Thursday, November 12, 2020



Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes.  For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. ~Ephesians 6:11-12

Awakening is the fourth novel in Beckie Lindsey's outstanding fictional series, Beauties from Ashes.  While this book most certainly holds its own as a stand-alone work, I heartily suggest that you read the first three books before tackling this latest one.  Secrets, Uninvited and Daybreak can be found on Amazon when you type Beckie's name in the search bar, or you can order them at her website.

To summarize the gist of Awakening, I'm choosing to use Beckie's detailed and stellar description of her book:

As four high school girls are faced with life-altering decisions, their new-found faith will be tested.  Although warrior angels are assigned to guard and assist the unlikely friends, they must rely on their faith to withstand the evil Duke Astaroth and the beast's demonic hoard.

Now that their spiritual eyes are open to daily battles between unseen forces of good and evil, lives are at stake.

  • Lifelong friends, Krystal and Bryce, are finally an official couple.  But can their love survive the greatest trial they've ever faced?
  • Since Mackenzie's mentally ill mother was hospitalized, she secretly worries that her deepest nightmare may come true.
  • While best friends, Tammi and Sadie, continue healing from their abusive pasts, each wrestles with temptations that threaten to undermine their recovery.
Can beauty arise from the ashes of despair and loss?  Will the girls embrace who and whose they truly are?

As you can see from this summary, the Beauties from Ashes series tackles the extremely tough realities many teens and young adults face in our modern society.  Beckie's empathy for those going through such trials shines through in the way she portrays her characters.  I know I found myself longing to reach out to these endearing souls and offer them comfort.

I have said here before that there are few books that I will read more than once.  As I've already read Awakening twice, it certainly breaks that mold!

With Christmas right around the corner, I hope you will consider ordering the entire series for that special teen or young adult in your life.  While you're at it, why not order the series for yourself?  You certainly don't have to be young to benefit from and be inspired by Beckie's work!

About the Author

Beckie Lindsey is an award-winning author of the Beauties from Ashes series, poet, blogger, and the editor of Southern California Christian Voice, a division of One Christian Voice, a national news syndicating agency.  She is a major coffeeholic and enjoys a good book with a cat on her lap.  She also loves to hike and hand out with family and friends.  Beckie and her husband, Scott, have three adult children, two adorable cats and live in California.


  1. This sounds like a fantastic series!

    1. It truly is, Martha. I've enjoyed reading all of Beckie's novels, and I think you will, too.
      Love and blessings!

  2. Replies
    1. You are so welcome, Marja. These are wonderful novels!
      Love and blessings!

  3. A great review Martha. Thanx. Beckie should be proud of your support.

    God bless.

    1. I'm glad you liked the review, Victor. Beckie certainly deserves my support!
      Love and blessings!

    2. Victor, You are correct! I am so blessed with Martha's friendship and support.

  4. Love your reviews Martha. Thorough and uplifting. Even though it doesn't sound like my cup of tea, I'm sure it does for others, largely due to your review.

    1. I hear you, Bill. I think Beckie's books appeal more to women than men. Maybe, it's a series Jo might want to read? Glad you enjoyed the review!
      Love and blessings!

  5. Great review, Martha! This makes me wish I still knew a teen.

    1. Order them for yourself, Myra! I think it would be a series that would be of interest to your Bible study group as well. It's not a prerequisite to be young to get a lot out of Beckie's wisdom and insight.
      Love and blessings!

  6. These books sound so interesting. I have thought about ordering her books before for my niece, but never got around to it. They might be a good Christmas gift for her. I need to pray about it. Thank you for sharing these with us.

    1. Pamela, thanks for your prayers and consideration. If you have any questions, please reach out to me through the contact form on my website at

    2. Yes, Pamela, please feel free to contact Beckie with any questions or concerns you may have concerning the books. She will certainly put your mind at ease.
      Love and blessings!

  7. What an outstanding review. Thanks for sharing with us, Martha. Blessings

    1. Thank you for your kind words here, Nells. These are books worth reading no matter what your age!
      Love and blessings!

  8. Martha, I cannot express what a gift you have been. Not only am I blessed by your gift of writing and your support with my own, but you have become a cherished friend and prayer partner.

    Thank you for writing this review and endorsement of the Beauties from Ashes series.

    Blessings to you and yours!

    1. Beckie, you are so very welcome! It's an honor to know you as a fellow author and sister in Christ. God has blessed us in bringing us together from afar. Let's hold onto the dream that we can actually meet in person some time.
      Love and blessings!

  9. Yes, a great review of your friends work!

    1. Thank you, Terri! Beckie's novels will appeal to everyone who loves a great and enthralling story. Hope you will look into them!
      Love and blessings!

  10. thanks for sharing Martha good review and i am support you greeting from turkey come by my blog.

  11. Ms. Beckie's heart for God always shines through in her writing.

  12. Thanks for sharing, Martha! I love this series and "Awakening" was no exception to the magnitude of opening our eyes to the truth about spiritual warfare. Blessings, friend!

    1. You are so right about this entire series, Karen. It's a most excellent expose about the spiritual warfare being waged among us.
      Glad you've read and enjoyed it!
      Love and blessings!

  13. sounds like a good read! Thanks Martha

  14. I love anything to do with angels and how they work in our lives, so I think I would love this book. Thank you for the review, Martha!

    1. You would love the entire series, Cheryl! Beckie is a wonderful writer. Don't miss out!
      Love and blessings!

  15. Your post reminds me how much our young people have to deal with in this world. Life is not like it was for us ... much assails them, especially through social media.

    Gives me cause for pause ... and prayer. Thanks, Martha.

    1. Yes, Linda, the lives of our young people are so much more complex and complicated these days, and social media certainly does not help. Glad it gives you cause for prayer!
      Love and blessings!

  16. Oh Lord, save us all from our modern society...

  17. Boa noite meus queridos amigos. Parabéns por vocês levarem a Palavra de Deus.

    1. The Word of God is constant and true, Luiz.
      Love and blessings!

  18. Thank you for sharing this review, Martha. The book and series sound most interesting.

    Love and blessings!

    1. They certainly are, Kim! All of Beckie's books kept me riveted until the end.
      Love and blessings!

  19. Thank you for this wonderful recommendation, Martha. I spent a lot of years teaching young people who reminded me of the character descriptions you provided. It sounds like a book series I would feel right at home with!

    1. I think you would feel right at home for sure, Laurie. Anyone who has worked with young people, as you have, will so identify with the problems these teens face. Definitely a series worth reading!
      Love and blessings!


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  Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.  After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry...