Monday, October 12, 2020

Nothing Like Liberty!


It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.  Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. ~Galatians 5:1

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among those are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. ~The Declaration of Independence

I have been concerned for many years that the true history of our country and its founding is not being taught in our public schools.  No matter what we might hear to the contrary in our main stream media, it is obvious that so many want to erase, deny and denigrate the fact that this great nation was conceived and implemented in light of Biblical teachings and precepts.

Because of this, I order The Rush Revere Series for our oldest granddaughter, Virginia, so that she can learn, first hand, about our founding fathers and mothers, who were willing to suffer and sacrifice for the privilege of being able to worship Jesus in the way they felt God was calling them to do.

How is this first hand learning?  In the Rush Revere series, the substitute teacher, accompanied by his trusty, snarky and politically incorrect horse, Liberty, are enabled, through Liberty's extraordinary powers, to transport students back in time, where they are introduced to life as it unfolds in our country's distant pass.  Talk about a field trip!

Virginia is absolutely entranced by these novels that she reads with her mom.  Her interest in history has been piqued beyond measure.  Because of Liberty, whose unique character makes what could be dry facts approachable, Virginia is quick to tell me that this iconic horse has never failed to enchant and entertain her.

So, seeing as we can't be with our grands in person these days, I decide to order Virginia and her sisters the Liberty Fun Pack.

Virginia asks weeks ago for a Liberty T-shirt,

but I think surprising all of them with the full meal deal won't be a mistake on my part.  As it turns out, there's nothing like Liberty!

Oh, how lovingly these girls hug Liberty!  And my prayer for them is that they will one day be as adamant about embracing Jesus, finding the true freedom in this life which is only available through Him.

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.  Our founding fathers knew that, and country like no other was formed upon that divine premise.

May we not deny our children and grandchildren knowledge of that divine promise.

Let freedom ring!


Friends, if you would like to order the Rush Revere books and other related items, google Rush Limbaugh's webpage, and click on "store." (For some reason, I can't post a direct link.) All proceeds in the weeks to come will benefit families of police officers serving in our cities, towns and communities.  Let's support our men and women in blue, who protect us each and every day!


  1. It is very important to teach our children history because history has a habit of repeating itself. Unless they learn of the mistakes of our past the next generations are bound to repeat them.

    It is the same with Christianity. It is even more important to teach about God, our Creator, and Jesus His Son. Sadly, many countries are not bothering so much with this teaching.

    Time was, when we had a Crucifix on the wall at school. Time was when we started the school day with prayers and singing of hymns. Time was ...

    God bless you and your family, Martha.

    1. Time was . . . Exactly, Victor. We need to return to the basics in our history and in our Christianity. May God send a revival to all the nations in the world!
      Love and blessings!

  2. I had never heard of this series. I'd like to know more. But your link doesn't work to the series. Just FYI

    1. Thanks for letting me know about the link, Bill. I'll try to fix it. In the meantime, you can search the Rush Limbaugh site online and click on "store." That should head you in the right direction.
      Love and blessings!

  3. They are such precious little girls. I'm so glad they are enjoying your gift :)

    1. Thank you, Martha! I'm so happy that they are loving Liberty, too.
      Love and blessings!

  4. What a splendid idea! (Now I'm wishing my grands were still young.) I'm going over to Rush's site so I might recommend this to a few like-minded friends.

    1. Oh, that would be wonderful, Myra! Also, there are plenty of adult gifts to give yourself, to Tom, and to friends and relatives. Let's support our brave police officers!
      Love and blessings!

  5. I am often concerned that our young people aren't learning the history of this country (and the world) in school and they need it!! That history includes the best history book written - the Bible. That this country was founded on belief in God and liberty is so important. Our children need to learn and understand that. It is so great that you are helping to guide your beautiful grandchildren in this pursuit. xo

    1. Terri, I had no doubt we would be like-minded on this. And you're so right - the Bible is the best history book ever written, and its truths can never go out of style. I'm excited that the grands are excited about learning their history.
      Love and blessings!

  6. I'll be googling "Rush Revere" and "Liberty" later today Ms. Martha Jane. Thank you for the endorsement ma'am. Anything that will help teach the truth about the founding of our nation is important.

    1. Amen, J.D., it most certainly is! I'm glad to know you will be following up on this.
      Love and blessings!

  7. Every child should have a wise grandmother teaching them truth and wisdom. Sounds like God inspired you to get that series to them and, in a roundabout way, teach them yourself what you know to be truth.

