Monday, February 6, 2023

Nourished by God


Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil.  This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones. ~Proverbs 3:7-8

It has now been over a year since I came home from the hospital after my life-threatening bout with pneumonia.  Much has changed since those precarious days, and many of my daily regimens of medicines and supplements have gone through quite a transformation.

When I regard this crowded shelf pictured above, I hear my mother bragging that she had no need to take medications, though her age traversed the 80s and propelled itself into her 90s.  By then, she was taking a vitamin to fight macular degeneration (which I just found out I have in its early stages) but there was nothing of the prescription variety in her repertoire.  I say she was graciously pardoned from the severe consequences of growing older that many other people wish they could have escaped.

Now, out of all these medications I take, only two are prescriptions; I consider this a blessing!  I take a hormone pill (Pre-fest) and a blood pressure helper (Coreg).  

The Citrucel is not a prescription, but a strong suggestion from my digestive health doctor, so I eagerly embrace this addition to my diet.

Believe it or not, this supplement has practically eliminated my intestinal strife in the space of ten days.  At the very least, this is a miracle for me, and I am so grateful!

The other doctor-suggested supplements are calcium, vitamin B-12 and Krill Oil.

To these, I've decided to add a generic version of Balance of Nature, something that is advertised repeatedly on the news shows I watch.

I've only begun this regimen recently, so I don't have an assessment as to whether it's fulfilling it's promises.  Why generic?  Have you seen what Balance of Nature charges?  It's astronomical!  This supplement is about half the cost!  If I don't see positive results in the next month or so?  Well, that will be the end of this experiment!

And what about my thinning hair?  My dermatologist recommends Nutrafol, and I take four tablets per day.

These, combined with a nightly application of Rogaine, seem to be doing the trick.  My hair is definitely getting thicker, albeit slowly.  After all, our hair doesn't grow willy-nilly, especially as we age.  I don't think I could hope for anything more.

I so hope I'm fulfilling God's will for me in adhering to these recommended medicines, an that He will allow me to make smart choices with regard to the supplements I've chosen.  I want to fully regain my health and nourish my bones that I might do His will and walk in His ways every day of this life with which He has blessed me.  In my opinion, there isn't a more rewarding way to live.


Are you currently facing health challenges?  How are you addressing those?  What advice can you offer to all of us when it comes to aging and dealing with the fallout our aging can create?  Please share in the comments below.



  1. Hi sis,
    Interestingly article I've been on multiple script and natural meds sonce 15yrs. Dead without them 😁

    Re thinning hair. One of my meds cause it so done lots of Research.

    Check if your shampoo has ingredients which causes hair thinning. Many shampoos do! Its the chemicals in their lists of products.

    See site on hair thinning.
    They're pushing their shampoo but there are alternatives out there.

    This page discusses ingredients in US items - can put product in search engine and research it.

    Thanks for sharing, and may God bless you and keep you and all whom you love safe and well.
    Prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz. X

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

    1. Wow, Shaz! I so appreciate you sharing so much info regarding overall health and hair loss. I will be sure to look these up. Thanks again!
      Love and blessings!

    2. Praying for you and with you sis.. our Father is a faithful guide in all things. Xx

  2. I am praying for your continued and improving good health, Martha.

    Life can be difficult as we get older and face more challenges. Prayers are of great help, I find.

    God bless.

    1. Prayers are of infinite help, Victor, that's for sure. I hope it's God's plan that both of us continue to live happy and healthy lives.
      Love and blessings!

  3. First, I'm so glad your health has improved. I think it goes without saying that health scares like yours remind us of this magnificent machine God put together called the human body and how it is our responsibility to care for it. The fact that it got you to stop smoking is a big plus. I take one scrip for HBP. It is the lowest dose possible but it is hereditary. Even with all my exercise and watching what I eat I fell victim to it. I do take vitamin supplements (too numerous to mention here). As for the thinning hair, pale pattern baldness is hard to beat and I ain't getting plugs in my head! LOL. All in all, I am trying (and sometimes failing) to take care of myself. Now...if I can just stay on the stupid bike and keep the cars away from me! :)

    1. Bill, I'm not familiar with HBP; can you enlighten me?
      It sounds like you're doing everything possible to maintain good health. That's so crucially important, especially as we age. And I have to say, if I were a guy, I wouldn't care if my hair were thinning or not. Danny certainly doesn't!
      Love and blessings!

