Monday, July 24, 2023

Calling Card


Blind Pharisee!  First clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside also will be clean. ~Matthew 23:26

Danny and I are pretty good at keeping our house up on the inside, even though neither of us enjoys cleaning, especially bathrooms, and for my part, ever since I have that bout with pneumonia, I still find it difficult to get down on my knees, mainly because getting back up is always a challenge.  Months back, we did have a young lady who cleaned for us, but when she repeatedly didn't show up on the day and time promised, we finally gave up on her due to her unreliability.  So disappointing to wake up expecting to have a sparkling clean home at day's end, and to find ourselves right back at square one.

Happily, Danny is referred to a local cleaning service, so we decide to take the plunge.  And this time around?  We are richly rewarded!

Natalia is a legal immigrant from Brazil; she speaks limited English, but through the aid of a translator app on our phones, we are able to communicate with her perfectly well.  (Sometimes, I am so thankful for current technology!)  From the moment she enters the house, she is hard at work, leaving no speck of dust unconquered.  Natalia doesn't know what it means to cut corners when it comes to cleaning.  By the time she leaves, the whole house is spic and span, and smells fresh to boot.  When a home is treated to that type of deep cleaning, it takes a long time before it's in need of another such round of housekeeping.

We only engage Natalia once a month, but in the meantime, it's easy for Danny and I to maintain the daily routines of sweeping, wiping counters down, and generally tackling the day-to-day necessities of house cleaning.  And, thank goodness for me, there's no bending down or getting on my knees!

The cherry on top, so to speak, is Natalia's "calling card."  She never fails to make a rosette at the end of a toilet paper roll and the top tissue in our Kleenex boxes.

How sweet and thoughtful is that?  Honestly, I hate to be the first one to use the bathroom after she leaves!

I can't help but reflect on how Jesus describes what spiritual cleanliness truly looks like.  If we don't dig deep within, scrubbing away all the stains of sin we carry, then nothing else we do or say can come from a pure heart.  May we let Him help us to be clean from the inside out, that we might shine His love for us to others every day.

Lord, leave Your calling card for all to see in me!



  1. My husband and I are also both determined to keep the house clean. We both don't like mess and clutter. But the bathroom mostly falls on me. Lol! Glad you've found a reliable cleaner. Who also goes above and beyond. That rosette is adorable!

    1. We do feel blessed to have Natalia cleaning our home, Lux. She is a gem! Danny has always been great at sharing the home chores with me, including the bathrooms, but it sure is nice to have a cleaning boost once a month. And yes, I love her rosettes!
      Love and blessings!

  2. Yoi've got the right cleaner. Not only is she reliable, but she's also got a "calling card" - a rosette at the end of the toilet paper. How sweet of her!

    1. It is incredibly sweet of her, Duta, I agree. It's the little touches in the everyday that can make all the difference!
      Love and blessings!

  3. Does she make house calls to Spencer, IN? I think Jo might be interested in having her. :) I love it when people take seriously what their job and responsibility is.

    1. I love that, too, Bill. So many people today simply want to cut corners and not take full responsibility for their own work. However, I don't think she visits Spencer - lol!
      Love and blessings!

  4. We have a cleaning service, too, that leave a little fold (like an envelope flap) on the toilet paper. Nothing as fancy as that rose, though. A small thin, but you remember it.

    1. I'm glad to know that y'all have a cleaning service, too, Glynn. It helps so much, doesn't it? Sometimes it is the small touches that we remember the most.
      Love and blessings!

  5. How I wish your Natalia might make house calls to Alabama! I'm so impressed with her attention to detail, and that rosette. Wow. Your last paragraph reminds me, when the oral antibiotics weren't doing the job on Tom's osteomyelitis he had to undergo surgery. The NP explained it like someone just Swiffer-ing a hardwood floor without first getting down and physically scrubbing away the grime which had settled.

    1. What a great analogy you've shared here, Myra! I'd say that describes the difference between deep cleaning a surface cleaning perfectly.
      I'm sure there must be a reliable cleaning service in your area. Ask your friends at church if they could recommend someone.
      Love and blessings!

  6. Sounds like you found a perfect match to clean for you. Reliability and an excellent cleaner. I love her calling card, how creative is that.

    1. It is so creative, Bill, and such a fanciful touch to leave us with. I wish we could have Natalia out twice a month, but that's being a bit overzealous on our part.
      Love and blessings!

