Thursday, October 8, 2020

Suit Up!


Therefore, put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. ~Ephesians 6:13

About two months ago, I have a tele-health conference with Dr. S. in order for him to refill a particular prescription.  He decides to add one more ingredient to my pharma list to ensure my recent weight gain isn't due to water retention.  Along with that charge comes the news that a dreaded in-person visit is required in six to eight weeks so he can assess my progress.

Gulp!  Really?  Dr. S. knows I'm not comfortable with that due to Danny's rather precarious preexisting condition, i.e., his heart, but he assures me in detail all the lengths to which his office has gone in order to be safe and sanitary.  So, this past Tuesday, I suit up!

And off I go, protected as best I can be from the invisible enemy, trusting that the doctors and nurses will be extra cautious on their end of things.  And of course, they are, much to my relief, and I actually enjoy my visit; it's great to be able to see and talk to others outside our home, and simply be in their company for a short while.

Although I only need to don the mask and protective glasses when I'm around others, not a day goes by when I don't need to put on the full armor of God to guard me from the slings and arrows of the Enemy, who wants to rob my joy, and plant gnawing, disheartening doubts in my heart and mind.

J. D. Wininger, a fellow writer, who blogs at Around the Cross-Dubya, shares The Warrior's Prayer with his followers.  I download this prayer, and it now serves as part of my daily supplications to God.  We need to be reminded daily that, should we let our guard down, that's all it takes for the devil and his minions to take advantage of our armor's chink.

We can take physical measures to protect us from the virus, but we must intentionally take the spiritual steps to gird ourselves in God's Word and our faith, knowing that He always has our best interest at heart.

So, friends, let's vow today to put on the Lord's armor each and every morning that we might be battle-ready, knowing that Jesus already has the victory.



  1. You are right that the devil is always at work to lead people astray. The more a person is close to God the harder the devil works. There is no point in him tempting un-believers, is there? They are already converted to his cause. The clever trick is that many people don't even believe in the devil. So his work is done through peoples' ignorance.

    God bless, Martha. Praying for yours and Danny's good health.

    1. Absolutely, Victor! The enemy lurks around every corner, and he is gunning for believers. I'm trusting in God's encompassing armor to protect me and my brothers and sisters in Christ.
      Love and blessings!

  2. Amen! Without the full armor of God I don't know how we could endure this current siege against all things holy. We definitely need to stay prayed up and suited up! You look wonderful, what I can see of you! So glad you were able to safely visit your doctor's office, and I trust that all is well with you. Seeing your picture reminds me of my doctor's visit last week. I had on my mask and my normal glasses, but I forgot to take off my sunglasses when I went in, and I guess it must have been very bright in the office because I never realized I still had on my sunglasses until I was in the examining room and I couldn't figure out why things seemed so dim. Suddenly I realized I still had them on and said to the nurse, Oh! I didn't know I still had these on! I must look pretty funny with my mask and dark glasses. She just kind of smiled and nodded and I think she wondered if I was a little bit senile...LOL. Made me wonder too, because I'd sat in the waiting room all that time, filling out papers for my first visit and never even realized I had them on. LOL. Too bad I didn't have a picture of that.

    1. Oh, Pam, that's a great story! Yes, I've done that before - wearing my sunglasses into a building, forgetting I had them on in the first place. I'm sure the nurse has seen many stranger things during her tenure, so I wouldn't worry about that! :)
      And thanks for your kind words about how I look in this getup. I was really surprised that this N-95 mask was as comfortable as it was; I've been wearing cloth masks out when I know I won't be in really close contact with anyone else.
      And yes, let us pray up and suit up!
      Love and blessings!

  3. Far more is at stake when the armor of God is not used than when we fail to fully protect ourselves from the virus. Souls are at stake. Hope your exam went well.

    1. Souls are at stake in a seriously big way, Bill, if we fail to don the full armor of God. Yes, the exam was just a routine follow-up, so was, fortunately, uneventful. Thanks for asking!
      Love and blessings!

  4. Yes, Amen! I start my day prepared for that spiritual victory and pray to remain faithful. I'm glad you ventured out and were comfortable when you got there!

    1. I'm glad I was able to get out, too, Terri - a welcome change of pace. I do hope we all prepare ourselves each day, as you do, for that spiritual victory our Lord has promised us. May our armor of faith protect us!
      Love and blessings!

