't it?  But hanging onto the grief will only end up harming you."

"I know, I know," Danny says, not without some frustration.  "I'm just not ready.  Not yet."

We chat away the afternoon as the friendly nurses come and go at regular intervals.  Although he doesn't want me to leave, Danny urges me to get going around five o'clock so I can once again indulge in the complimentary food and beverages at the hotel.  I don't want to leave him either, but with as much money as this "vacation" is costing us, who am I to argue with free?

Back at the hotel, I happily run into Claudia again in the dining area.  It is such a joy to reconnect with her, and not have to dine alone.  We talk about family and work like we've known each other all our lives.  I can feel the mercy of God reaching out to me through her kind company, and I do hope my presence is as much of a gift to her.

I return to my room after dinner, still wishing the Gideons hadn't let me down, but so gratified to have clean pajamas to sleep in and fresh clothes for the next two days.  And unexpectedly, but oh, so welcomed, a deep, abiding sense of calm settles in my bones.  Worries about tomorrow, subdued in Claudia's companionship, completely melt away.  Is Danny sensing the same?

"How are you feeling, honey?"  I ask as soon as Danny answers his phone.

"Believe it or not, peaceful," he says.  "I'm not concerned about the surgery at all.  What will be will be."

"It's the prayers!"  I exclaim.  "We're covered with them!  I feel that same peace, too!"

And if ever either of us doubted the immense power of intercessory prayer in the past, those doubts vanished that day as morning mist in the sunlight.

Thanks be to God!

To be continued . . .


  1. Whew) I have read a short summary of your story on Bill Grandi's blog and then came over to yours yesterday, but the last post left me hanging and I prayed that whatever news you guys get will be positive. Glad to know that the situation's getting better!

    Keep on keeping on! Prayers all the way from Ukraine!

    1. Thank you so much, Zee, and glad you came by for a visit! We are so grateful for the healing, which is ongoing, and for the Lord being with us through it all. In case you missed the Asheville story, you can click back through older posts to catch up.
      Hope to see you here again!
      Love and blessings!

  2. Even though I know the outcome, it is good to hear of the peace both of you experienced. That can only be a God thing.

    1. Yes, Bill, God was/is most definitely in it all, and we are so blessed by that. Jesus never said we wouldn't have trials and storms, but He did promise to be with us in them. What comfort that knowledge has given us both!
      Love and blessings, and thanks for your prayers!

  3. I am so thankful for how God was with you and working through so many who surrounded you with prayer and also encouragement...Claudia, nurses, just people who demonstrated God's love to you in your time of need. What a wonderful true life story!!!!

    1. Pamela, I do consider this God's gift to me in the story-telling department. He was so, so present in everyone and everything during this most trying time for the both of us. If I don't witness to God's great love during this ordeal, I would know I'd be letting Him down, and that's the truth.
      Love and blessings!

  4. Martha, I too am I believer in the power of prayer. Time and time again, I have experienced peace not of this world when I should have been a mess. And I have felt the need to stop and pray or been awaken in the night to pray for someone. Many times I find out it was most certainly a prompting of the Holy Spirit.

    I'm honored to be one of the many praying for you and Danny. I'm praying for the surgery and his recovery, but I'm also praying for letting go of the hurt. I know this one all too well, unfortunately.
    Blessings to you both!

    1. Oh, Beckie, thank you so much for your continued and faithful prayers! Once we realize that our prayers really and truly matter in the life of another, how can we not pray? So glad you have experienced these same exact feelings. The Holy Spirit will prompt us (and prod us, if necessary) to know when and how to pray.
      Sneak peek: The hurt? Let go! When? That's the kicker! :)
      Love and blessings!

  5. such a witness to the power of prayer! great storytelling.

    1. Thank you, Jean! At this "late" stage in life, God has given me such understanding and insight into the importance and infinite power of intercessory prayer. Slow learner? Yes! But thanks be to God, I'm on the right track now.
      And thanks for your gracious compliment re the story-telling. That's how I work best as a writer.
      Love and blessings!

  6. I've been praying for you both Martha, and so thankful to hear the good news in spite of the bad news too! Oh the Lord's mercies are new every day, and how well I know the power in prayer! I'm so thankful that you have been well taken care of in the Lord's hands, despite an experience that is so difficult to walk through. I'm going to continue to hold you and Danny up in prayer, firmly believing that the Lord is with you every step of this difficult journey and that healing will continue in Danny's heart in Jesus name! You write the story so well, and I look forward to reading more installments... hugs to you today dear friend!

    1. Oh, Marilyn, I can't thank you enough for your continued prayers and for you walking faithfully with us along this journey. Danny is healing more and more each day, and we're giving God all the glory here! His mercies have, indeed, been great and highly visible during this tough time.
      So gratified to know, too, that you are enjoying this story as it unfolds. More to come this Friday!
      Love and blessings!

  7. I love hearing these details even though we know the outcome, Martha. It's amazing how God sends His peace in various ways. I hope we will hear more about what hurt Danny was talking about. I pray God will give both of you strength and guidance! Love and hugs to you!

    1. Yes, Trudy, you definitely will hear more about that hurt in the posts to come. And even when we know the ultimate outcome, there is so much testimony to share from this one challenging and upending experience. I can't help but share how God was right there with us all along the way. Thanks for following the "saga!"
      Love and blessings!

  8. I was just talking yesterday with someone about how we think we would handle a life changing or life threatening illness or diagnosis. We do all this "spiritual groundwork" but in a time of crisis, would our "training" kick in? Your story about this crisis with Danny models for everyone that "practice" in the good times prepares us for "application" in the challenging times. Each of your posts models what faith looks like at each step of this story. Thanks so much for sharing it. And also for letting us know that the end of the story is a happy one!

    1. Galen, I can't thank you enough for your kind words here. Yes, it is in the daily practice of faith, of strengthening our spiritual muscles, that we can face a crisis with hope and even a sense of peace. We know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that God has this, and He is ultimately in control.
      And with you, I rejoice in the happiest of endings!
      Love and blessings!

  9. Hi Martha! What powerful prayer warriors you have! The peace of Christ truly is one that is beyond our understanding. But...I never think understanding it is all that important anyway. It's FEELING it that's the gift.
    I'm so glad you had Claudia, and those clean pj's. Ahhh. I feel peaceful just reading about that.
    I'm glad Danny is doing so much better, what a road!

    1. Oh, yes, Ceil, it's been the longest of roads, and twisty-turny, just like the road leading up to our cabin. But we are so, so happy to have a positive resolution at this point in time.
      And I agree - understanding? It's beyond us when it comes to God's workings, but the feelings, that inner confidence that prayer is answered, are something we can all experience and take comfort in. To God be all the glory!
      Love and blessings!

  10. Martha, Your post is encouraging and uplifting--a great reminder that our prayers make a huge difference (even if we never know it). God's ways are so much higher than our ways, for that I'm thankful. Prayer impacts our lives in many ways--prayers change us--how amazing is that? I look forward to the next installment of this series!

    Love and blessings!

    1. Thank you, Kim, for your kind words here! Yes, I agree - prayer does change us in ways we cannot even fathom. I am so grateful for all those who took it upon themselves to pray for Danny at this time. Glad you are looking forward to the next installment!
      Love and blessings!


Forever and Ever

  The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God stands forever. ~Isaiah 40:8 With Valentine's Day right around the corner...