Thursday, July 13, 2023

Love and Grace


Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. ~Psalm 90:12

It's hard to believe that in August, my high school class will be celebrating our 50th reunion.  How is that possible???  Where in the world has the time gone???  Am I really that old???  There are moments when it seems like only yesterday that I strolled the halls of our school as a teenager, eager to graduate and discover what new adventures life had in store for me.

Looking back to those years swamps me with memories both great and not so great.  We were all so young, yet we had no doubt that we already had the answers to all life's questions, and no one could convince us otherwise.  How naive!  How foolish!

How true . . .

My heart looks forward to seeing so many beloved friends from the Class of '73, but my mind warns me to be accepting of however the intervening years have shaped us all.  We have undoubtedly come a long, long way on our singular journeys that are unique and priceless to each of us individually.  It could be, at this point in time, that all we share in common is the school and the grade we attended.  However, there is always the chance of reconnection, for discovering new bonds we never realized were bubbling beneath the surface of our high school personas.

I always like to look on the bright side, and hope for the best.

Just one evening isn't enough to truly catch up with old friends and acquaintances, so I plan to take some Glade-related business cards (shown above) along with me to pass out liberally.  I do hope others do the same!  Since I haven't been on Facebook for ages now, I don't have any current information on anyone except a handful of people.

Speaking of the Glade series, there have been a few who have expressed interest in getting my books while there, but I've decided that it will be too time consuming and distracting for me when I'm there when I'm trying my best to meet and greet everyone I can.  My "fix" will be for folks to bring any of the novels they already own to be autographed, or order select titles from Amazon and bring them along.  I'm hopeful that this solution will work for all involved.

I am already praying for safe travels for all my classmates as they head to our reunion, and for all to have a joyful and memorable time together.

May we all be determined to show one another the love and grace each one deserves, especially on this momentous occasion.  After all, isn't that what life's truly about?



  1. You're not that old, Some us graduated from college in 1973.

    1. Thanks so much, Glynn! There are definitely days I feel that old or older. But I'm still young at heart, so that counts for something.
      Love and blessings!

  2. I concur with Glynn you spring chicken. Some of us graduated from college in '74. Meanwhile, Amen and Amen to the love and grace.

    1. Thanks, Bill! As I said to Glynn, there are days when I feel a lot older than I actually am, but that just goes with the territory, doesn't it? And I'll second your amen to love and grace.
      Love and blessings!

  3. Age is just a number, I left high school in 1979 so long ago, I have never been to a school reunion have no interest in doing so as I didn't like school it was just a place I had to go and endure day after day.

    1. I hear you, Jo-Anne. Neither one of my stepsons liked school, either. However, I was a lucky gal because I thrived in that environment.
      Love and blessings!

  4. Oh, I love your optimistic outlook! Back in June of '68 I was eager to leave my fellow graduates behind and start a 'new life' in another state. Sure, there were several whose bonds I still cherish (thank you, FB) but I've never had interest in attending a reunion.
    Please do let us know all about it!

    1. I certainly will let you all know how it goes, Myra. I haven't attended a reunion since our 30th. Lots of catching up to do!
      Love and blessings!

  5. Oh, I am happy for you to be going to your 50th reunion! I know it will be a wonderful time of reconnecting with old friends, and like you said, maybe connecting with some you didn't know that well before but perhaps have more in common with now as you've all matured. It's funny how that happens. When we were teenagers we were too busy thinking about our own dreams and schemes and hopes and fears...we may have been too self centered to acknowledge some who were very gifted in unique ways that maybe we didn't understand or appreciate at the time. Growing up has a way of humbling us as well as developing a higher sense of what is really important in us. Have a wonderful time. I'm sure there will be many who will enjoy seeing you again as well.

    1. I am honestly looking forward to this, Pamela. You are so right about us being self-centered as teens, rarely able to see past the noses on our faces, but life happens, and it does have a marvelous way of humbling and honing us to be better friends and fellow sojourners on the roads we travel. Hoping and praying for the best!
      Love and blessings!

  6. How fun!! I'm so glad your class is getting together!! My 50th was in 2020 and we all know what that meant. Covid. I am hoping there will be a 55th but am happy that my entire little school does have an alumni banquet every year to celebrate the graduating class and many gather for that. Do keep us posted and be sure to post about the reunion!! xo

    1. How cool is that, Terri, to have an alumni banquet every year! I think, in some ways, that makes more sense than an actual reunion. I hope, especially because of Covid, that y'all will get to have a 55th. I'm wondering, too, if this will be our final reunion coming up. I guess that bridge will be crossed when we come to it.
      Love and blessings!

  7. I now, right!? It's hard to believe we graduated high school at only three years old. :-) Have been invited to a few, even some from the military, but have never had an interest to go back and re-live those awkward days of learning and socialization or remembering our "glory days" any more than I already do. I've declined politely, choosing to live life moving forward. Hope you have a great time though and make some godly connections.

    1. Making Godly connections is at the top of my mind, J. D. Back then, the Lord was not first in my life, as it was for many others, and He has changed me and helped me in more ways than I can count. I want His love and grace to shine through me!
      Love and blessings!

