Thursday, July 30, 2020

What's Your Excuse?

Romans 1:20
For since the creation of the world, God's invisible qualities - his eternal power and divine nature - have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.

Can you guess what's in the box pictured above?  No?  Don't feel badly if you don't have a clue.  I would be scratching my head, too, if that was all someone gave me.

Does this next photo help?

Hmm . . . Probably not.

How about this one?

Yep!  It's our brand, new treadmill!!!

Ever since the Covid struck, my husband, Danny, and I have been taking walks outdoors, but with the summer heat in full swing, that's mighty uncomfortable.  So, back in June, Danny orders this treadmill and some hand weights; it takes until late July for them to arrive!  Our take is that lots of folks are quitting going to the gym, as we have, and are purchasing exercise equipment for home use.  That would certainly explain the delay.

But Danny, with the help of my son, Daniel, don't delay in putting this cumbersome piece of equipment together.

At last, the treadmill is ready to go, and our new television screen is mounted!

My first workout is this past Tuesday, and I've yet to miss a day since then, nor do I plan to.  It's so convenient, being right here at the house, that I have no excuse NOT to use it.

And as Christians, we have no excuse not to recognize the glory of God in all His creation, and to spread the Good News of Christ Jesus to everyone we meet.  While bodily exercise strengthens us physically, our practice of prayer, Bible reading and witnessing to others strengthens us spiritually.

Both "workout" routines are necessary for a healthy, happy and balanced life.

So, what's your excuse?



  1. Martha, Yay! on the new treadmill. We have one that's older and still functioning at over 20 years old! And this is a perfect analogy to being without excuse. All around us creation shouts, "There's a God, see His display of beauty and glory?"

    1. Wow, Karen, it's great to know that your treadmill has lasted for 20 years - how encouraging! And yes, God calls to us in a myriad of ways and His glory abounds at every turn.
      Love and blessings!

  2. Wow, what fun! I hope that you will truly enjoy your new treadmill and that it will keep you both in good shape physically as God takes care of the rest of it. What a great idea!!

    1. It really was a great idea, Pamela, and Lord knows, we need to do everything possible to stay in good physical health at this time. The exercise also does wonders for the mind, too. I find I'm much less prone to feeling "down" when I get a work out in.
      Love and blessings!

  3. You got me thinking each day that I work out to place even more emphasis on the spiritual exercises of the Word, prayer, and meditation. I hope you enjoy this treadmill and great to have when weather is not suitable for outdoors. Some days I feel it badly outside and not always easy to motivate myself in the early AM.

    1. The heat and humidity are definitely not motivators for outdoor exercise, Valerie. I'm just so, so happy to have this treadmill and the weights! Glad this post reminded you to spend even more time in God's Word.
      Love and blessings!

  4. What a great idea! ... I like the idea of being able to watch TV all the while you're moving. Unfort, I've no excuses. In fact, we practically gave ours away. In the beginning I was all motivated -- even planned to read -- then all that fell by the way. Fortunately, not so my practice of prayer!

    1. Well, at least prayer hasn't fallen by the wayside, Mevely; that would be a real disaster! Yes, I like the fact that we can watch TV or use some programs with trainers on the treadmill itself. Danny's tried some of them, but I haven't yet.
      Love and blessings!

  5. I am committed to my Bible reading and to our Community Group from church where we have been studying church history. We have bought and sold two treadmills and two exer-cycles. We won't be buying them anymore. We go great for a week or so and then it sits and collects dust. But we are not gym people. Joe can't walk far due to his COPD and heart disease and my knees are repaired but it has been 10 years dealing with bad knees so getting the strength an stamina back is coming along but I am not in a hurry. Just happy to not have pain in my knees now. I am glad you are enjoying your treadmill!! Don't let the dust settle!!

    1. I don't plan to let any dust settle on this one, Terri! I hear you about not being able to use exercise equipment due to painful knees and Joe's COPD. Sometimes, just making sure you move around during the day can be enough. Glad you are committed to reading your Bible and participating with your church group. Learning the history of the church would really interest me, too!
      Love and blessings!

  6. Wow, you guys put it together? Wonderful. I have a gym membership, haven't been there in months, they just opened up again :)

    1. Yes, Marja, I'm very proud of Danny and Daniel for putting it together. Good to hear your gym is now open; ours is, too, but because of Danny's heart issues, it was never going to be an option. It feels so good to exercise!

  7. Good for you guys, Joanne! May it prove to be fruitful in your body!!!!

    1. I have a strong feeling it will do us all good, Diane! Using the treadmill and weights is already helping my body, and clearing my mind as I face another day in "isolation."
      Love and blessings!

