Monday, October 19, 2020

Lord, Send a Revival!


Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me." ~John 14:6

My fellow Baby Boomer buds more than likely remember the spiritual awakening that took place in the late sixties and early seventies of the last century.  Known as the Jesus Movement, or the Jesus Revolution, it spawned a fervent wave of revival among teens and young adults, who craved to know Jesus and His saving grace.

Many of these "flower children" had believed the utopian promise of love and peace offered by the emerging Hippie culture.  But after being strung out on drugs, or wanton sex, many realized that they had been looking for love in all the wrong places.  Nothing in their unaccountable lifestyle filled the emptiness in their lives.

Greg Laurie was one of those lost and lonely teenagers.

Jesus Revolution focuses not only on Greg's transformational journey from hopelessness to enduring hope in Christ Jesus, but also intertwines with the historical events of this time in which our country experienced enormous upheavals, not so different from the ones we are living through today.  It offers invaluable insights as to how revival manifests itself through the Holy Spirit, and because it's God-initiated, countless souls are saved and redeemed.

The authors, Greg Laurie and Ellen Vaughn, posit the possibility of another great revival poised to sweep through this nation.  This paragraph in the book resonated with me:

We long for former days of revival not because we're nostalgic, trying to get the same experience back that we once had in the past.  If we do that, our affections are sadly misplaced.  No, we long for the Holy Spirit to fall upon us, our communities, and our nation in a fresh way so that God Himself would be glorified through the fruit and love of changed human lives.

Wouldn't that be a dream come true?

As Christians, we have been facing more opposition and animosity in these current days than ever before.  More prayer and commitment to the Lord are needed on our part to combat this satanic influence.  Yes, Lord, send a revival, and let it begin with each one of us as we go deeper into Your Word and live our lives in a way that others will see Jesus in us, and will want to share in that incomparable joy!

I don't recommend many books here on my blog, but this one is definitely a winner, my friends.  Reading it has convicted me anew to delve even deeper into God's Word; I'm no longer content with a cursory daily reading of the scripture.  If any of you have encountered a Bible study that changed your heart, and inspired you to commit yourself more passionately to Jesus, will you share it here?

With the help of the Holy Spirit, we can start a revival!



  1. Praying for a revival and a return to God throughout the world. We need it right now.

    Thank you for this post, Martha.

    God bless.

    1. Absolutely, Victor and Regine! Let's pray for a revival from God's Holy Spirit.
      Love and blessings!

  2. Yes, we need a great revival in our land these days. It has to begin with ME. So as we pray, "Lord, send a great revival to my soul", once that little flicker of a flame begins to grow, it will ignite that great revival all around us, and just like fire, it will spread throughout the land. Remember the little song we used to sing back in the day, "Pass It On"? "It only takes a spark to get a fire going...and soon all those around will warm up to its glowing...that's how it is with God's love, once you've experienced spread His love to everyone, you want to pass it on." That's how revival begins!! So, thank you for lighting this little spark here...may it catch on and begin to spread all around.

    1. Thanks so much, Pamela, for reminding me of this song, which I do remember, but haven't thought of for years. Yes, that's exactly how the flames start and can spread literally like wildfire. Lord, spark that flame in all of us!
      Love and blessings!

  3. You make me curious now, I will see if this is available in Holland.

    1. I sure hope it is available where you are, Marja. It's well worth the read.
      Love and blessings!

  4. As you know I was sold on this book. So glad I am not the only one who felt this way about the book and the challenge. Thanks for a great review Martha.

    1. Thank you, Bill! It's amazing how God works - I was wondering what my Tuesday blog would be, and this book literally spoke to me in a convicting way. And there, you have it!
      Love and blessings!

  5. I never knew that about Greg Laurie. It has been said that a new wave of revival will hit this land and that many unassuming individuals will operate in signs, miracles, and wonders. A cleansing of the church is continuing to take place and true anointing will replace programs designed to tickle man’s ear. God is restructuring and even dismissing many ministries that were built on self exaltation rather than leading others to Christ. I look forward to seeing many Muslims and others accept Christ. When miracles happen even the reprobate turns to acknowledge there must be something to the Christian faith. I know the Lord will use you Martha in this end time outpouring!😀❤️👍🙏🙌

    1. Oh, Valerie, I so greatly hope that God will use me, you and countless others in the spiritual revival on the horizon! For too long, there has been a malaise in the Christian community on many fronts. Being constantly berated for our faith, and the Covid which has kept so many churches closed, should be a grandiose wake-up call to all of us. Let's kindle that fire from within us so the flames will spread like wild fires to others, and may the Holy Spirit come!
      Love and blessings!

  6. A dream come true, indeed! Like Pamela, I'm going to nurture my spark and pass it on.

    1. Oh, yes, Myra! Nurture that spark and pass it on to others. We need to make our little lights shine as one.
      Love and blessings!

  7. Oh Lord, send a refreshing, a revival, a longing for all things pure and holy! Come quickly, Lord Jesus ...

    1. Oh, yes, Lord Jesus, spread Your healing revival across this troubled land! So glad to see you here, Linda!
      Love and blessings!