  4. Bom dia, Martha
    Graças a Deus estás bem de saúde, lindo versículo você compartilhou, envelhecer tem suas limitações, mas precisamos ter um espírito grato por cada fase que passamos na vida, o bom humor é um ótimo remédio. Espero que consigas comentar no meu blog, um forte abraço.

    1. I hope I can comment on your blog soon, Lucinalva. I can't figure out why it failed to translate yesterday.
      And yes, I thank God every day for being in good health and grateful for this life He's blessed me with. I have to agree that having a great sense of humor helps, too.
      Love and blessings!

  5. We take our fruit and veggie supplements and a few others. When I was young, I always wondered why my mother and grandmother took so many pills. I don't wonder any more.

    1. Yes, now that we're on the flip side of the age coin, we no longer wonder why our parents and grandparents took so much medicine, although my own mother was definitely the exception. Good for you with the fruit and veggie supplements!
      Love and blessings!

  6. Now that we seniors were afforded a 'raise', I may revisit the Nutrafol. Thus far, the collagen supplements aren't making much of a difference, and I'm trying to perfect the fine art of the comb-over. (lol) I think we're watching the same television programs and those commercials for Balance of Nature. I'll definitely be following b/c if anything can help with Tom's chronic pain I'll be ordering that and the Krill Oil, too. Thank you for this informative post!

    1. I'm so pleased that this post was helpful to you, Myra, and I so hope that you can find something that will address Tom's chronic pain. I think we are both incredibly aware that aging has never been, and never will be, for sissies. Still, it would be nice to catch a break and catch our breath from time to time.
      Love and blessings!

  7. That is a blessing to only be on two prescriptions. I'm on several medications for my lungs and heart. I do take supplements. That is interesting about the Nutrafol.

    1. Debby, my husband, Danny, has a pacemaker and is taking many prescriptions that address heart health. I'm glad your doctors have prescribed the ones that can best help you stay healthy at this time of life. And yes, I'm so aware of the blessings God is bestowing through all of this, and I am grateful.
      Love and blessings!

  8. Martha: I have several health issues that I deal with. About two years ago, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I had a lumpectomy and the had the beginnings of lymphedema. I joined the state advocacy group to urge Congress to pass a law to make the treatment equipment (compression garments) coverable by Medicare. It passed both houses of Congress on Dec. 23rd. The nationwide group had been working for 12 years to get this bill passed. I also deal with celiac sprue. (I follow a gluten-free diet, I have for almost nine years.)
    There are a few other health issues, but I don't want to bore you. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

    1. I take an estrogen blocker to keep that hormone down. That's what caused my cancer.

    2. Thank you so much, Cecelia, for taking the time to share the ailments that you've battled and the positive actions you've taken to make our nation aware of health issues that should be covered by Medicare for the senior population. That takes courage and determination! How wonderful that both houses of Congress passed them; I have so little faith in the ability of our lawmakers to actually do anything positive for the American people, but this has renewed my hope.
      Love and blessings!

  9. I take a prescription blood pressure med. I also take vitamin D and vitamin K2 for bone health. I take glucosamine tablets that I believe keeps knee pain away. I take salmon oil for its omega 3 properties.

    1. My Coreg intake is for my blood pressure, too, Christine. I've not heard of taking K2 for bone health, but will be sure to ask my doctor as I'm currently taking calcium. Thanks so much for sharing!
      Love and blessings!