  8. My mind immediately went to "Some Assembly Required." :-) So glad your hubby had some help in assembling. Some of those parts are heavy, and cumbersome. Excited for you both that you can continue exercising without the added stress of dealing with the weather. God's blessings Ms. Martha. Keep up the good work ma'am .

    1. Personally, J. D., I shudder at those words "some assembly required." I do NOT have a gift for putting things like this together. Luckily, Danny has a degree in engineering, so he really grasps what needs to be done in a situation like this. And yes, the parts are definitely heavy; that's why it took two to complete it. We will have fun with it!
      Love and blessings!

  9. Martha, I'm so happy for all of you that you have a treadmill and weights for exercise. Yes, so no excuses about NOT exercising.

    We humans can "invent" a laundry list of excuses as to why we can't (or don't) do something.

    I could go on but won't... :)

    Love and blessings! Happy exercising!

    1. Oh, yes, Kim, that proverbial laundry list of excuses, or casting the blame on someone else when the situation is actually caused by ourselves. Think Adam and Eve! Thank goodness we have a Savior who encourages us to own up to our actions, and gives us forgiveness when we earnestly repent.
      Love and blessings!

  10. Hmmm stay inside? I'm thinking I'd rather ride my bike outside. But I am glad you two have taken the stride (no pun intended) to make sure you stay active. Hope you continue staying active Martha.

    1. I plan on doing just that, Bill. However we choose to exercise, it's all good for our overall health and well being.
      Love and blessings!

  11. I very rarely ever miss a day reading my Bible. I am much more dedicated to that than my exercise regimen. I jokingly tell my friends that my idea of physical exercise is lounging on a chaise, drinking coffee and reading about how fantastic exercise is for me. I know I’m terrible, right? Blessings and love.

    1. I'm glad you are so dedicated to reading your Bible, Nells. That should inspire us all to do the same! And I have to admit, with this weather being so hot, I kept giving myself excuses not to exercise, but the treadmill has put a stop to that. I'm grateful!
      Love and blessings!

  12. Hope you get good use out of your treadmill, Martha. We bought one years ago; but don't use it as often as we should. I also have one of those bicycles that standstill in one position and you cycle like mad. I prefer to sit on the couch with a Guinness imagining me doing the exercises on both machines.

    Sometime ago I joined a gymnasium but did not lose any weight at all. I did not realise I had to attend there!

    Wishing you and yours good health and happiness.

    God bless.

    1. Lol, Victor! Yes, you can't lose weight/keep in shape if you don't exercise. Maybe it's time to pull your bike/treadmill out of hiding, especially during these stressful times. I'm finding that getting on the treadmill each day for at least 30 minutes truly helps me to think more clearly. Boy, do I need that!
      Love and blessings!

    2. 30 minutes? I'm out of breath after 30 seconds; gasping for another Guinness.

      God bless.

    3. Hey, did I ever tell you that if I have a craving for beer, it better be a Guinness? That's reality, for sure! Forget the cheap American beer, although we do have some innovative brewery businesses in these parts. All is not lost!
      Love and blessings!

  13. Congratulations on your new exercise routine and treadmill! Your dedication is an inspiration to me! God bless you, sweet friend.

    1. I'm so glad it is an inspiration to you, Cheryl. We absolutely had to do something during this pandemic, and it is paying off big time. My legs, and arms, already feel stronger, and my head is thinking much clearer thoughts. Get the blood flowing, and we can be more active and alive for God's kingdom!
      Love and blessings!

  14. I am getting up around 5:00 AM to make my daily walk bearable. HOT AND HUMID HERE! Hope you are well, Friend!

    1. I've been thinking about you, Loralu, especially since you've been absent from the blogging world. What a relief to know you are doing okay!!! That's simply too early for me to get up and even think exercise, so I'm proud of you for doing it.
      Love and blessings!

  15. Good for you! I catch myself often with excuses. It is a pet peeve of mine when I find myself making them to do my best, with God's help, to let them go. Proud of you!!

    1. Thank you, Jean, for your kind words. With these pandemic woes, I've found that physical exercise and prayer are the best weapons against the claws of depression that threaten me daily. I'm thanking God that we could afford this luxury, and move forward in our lives so He can get the glory.
      Love and blessings!

  16. Good for you and your hubby, Martha! What a wonderful solution to the problem of exercising outside in the summer heat and humidity. I must admit, I needed the third picture until I could figure out what it was!

    1. But at least you figured it out, Laurie! Yes, this is truly life-saving for Danny and me at this time. We are really enjoying the exercise.
      Love and blessings!

  17. How fun to have a treadmill and a TV to get in your daily exercise! Good for you, Martha. And I agree that we have no excuse to miss the glory of God all around us. He shows himself in splendor daily if we'll just keep our eyes open.

    1. Yes, God isn't shy about showing His splendor, Lisa; we have to be the ones looking for it.
      Love and blessings!


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