  7. I'm so glad that is working out for you. I know I need help with the house because of my COPD and I've always been so afraid to have a stranger in my house. Maybe I need to give it a try. Love the flowers!!

    1. When we're getting up there in years, it really does help so much when someone can come and clean for us, Debby. I do hope you will seek out a cleaning service - it's made all the difference for us.
      Love and blessings!

  8. What a precious gift Natalia is to you! Such a blessing to have her work so diligently, and leave such a fun reminder of her work too! I can imagine just how wonderful it feels to have her work in your home! Such a blessing from the Lord, indeed!

    1. Natalia is definitely a blessing from the Lord, Marilyn, and we appreciate her so much. She is worth every penny!
      Love and blessings!

  9. Oh my goodness! How sweet that she does this! Oh I bet you are enjoying her so much even if it's only once a month. I dislike house cleaning! LOL! I hope your week is lovely to you. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

    1. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one out there who dislikes cleaning, Cindy! Just so grateful to have Natalia coming once a month.
      Love and blessings!

  10. We have cleaners come in once a fortnight due to Tim's accident back in November they do adequate job but we are not paying for them so it's ok. I am back doing most of the household chores but I can't get on the floor as I can't get up again.

    1. I hear you, Jo-Anne. Still, it's nice to have some help around the house, even if they do a less than stellar job. Getting on the floor is a definite no-no for me, too.
      Love and blessings!

  11. Oh what a wonderful cleaning lady. They are hard to find. I love those extra touches too. So sweet. Happy birthday to your grad daughters. A busy birthday month. Always appreciate your comments and visits. Have a wonderful evening.

    1. They are difficult to come by, Anne, and that makes me extra grateful for Natalia. Speaking of birthdays, we have non-stop ones beginning in March and all the way through July. I know what you mean!
      Love and blessings!

  12. What a blessing for you to have Natalia!! We used to have a once-a-month cleaner and I miss that! I can't get on my knees either and there are places I hope people don't look too closely at when they visit. Hoping to perhaps one day have some help again. In the mean time, don't look down when you come in!! LOL

    1. LOL, Terri! I hear you loud and clear about not looking down. I do hope that you can have a cleaning service some day soon. Such a lifesaver for folks our age!
      Love and blessings!

  13. Wow, Martha, I love those rosettes Natalia makes on the toilet paper and kleenex, so cool. Glad you found someone reliable and fun too. God bless! Karen Friday

    1. Those rosettes are certainly lovely, Karen, and they do reflect the care and attention Natalia puts into her work. She is a keeper!
      Love and blessings!

  14. Sweet rosette, so glad you found a good cleaning lady and how neat on google translate.

    1. Yes, Christine, the Google Translator is such a benefit when it comes to communicating, that's for sure. Natalia is a gem, and I'm so very thankful for her cleaning prowess.
      Love and blessings!

  15. How clever to make a rosette on the TP. In some hotels they just fold the edge into a triangle. They also put chocolates on the pillow. What a mess it made in my ears.

    God bless.

    1. Victor, you are just too funny! Thanks for cheering me today with your unique sense of humor.
      Love and blessings!

  16. Bom dia, Martha
    Que bênção Natália fazer a limpeza da casa uma vez por mês, a roseta é linda, ela é bem talentosa. Que o Senhor limpe nossas vidas a cada dia, um forte abraço.

    1. Amen, Lucinalva! May God cleanse us inside and out.
      Love and blessings!

  17. We have a "Ms. Andi" who comes twice a month. She too is a blessing and leaves our home smelling clean and fresh. It helps as we "mature" to have a little extra help to do the heavy cleaning. I try and keep up with the day-to-day stuff, but like everything else, caregiving comes first. So glad you found someone you can depend upon. Praying you two help her find and/or deepen her faith in Christ.

  18. "May we let Him help us to be clean from the inside out, that we might shine His love for us to others." AMEN, Martha--that's my prayer too. He designs roses (extra-special blessings) for me every day--may I be alert to ways I can do the same for those around me!

  19. You have the perfect cleaner Martha Jane, and I love the way you have linked it to the cleansing of the Lord. I join with you in prayer for the Lord's cleaning in our lives. God bless you and yours in the Lord.


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  Tell it to your children, and let your children tell it to their children, and their children to the next generation. ~Joel 1:3 The day we...