    2. And actually they are saying vit D2 instead of calcium Martha.

  10. Martha, will continue to pray for complete healing. Oh girl, your mama was an exception. But, when I think back to the days of young I can't help but wonder why most kids stayed fairly healthy with exceptions of colds. We never knew what a vitamin was. Back in the day though we grew our own fresh veggies. We had our cows, hogs and chickens and eggs. We ate very little processed foods and we stayed active. I am afraid that is not the case today with most children. But then we become adults....and well, things begin to change. Either of our poor choices or aging or things that are beyond our control. I surely am not AGAINST medication if needed and Lord knows I've had my share of medications and was proud to get it! But praise the Lord right now I only need to take Trilogy as a prescribed medication as it helps my lungs greatly as I do have COPD. The first round ever of COVID when it first came out surely done a number on me. I do take a muscle relaxer if I need it when having a bout with chronic osteo. in my neck and just recently was diagnosed with Sacroliitis in joint (lower left side of back) which can be very painful and degenerative disk disease. Keeping the inflammation at bay is the key. I am surely trying to what I can to help myself. I try to stay active with doing Christian yoga and it has surely made a difference in my mental and physical being. I do take different vitamins/supplements as I know I will not get the amount needed daily in food. I try to be mindful of what I do take and look for natural ways or things that are less harmful to take. It's trial and error sometimes my friend. I am just so thankful God helps me daily and that He has given me a brand new day to praise Him and serve Him. Sending you a hug today dear lady. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  11. I've developed several hereditary health issues, in spite of a healthy diet that keeps my weight down and faithful aerobic/strength exercises every day that keeps my energy up. Those health issues include: high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and pre-diabetes. I'm on the lowest dosage of meds for the first two; just diet recommendations for the latter. Must also take Fosomax, extra calcium, and vitamin D for osteopenia. One last pill: a multi-vitamin. The diet is the hardest part--staying away from sugar, simple carbs, white rice, potatoes, and pasta; limited cheese, red meat, and salt. There's not much left besides fruits and veggies, chicken and fish! But I do enjoy a good quality of life with strength and energy for each day's tasks. I want to stay fit and able as long as possible!

    1. Wow, Nancy, I truly admire your commitment to diet to help control some of your health issues. I try to do the same pretty much, and I do make exercise a part of my daily routine, but I can't say I'm devoted to that (I need to be!). I am also in danger of osteoporosis and my bad cholesterol is somewhat elevated, although the good numbers are good; I'm grateful for that, but I do need to explore how to reduce those bad numbers.
      With God's help, we can stay healthy and vibrant until the day He calls us home.
      Love and blessings!

  12. Dearest Martha Jane,
    Supplements are not considered medications...
    You are lucky for not having been prescribed lots of them as they all will affect one's kidneys in the end.
    As for Fruits and Veggies both of us know too much about reality as we ware the son and daughter of a market grower. Nothing can be fabricated to replace the REAL fruits and veggies! Pieter's cardiologist insisted in 2017 when Pieter's heart condition was so poor that he eat plenty of FRESH fruits and veggies. Which we did and still do and will always continue to do—no matter what the price will be. It is far cheaper than buying that heavily advertised (that in itself is already a giveaway about the true value aside of the fact that nowhere nutritious value can be found of what is actually IN them!) and media mass brain–washing the people.
    We just got back from another bike ride in the sunshine, wearing our shorts and that is the BEST source for vitamine D we can get and for strengthening our muscles and bones. That and prayers!
    At least we sleep like roses!

    1. You are the image of encouragement and example, Mariette! I'd say, too, that Pieter has been blessed by taking healthy advice and sticking to it. I know sunshine is the best source of vitamin D, but years ago I was diagnosed with discoid lupus and advised to stay out of the direct sun as much as possible. Bah, Humbug! I do expose myself in small doses whenever I can.
      I'm also gratified to know that you both still have the energy to go bike riding - what a blessing! I do try to exercise every chance I get.
      Love and blessings!

  13. I have eight prescriptions, Martha, because of not having a thyroid gland anymore and a-fib. I also take a lot of supplements including calcium, a daily vitamin, extra B, and extra D. We do what we have to do!! I am glad you are staying on top of everything!! xo

    1. Yes, Terri, we do have to do what we can to stay as healthy as possible. I wasn't aware that you were missing a thyroid gland and a-fib, so I can completely understand that those prescriptions are life-saving. With his heart issues and the pacemaker, Danny takes a boatload of prescription meds, and we are both just thankful that these are readily available and affordable. Keep yourself healthy, my friend!
      Love and blessings!

  14. So glad that your health is improving.
    I am blessed with good health and am not on any medication but I do take astaxanthin (supplement) daily.
    Hugs and blessings, Martha.

    1. Forgive me for asking, Veronica, but I've never heard of astaxanthin. Can you fill us in?
      It sounds to me like you are enjoying wonderful health, and I'm so happy for you! I know God has blessed me beyond words when it comes to my health and well-being.
      Love and blessings!