    1. Thanks, Debra, for your kind words here. I'm just so happy that Virginia is eating up this information with such enthusiasm. My daughter even told me that she's learning some things she never knew! We must know our history as it was, not as we wished it was.
      Love and blessings!

  8. Martha, this is such a lovely post. I'm so excited that Virginia (and her sisters too) are getting a solid education in our history. It pains my heart to see how much our history is being revised/destroyed. I'm thinking many adults could learn much from this series.

    The best liberty of all is the liberty we have in Jesus Christ. Sadly, this too is being muddied by liberal Christianity.

    Love and blessings!

    1. Absolutely, Kim - the best liberty of all is in Christ Jesus. We need to value and protect that right in this country as adamantly as we do our Judeo-Christian heritage. And I'm excited, too, that Virginia has taken to learning our real history like a fish to water! Yes, as Sarah said, she's learned quite a bit from reading this series to Virginia, so adults can benefit, too. :)
      Love and blessings!

  9. Thank you for sharing, Martha. I had not heard of this one.
    Let freedom ring!

    1. I know your Luke is way too young for these books, Beckie, but I do hope you will keep them in mind for the future. And yes, let freedom ring!
      Love and blessings!

  10. We are Rush Limbaugh fans in this household. My husband reads the radio transcripts every evening after supper (it's faster than listening to the show, with all the advertisements).

    It is deplorable how people are trying to re-design our nation's history. We gain such a wealth of wisdom from history.

    1. I'm so happy to know y'all are Rush fans, Barbara! I usually listen to the entire broadcast on radio or the ditto cam, but since I have Rush 24/7, I should do what Beloved does - smart man!
      Love and blessings!

  11. I am not an American, so I do not know much about what they teach in schools there... but, oh my goodness... have you ever blessed your (grand)children with this! It looks like so much fun.

    1. Oh, they are having a blast with their new Liberty stuffed toy, Marja, even Virginia, though she's too old, really, for such a toy. Unfortunately, children are NOT being exposed to lots of the correct history, and they are the poorer for it. Praying that many more parents will get this book series for their children.
      Love and blessings!

  12. What a wonderful way to teach these girls about our history! I am so glad you discovered this series and were able to send it to them. I can see they are loving it, esp. the horse Liberty! yes, it is a great concern that children/students today are not being taught our nation's great true history. We are seeing the results of that in the many students who are "protesting" and destroying statues and disregarding all that our country truly stands for. Praying for a turnaround before it is too late. Thank you for sharing this with us.

    1. Pamela, I'm so glad I learned about this book series, too; the little ones are a bit to young to understand it, but Virginia is soaking it up like a sponge! How that makes my heart sing! My daughter told me that the littlest, Alexandra, is absolutely loving to play with Liberty, as I figured that would be the case. Yes, what you're seeing in the riots and statue demolition is definitely the result of failing to teach REAL history in our schools. Shame on those teachers!
      Love and blessings!

  13. I can't believe how big they are all getting! I know you miss them so much and hope you are able to see them in person soon!

    1. I can't get over how big they are getting, too, Cheryl, and yes, I do miss them so terribly. Hoping this covid will be over soon so we can all be together.
      Love and blessings!

  14. I am so glad you shared the information about Rush Limbaugh’s books. There have been some in my family that would benefit from these great books. Sounds like they are interesting page turning books. I do think new textbooks are trying to rewrite history as it was leaving out key events. So sad to hear another statue was knocked down. I am praying hard for our nation that it will not lose its roots and biblical foundation. So grateful for your post😀👍🙏🙏🙌🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷

    1. I'm happy you appreciated the information, Valerie, and hope you will order this series for people in your family. Sadly, our history is being revised to be something it never was in our classrooms. Just as we need to stick to Biblical truths, we need to know the truths of our founding.
      Love and blessings!

  15. Bom dia. Parabéns pela matéria. Peço a Deus que Ele escolha o melhor presidente para vocês em novembro.

  16. I love the verse from 1 Peter about freedom: "Live as people who are free, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but living as servants of God." Your granddaughters are just adorable. I bet they love getting presents from their grandma.

  17. That sounds like an excellent way to learn history. For years I have said they need a better way to teach history which is so dry and boring the way I was taught. It seemed all I needed to know was a bunch of facts and dates which I could never remember. But I love to read historical fiction now. That is great for your grandchildren. I hope many people will introduce this to their children and grandchildren so the stories can continue to be passed down.


Grace is a Blessing

  I thank my God always concerning you for the grace of God which was given to you by Christ Jesus. ~1 Corinthians 1:4 Have you ever noticed...