  8. How wonderful to meet up with old school friends. I'm sure you'll enjoy it, Martha. Great opportunity to be Jesus to someone.

    God bless.

    1. It absolutely is just that sort of opportunity to share Jesus, Victor! See what I said to J. D. above.
      Love and blessings!


  9. The reunion is usually a happy event: people reconnecting etc...It also has some not so happy sides : people 'not making it' in life ,for various reasons: illness, lack of luck ,etc..

    1. That's so true, Duta. And then, there are the remembrances of those classmates who are no longer with us. That always makes me realize afresh just how short and precious life is.
      Love and blessings!

  10. I hope you have a wonderful time of reconnecting, Martha. Time surely does fly. I love that you warn yourself to be accepting of the changes the years have made in all of you. And AMEN! to this - "May we all be determined to show one another the love and grace each one deserves." Love and blessings to you!

    1. I hope I do, too, Trudy! As I said above, I always hope for the best in all things, and I don't think this reunion will disappoint.
      Love and blessings!

  11. I do plan to have a great time, Bill. And you're so right about time flying by before you even know it. That seems to be especially so the older we get.
    Love and blessings!

  12. I've never attended a reunion either. For decades, we just lived too far away and it would have been an expensive trip, plus I didn't want to go by myself nor drag my poor husband along where he'd know no one. I did meet up with two friends 40 years after we graduated. Now THAT was fun! I'll look forward to your report of reunion-experiences, Martha!

    1. I can completely understand the part about living too far away, Nancy. Many of my classmates still live in and around the Atlanta area where I grew up. That's probably because back in the day, there were plenty of job opportunities right here at home. And speaking of spouses, I'm so grateful that Danny is willing to go with me. I did attend his reunion a while back, so I guess he's reasoning that if I can do it for him, he can do it for me. :)
      Yes, I will be sure to let everyone know how it turns out.
      Love and blessings!

  13. So, I'm ahead of you in at least one category, Martha. :) Having already had that sobering-exciting-intimidating-exhilerating, etc, 50th reunion, I'm excited for you and thoroughly enjoyed the memories you kicked into gear. I'd love to be a fly on the wall, as it were, and get to see you experience the wonderful moments that I believe God has in store for you. Your comment about that mysterious way time has of slipping by with varying speeds as life seems to move the throttle at the pace it chooses whether we like it or not. My prayer is not only that you and your classmates have a safe and deeply enriching time together, but that the event will move slowly enough for you to savor every moment.
    For me, reunions in this world always stimulate thoughts about that one waiting for us in heaven. I'm sure that, like me, there are faces you miss and people you long to see again. There are stories we will never tire of sharing and love to express that eternity cannot exhaust. We weren't classmates, my long distance friend, but my heart rejoices with yours and I look forward to hearing your reports about how God blessed this major event.

    1. I do love all the unexpected friendships and connections I've been fortunate enough to make through this blog, Ron, and yours is most certainly one of them! All the things you listed here are on my wish list for this momentous day. Life is winding down, slowly but surely, and there's no way of knowing if this reunion will be our last until we meet in Heaven. Thanks for all your kind words and well-wishes!
      Love and blessings!

  14. Hey Martha, it’s Karen Friday, I’ve had a hard time commenting on your last few posts with my Google account that I normally use. Can’t figure out why,

    I enjoyed your article, you always seem to have a unique perspective. Hope you have a great time at your reunion. God bless.

    1. Thanks so much, Karen, for your email and for you notifying me here, too. Just feel free to do what you just did in order to comment on the blog, my friend - your input is always welcome!
      Love and blessings!

  15. I hope you will still consider coming to the Friday night gathering as well. We won’t be there on Saturday but look forward to seeing many BHS’ers from other classes as well as some of our own on Friday!! Please come!!!

    1. I know you didn't plan to be there on Saturday, P. Danny just didn't want to brave the expected crowd at the Fighter Group. We don't live that far from y'all, and could easily meet up for lunch with you both during the week sometime before football season starts. Would that work?
      Know I really miss you and would so love to catch up!!!
      Love and blessings!

    2. We would love that! Email me some dates that may work for y’all and we’ll make it happen!

  16. Enjoy your time together. Blessings.

  17. WOWOW 50 YRS? NOWAY! (sorry for shouting grin). We graduated in 1985, I can't believe how fast it has gone. smiles

    1. It does go so fast, Linda, which makes it that much harder to believe the 50th is here. I do plan to enjoy this time with old classmates.
      Love and blessings!

  18. A class reunion in the USA, I wonder what that would look like with people coming from all over the place. Here in the Netherlands, no one is ever far away :)

    1. I don't know at this point how far some of my classmates will travel, Marja, but it will be so interesting to see where people are living now. Looking forward to it!
      Love and blessings!

  19. Odd how we feel about passing time. Some things seem just yesterday and then I realise I can't remember what happened last week.
    Happy to know with the psalmist, "My times are in thy hand", Psalm 31:15.

    1. Amen, David, so they are. Such a comfort to know God is walking with us every step of the way on our journeys.
      Love and blessings!

  20. I bet you are looking pretty in pink! I have my pink clogs on. I wrote about them and our new grandbaby coming at my other blog. God is gracious and good. Have a blessed day.


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