    2. Sharing this link with you -,%2C%20heart%20disease%2C%20and%20diabetes.

      I was taking it to improve my eyesight and discovered that it also improved my immune system and gives me healthy skin and hair!

      Hope that helps!

  15. I really appreciate the transparency, Martha, and the information about the things you've included in your regimen is really helpful. I especially appreciate the mention about the generic balance of nature. Apparently we watch some of the same shows, because I see the ads, too, and checked out what it would really cost to take that stuff regularly. I'd love to know what you found if you don't mind sharing it. Beyond that, I rejoice with you in the blessing of God's healing grace and pray that He will continue to sustain you and build on the progress you've made. The reminder that spoke strongly to me was that while we trust God to take care of us, He did give us a brain, and we are responsible to do what we can to keep ourselves healthy and to take care of this incredible physical apparatus He gave us. Like the rest or your adoring fans, I'm so glad He left you with us, and we pray that He will continue to inspire you and direct your ministry.

    1. Ron, you are just too kind, although I must admit if I were to be called home, I would certainly miss all of you! If I remember correctly, Balance of Nature priced out at $80 or there abouts, and the generic ones are $40. Quite a savings right there.
      And yes, I wouldn't be surprised in the least to find out we watch the same shows, particularly on one channel. If the mood strikes you, feel free to email me the info and I'll be sure to get back to you.
      Love and blessings!

  16. I'm with your mother altogether on the pharma drugs. Not for me if I can help it. Your tips here are excellent! I should give some of these a shot. Right now I'm taking vitamins and glycine powder and NAC every night, as suggested by my cousin doctor, Chip, a neurologist.

    1. Thank you so much, Debra, for sharing your journey with us here. I will most definitely check out the links you've shared. Any time we can avoid pharma approved drugs is a win-win.
      Love and blessings!

  17. Martha, thankful for how far you've come over the last year. The Lord surely worked miracles surrounding your recovery and healing. God bless!

    1. Indeed, He has, Karen, and for that, I'm eternally grateful.
      Love and blessings!

  18. I appreciate you sharing this, Martha. Too often we see people taking pride in "I don't take any medicines!" but I'm grateful that God has given us medicines as gifts to help us live in our bodies as well as possible, when we need them. I take a few things now and I'm glad to have them. :)

    1. I'm so grateful to have these drugs and supplements, too, Lisa! God gave us inquisitive minds that some of us would be able to make lives easier for ourselves and others. I'm thankful for those in medicine whose gifts are to develop supplements and treatments for the various ailments that can plague us.
      Love and blessings!

  19. I'm with you Ms. Martha. I take more OTC supplements and vitamins than I do prescription medicines, but I still take too many of those for my liking. Praying your continued improvement and good health ma'am.

    1. Thanks so much, J. D., for your prayers! Know that you and Ms. Diane are in my prayers, too.
      Love and blessings!

  20. I am not using any prescription drugs (I am 60). I do take some supplements (Zinc, vitamin D, Iron, and CBD oil). I do have some health issues, that is why I decide to do a video series in order to encourage people going through the same thing. It is on YouTube:

    1. I will be sure to look this up, Marja. Thanks so much for sharing with all of us. Hoping others will find this valuable.
      Love and blessings!

  21. My health is, thank the Lord, quite good except for dealing with gingivitis (and my dentist is helping me with that). A few months ago I started taking Balance of Nature and I believe it is helping me. We all need to do what we feel the Lord is leading us to do in obedience to Him. I'm glad you're seeing improvements since that tough time a year ago!!

    1. Barbara, I'm so glad you are giving a thumbs up to Balance of Nature. I do think that anything we can do to bolster our immune systems, God's gift, is a plus for our everyday lives. The improvements He has granted to me are nothing less than miraculous! Gingivitis can definitely be controlled with the help of a good dentist.
      Love and blessings!

  22. I've been blessed with pretty good health so far (I'm 61), but who knows how long that will last? I'm very glad you've found some solutions for your issues, Martha. :-)

    1. That's my comment above :-)

    2. Thanks, Frank! I'm so glad I've found these, too. I'll be 68 in less than a month. Getting older certainly isn't for sissies -lol -!
      Love and blessings!

  23. Psalm 103:5: "Who satisfieth thine old age with good things; thy youth is renewed like the eagle's".

    1. Beautiful message from the Psalms, David. Thank you for sharing!
      Love and blessings!


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