  5. So happy to hear your in-person appointment wasn't so frightful! One of the first Bible studies I participated in was, 'Putting on the Armor of God.' Still my favorite of all our studies. BTW, I tried clicking on the Warrior's Prayer, but it appears the link is broken.

    1. Oh, I'm so sorry this link isn't working, Myra! I'll try to amend that. In the meantime, if you Google The Warrior's Prayer, you will find it and others that you could save to your computer and print out. And that Bible study sounds like one you would not soon forget!
      Love and blessings!

  6. Absolutely Ms. Martha Jane. I don't believe in coincidence nearly as much as I believe in "divine intervention." With numerous blog posts from Christian writers speaking to the Armor of God in the past few weeks, it's clear He's putting this message on our hearts. Let us take heed. Thank you for letting God lead your magnificent heart of service and encouragement my friend. God's blessings.

    1. I'm just so honored, J. D., to share a link to your marvelous blog with my readers! Yes, it's a theme I've seen repeated recently, too, and in my experience when that happens, it is no coincidence - it is a God-incidence. Thanks for the weekly inspiration you give to me and so many others, my friend.
      Love and blessings!

  7. Martha, the armor of God is far more protective than any mask or googles. I've been praying on the armor each day for many years now.

    Love and blessings!

    1. Kim, it's the best protection any of us could ever have. May we put that armor of God on each and every day!
      Love and blessings!

  8. So much that can get slung our way by the enemy putting on the full armor of God is indeed wise! If many would just reflect on this when thinking about the natural virus protection, we can start our day with renewed minds, and be sensitized to Holy Spirit and ready to thwart the onslaught of the enemy.

    1. I hope many will reflect upon this, Valerie. Just think of the difference it could make in so many lives if we donned the armor of God daily and prayed for His protection. May we be sensitized, as you stated here, by the Holy Spirit!
      Love and blessings!

  9. Powerful, Martha! Loved J.D.’s prayer too! This:
    “ We can take physical measures to protect us from the virus, but we must intentionally take the spiritual steps to gird ourselves in God's Word and our faith, knowing that He always has our best interest at heart.”


    1. Absolutely, Karen! You and I both have so benefitted by the wisdom of J.D.'s words, and I was so thankful to be able to share his insights here at my blog. What a gift from God he is! May we all resolve to don the full armor of God, each and every day.
      Love and blessings!

  10. Bom dia que Deus derrame bênçãos sobre a vida de vocês.

    1. Thank you, Luiz! May God bless you, too, my friend.
      Love and blessings!

  11. Hi Martha very late as usual. Loved this post think it’s a topic we often neglect, also appreciated you sharing that prater too .. we do indeed need to daily suit up.
    We’ve have mono Covid where I live for months but we’re in country, down in Sydney and Melbourne it’s different. Very grateful for that, so it hardly affects me now, we did have shut down earlier in year.
    Thanks for Sharing, God bless and keep you safe, and all those you love, hugs Shaz in Oz.x

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  12. I'm so glad to hear that you all are pretty much Covid free where you live, Shaz, and can be more confident in getting out and about. The virus may go away, but the plans of the enemy never will. We all need to suit up!
    Love and blessings!

  13. My husband is also more susceptible to Covid-19, due to his liver transplant in 2018. We do our very best to keep him protected. Such a good analogy to keeping our spirits protected from the enemy of our souls! And the precaution of time in the Word each day is the perfect place to start. Great post, Martha!

    1. So glad you enjoyed this post, Nancy, and so sorry about your husband's vulnerability due to his circumstances. It is the same for my husband, who has a pacemaker. We have been oh, so careful! And we do need to suit up each and every day against the weapons of the enemy. May God protect us!
      Love and blessings!

  14. Good for you for being extra cautious to protect your beloved hubby from the virus. I'm glad everything went well with your doctor visit. We do need to protect ourselves with the same diligence from evil. The Word is a great shield!

    1. The Word is the best shield, Laurie, that's for sure! May God continue to protect us all.
      Love and blessings!

  15. Wow! It is SO true that we need to don the whole armor of God even when we stay "safely" within the four walls of our own homes. The enemy is relentless and try to make an enroad anywhere he can into our spiritual lives. May we always remain diligent, sweet friend.

    1. If anything can be said for the enemy, Cheryl, is that he is persistent. We can't afford to allow one open chink in our armor, or he's sure to find it. Let's put on God's armor every day!
      Love and blessings!


Grace for the Race

  Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.  After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry...