Thursday, July 16, 2020

Dancing Prince

Psalm 45:16
Your sons will take the place of your fathers; you will make them princes throughout the land.

I await the arrival of Glynn Young's fifth and final novel in his Dancing Priest series like a child excitedly and hopefully counting down the days until Christmas.  My reading experience with the first four books have been nothing short of extraordinary, the stories washing over me with the love and grace of God, the characters becoming more like beloved family with each read and reread.

Yes, you heard me right.  Glynn is one of the few authors I've relished, whose plots and characters bid me to revisit them again and again.  And never have I regretted those times of reunion; I've only been gifted once again by his stories and God-inspired insight into the human condition.

In this review of Dancing Prince, I really don't want to give too much away as to the plot and the eventual outcome.  What I want my readers to understand is that no one comes away from reading Glynn's works without feeling the Lord has blessed them.

Prince Thomas is the youngest son of King Michael and Queen Sarah Kent-Hughes.  His mother sees, in a visionary way, great promise for Thomas' future, and to secure that premonition, she paints a masterful portrait of her son that points to his life's mission.  Michael and Thomas are a father and son at odds, especially after Sarah passes away from leukemia.  (Have tissues at the ready.)  Their journey, together and apart, provides the road map for Dancing Prince.  And one wonders through this, as page after page is turned with eagerness, will they ever make amends?

I'm leaving you at that, my friends, but I do urge you to order the first four Dancing Priest books if you haven't yet read them.  You can order them through Glynn's marvelous blog, Faith, Fiction, Friends, or simply type his name in on Amazon.

Thank you, Glynn, for sharing the gift of writing God has given you with all of us!  Our lives are richer for it.


About the Author

Glynn Young is an award-winning speechwriter and public relations professional, and a contributing editor at Tweetspeak Poetry.  In addition to the novels Dancing Priest, A Light Shining, Dancing King, Dancing Prophet, and Dancing Prince, he is the author of the non-fiction book Poetry at Work, which is one I have read and would also highly recommend.  He and his wife, Janet, live in suburban St. Louis.


  1. Thank you Martha. This sounds promising. I'd never heard of Glynn before. I'll check it out.

    God bless.

    1. P.S. The link to Glynn's blog does not work, Martha. It leads back to your blog post here.

      God bless.

    2. Thanks for informing me about the link error, Victor. I'll do my best to edit it pronto! Yes, you can find Glynn on Amazon by just typing in his name. The first book in the series is Dancing Priest. I promise, you won't be disappointed!
      Love and blessings!

  2. Martha, thank you so much for this lovely review. I read a response like this, and I sit for a while, rather stunned. It makes all the work and pain of writing worthwhile.

    1. I'm so glad this review blessed you, Glynn! It was truly a joy for me to write it, and I do cherish your books so very much.
      Love and blessings!

  3. Mine just arrived yesterday in the mail. I am quickly trying to finish "Don't Stop Believing" Bu Jonathan Cain (Journey) so I can get to this book. I totally agree with you on your assessment of the previous 4 books. I can't wait to read this one!

    1. Hooray, Bill! You will definitely enjoy Glynn's latest.
      Love and blessings!

  4. Sorry "by" not "bu." Proofread Bill, proofread. :)

  5. Thanks for sharing this review and about Glynn's books, Martha. You certainly have me intrigued when you say, " one comes away from reading Glynn's works without feeling the Lord has blessed them."

    1. His books are simply amazing, Karen. I cannot recommend any read more highly.
      Love and blessings!

  6. I have gotten behind in reading these books. I have the first four, but I guess I never finished the 3rd one. I got sidetracked with our move, etc., and it got put on the shelf and I forgot to finish it. So I need to pull it back out and finish and then I can order the next one! Thank you for sharing this with us.

    1. I meant to say I never finished the fourth one. I did read all the first 3 and loved them.

    2. They are absolutely the best, Pam, and I'm so glad you plan to finish the fourth book and order this one. I couldn't put it down!
      Love and blessings!

  7. Hmmm. Not my usual preferred genre, but you're mighty convincing! I'm downloading Dancing Priest as we speak. :)

    1. Oh, I know you will absolutely love it, Mevely! Glynn's writing is superb and his stories are riveting. Glad to know you ordered it, my friend.
      Love and blessings!

  8. Martha, thank you for sharing some of what you're reading. It's amazing when writing pulls us INTO the pages of a book.

    Love and blessings!

    1. I know, Kim, isn't that just the most wonderful experience? Glynn does it like nobody else!
      Love and blessings!

  9. Thanks for the review. I will go look for Glynn Young on Amazon.

    1. Please do, Terri! Dancing Priest is the first book in the series, and I know you will love it.
      Love and blessings!

  10. I have my copy. I'm anxious to get started.

    1. You won't be disappointed in the least, Sandra. Happy reading!
      Love and blessings!

  11. Oh, my goodness! This book sounds amazing! I hadn't heard of this author or his books, so am very thankful you shared. God bless you, sweet friend!

    1. Yes, Cheryl, Glynn is an awesome author, and you are bound to really treasure his books once you read them.
      Love and blessings!

  12. Martha, hi! Don't you just love discovering a brand new series ... and each book that follows!

    This is a beautiful day to curl up with a good one, right in front of the fan!


    1. I can't recommend Glynn's books enough, Linda. I know you will absolutely love them.
      Love and blessings!

  13. Replies
    1. You are most welcome, Beckie. You would absolutely love these books!
      Love and blessings!


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