  8. I've not read much of Pastor Laurie in the past, but your recommendation is all I need to look further. Thank you Ms. Martha. I too pray for a Jesus Revolution!

    1. You won't be disappointed with this one, J. D., and that's a promise! I hadn't read anything by Pastor Laurie either before this one, but I was so moved and inspired by his story that resonates today as much as it did back in the sixties.
      Love and blessings!

  9. Sounds like a great book. Thank you for the recommendation, Martha. I join you in prayer for revival!

    1. Thanks so much for praying with me, Beckie! The more folks adding their sparks will grow the flame of revival.
      Love and blessings!

  10. so agree, Martha no sure will publish, as not showing so this is a test..

    1. Ah weird it did so will add to it. Doesn’t show my account that’s why thought it wouldn’t ... key to revival is fervent prayer, “ye have not because ye ask not” as James said.
      May the Lord bless your nation in the day ahead, much prayer is needed.

    2. Looks like you were successful, Shaz. Yes, let's continue to pray fervently for a great awakening and revival in our nations and in the world!
      Love and blessings!

  11. Yes, we definitely need a revival around this globe. My pastor has been sending out texts and calling people to an increased prayer life because, though many were praying much at the beginning of COVID, many have stopped, to all intents and purposes, praying fervently and often. People need to wake up to what is happening and to realize it's prayer that is needed more than anything. Revival will not happen without repentance, and that won't come without a crying out to the Lord by and for God's people first, then the world around us. The Bible says that judgment will begin in the house of the Lord. We need to be on guard more than ever before against the infiltration of sin in our lives and churches. Thank you for this post Martha. God bless you.

    1. Amen, Diane! Yes, we cannot cease in our prayers, and you are so right that revival won't come without repentance. We need contrite hearts and genuine prayer in a big way throughout this nation and the world.
      Love and blessings!

  12. Oh, I tell you, I would surely love to see a revival again. I truly do not know what will happen next - none of us do, but we must hold to God's unchanging hand tighter than ever before. I am so burdened over the election, and it is my prayer that God will leave our dear President in power. I believe He will. But, I believe there will be a terrible backlash by the haters following his victory. We also need to be much in prayer that God will allow the republicans to retain control of the Senate. Never before has that been more important. We are living in such perilous times. May God have mercy on us all.

    1. Cheryl, believe me, I am fervently praying for the same things you are at this time. I do believe that President Trump will win by a landslide - remember, you read it here first! :) And I believe that since most people tend to vote straight ticket, that the Republicans will maintain the Senate and regain the House. The only reason, I posit, that the House was lost in the first place is that poor Trump was still mired in the false Russia-collusion witch hunt. God is about to act, both in the fate of our nation, and in kindling a revival like we have never seen in the world. Let us be that spark that gets the fires roiling!
      Love and blessings!

  13. Thank you for this book review. It is very interesting. Yes, we could very well be on the cusp of a revival now, with all that is going on. We have to turn to Jesus because the good we have enjoyed for so long has let us down, gone away, or has become forbidden.

    1. Yes, Barbara, you are absolutely right about that. Jesus is truly our only hope, and I'm so thankful we have a president who wants to retain the rights of religious freedom guaranteed in our Constitution. Praying it's God's will to both send a revival, and place President Trump back in office so that our rights to worship and spread the Gospel will be guaranteed.
      Love and blessings!

  14. Martha, this book does sound amazing. While, I'm a bit too young to have meaningful memories of the Jesus People--I've been blessed by those who came to faith during this tumultuous time.

    Oh how I've been longing for revival!!! True revival changes the culture. True revival begins with one person and then spreads to others.

    And the now classic hymn/praise song Pamela mentioned above, "Pass It On" is a good one. It truly only takes a spark.

    Love and blessings!

    1. Amen, Kim, it only takes a spark, as Pam said. This is one amazing book, and as I read it, I wondered why I wasn't affected by this movement, but there are reasons that for family privacy, I won't share here. We do need a revival, and may it begin with each one of us!
      Love and blessings!

  15. Boa noite. Parabéns por levar a Palavra de Deus. Vocês são de qual Igreja.

    1. I love the Word of God, Luiz! I am a member of the United Methodist Church here in America. Am I guessing right to say you are Catholic? I have many, many dear friends who are.
      Love and blessings!

  16. This revival book is very good and reminds us all that His Love never ceases.
    Jesus bless you.
    Greetings from Indonesia.

    1. You are so right, Himawan, that God's love is everlasting, and we can always rely on Him for everything.
      Love and blessings!

  17. Yes, yes, yes! I remember "Jesus freaks" from my high school days. I must check out this book. Thank you for the recommendation, Martha.

    1. You will love this book, Laurie - it is so well-written. I simply could not put it down!
      Love and blessings!

  18. The world indeed needs a revival from all the bad news flooding 2020. Regards Naomi

    1. Yes, Naomi, a revival is definitely in order for these crazy times.
      Let's pray for one to happen soon!
      Love and blessings!

  19. Prayer and scripture - vitamins for our soul.

    1. Amen, Jean, yes they are! May our prayers be heeded by the Holy Spirit, and revival unleashed in these days when we need it so badly.
      Love and blessings!


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