Tuesday, July 25, 2017

The Good and Perfect Gift

James 1:17
Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.

2 Timothy 1:9
He has saved us and called us to a holy life - not because of anything we have done but because of his own purpose and grace.  This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time . . .

Eldest granddaughter, Virginia Rose, and youngest, Alexandra Nancy, have birthdays exactly five years and two days apart, July 21 and July 23.  So this past Saturday, we celebrate the milestones of ages seven and two with one big party for both girls.

Virginia wastes no time getting her party groove on.

Alexandra, however, is much more interested in playing with toy cars than wondering what could possibly be wrapped up for her in the big box behind her.  (Note the Elmo paper - Alexandra is crazy about "Momo" as she calls him.)

Savannah Jane, flaunting her new hair barrettes, opts not to wear a party hat.  This speaks volumes about her personality!

We all sit down to eat lunch, and Virginia shows great restraint in not asking when she can open her gifts.  But when the time finally arrives, she's on it like a fly on honey!

Thrilled with the $5 from her Nonna (Danny's mom).

Virginia loves this book about the space shuttle; she is really into science!

And what's this?  Wow!  A gift card to Catch Air, an indoor playground, from her Nana (my mom).  All three sisters can enjoy this with her!

Silly face when Virginia opens the checkers game from her Uncle Daniel.

And she's all smiles when she unwraps the shirt we had made for her.

Now it's Alexandra's turn.  She's not quite getting the hang of this unwrapping business, preferring to wave the tissue paper than see what's actually inside the box.

When Alexandra discovers the shoes, she can't wait to put them on.  Aren't they the cutest?

Alexandra's sisters strip the Elmo paper off while she looks on.

What could it possibly be?  Daddy pulls something large and red out of it.

Why, it's an Elmo chair!!!

Alexandra takes to it right away.

Whoa!  This is comfy!  Can somebody turn on the TV and bring me my bottle?

Alexandra is so enamored with her new chair, she can care less when it's time to blow out the candle on her cupcake.  Savannah happily steps up to the task.

Yep, Gammie, these are mighty good!

You're Number One, Gammie!

Yes, it would seem we nailed it in getting good and perfect gifts for Virginia and Alexandra.  But it never needs to be a birthday, Christmas or other special occasion for the Father of the heavenly lights to lavish His gift of grace upon us.  It is given freely in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time . . .

Think about that for a moment.  From the beginning of time.  Can you wrap your head around that?

I know I can't.

The good news is, I don't have to.  And neither do you.

It's there to be unwrapped and cherished every moment of every day.

THE good and perfect gift!



  1. Martha, Your post is simply fun with a good lesson in it about gifts and gift giving. It's hard to get our finite minds around the gift of God's grace through Jesus. It is "THE good and perfect gift"!

    Love and blessings!

    1. Oh, yes, Kim! Both good and perfect, all the time, thanks be to God!
      Love and blessings!

  2. Oh I love this post...and your sweet granddaughters are each so adorable and unique...precious treasures from the Lord! And I love the thought about Jesus Christ lavishing His gift of grace upon us since the before the beginning of time, waiting to be unwrapped and cherished every moment of every day. Something I am trying to do as well. Thank you for this post. This made me smile so big!!! BTW, I just finished all three books...now trying to wrap my head around THAT and put it into words! Do you have another book in the works???? :)

    1. Whoa! All three books? That's great, Pamela! No, unfortunately, the Lord has not yet moved me with any decisiveness as to what, if anything, should be written next. Before I even begin, I'll need to actually go back and read all my books again to refresh my memory and to listen for any direction God is giving me.
      And thanks for the kind words about the granddaughters - they are my precious treasures from the Lord!
      Love and blessings!

  3. Martha, as usual, your post brought a smile to my face. And as usual, you always bring us back to our Father God, the ultimate GIVER.
    Your granddaughters are just precious. Those little shoes, oh my!
    Wishing them both belated birthday blessings!

    1. So happy to know this post cheered you, Beckie! Children have a magical way of doing that, don't they? These little ones are so special to all of us.
      And yes, our Father definitely IS the ultimate giver. All praise to Him!
      Love and blessings!

  4. You gotta love kids and their different personalities.

    1. Yes, Bill, you sure do! Hope you are feeling pain-free after the surgery, my friend. Prayers continue!
      Love and blessings!

  5. what fun and love her expression with the checkers. That was a gift for my grandkids this summer too. Learning how to play it too. Isn't it a gift to us to be able to watch them grow up? I am grateful!

    1. It is such a gift to watch them grow, that's for sure, Jean! I can't wait to play checkers with Virginia, although I will have to teach myself again - I haven't played since I was a kid. :)
      Glad you enjoyed the post.
      Love and blessings!

  6. Such a beautiful and happy family, with loads of fun and excitement in the air judging by those photos. Very heartwarming indeed. Best wishes!

    1. Thank you, Blogoratti! Yes, the girls have their moments of NOT being so chipper, but for the most part, all are happy and content just to be here. So refreshing!
      Love and blessings!

  7. What a great way to start my day, being grateful for all the gifts so lavishly and generously showered on me. Yes, it's hard to get our minds wrapped around the concept of infinite and unearned grace. Keeps us humble!

    1. It certainly does keep us humble, Galen, and that's a good thing! I'm so thankful for God's wonderful gifts that I certainly don't deserve.
      Love and blessings!

  8. Yes, exactly--this post is full of examples of moments that become good and perfect gifts. Great reminder in our busy, rush, distracted culture. Enjoy what you're doing. Enjoy who you're with--that's a precious gift. Beautiful girls and looks like a wonderful time! Thanks Martha.

    1. It definitely is a good and perfect gift to learn to live in the moment, Jason, and enjoy those people and events surrounding you. And yes, we had a marvelous time!
      Love and blessings!


Grace for the Race

  Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.  After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry...