Thursday, February 29, 2024

God's Wisdom, a Gracious Gift


If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. ~James 1:5

Curious about the photo above?  Danny and I buy flowers together for Valentine's Day.  While it's lovely to have cut flowers adorning our dining room table, we're aware form the moment of purchase that these will not last forever.  Danny trims and refills the water multiple times, but their fate is inevitable.  He decides to simply toss them out of the vase and into the woods; some get caught up in the tree limbs, giving the illusion that they are blooms on the tree.  Whimsical, don't you think?

The nicest part about an early spring, for me, is seeing the gorgeous daffodils come to life in our yard.  I plant most of them in late fall in the early years of our marriage.  They have faithfully blossomed every year hence, although usually in the month of March, not February.  I can recall as if it were yesterday kneeling in the leaf-covered mulch, digging holes in the ground, and carefully covering each bulb with soil, full of hope for a cheerful spring.

It's a good thing I did so then; just the thought of getting down on my knees and trying to plant either flowers or bulbs, fills me with consternation.  Would I even be able to get back up without help?  What a difference this aging process has meant for me and done to me!

Aren't they breathtakingly lovely?

And for me, today, they are an exceptional treasure.  You see, March 1st is my birthday!  Such a perfect gift!  Not that I like thinking about getting older, especially when I'm physically challenged by chores I once did with ease.  But I hope and pray that with my age has come wisdom.  God's wisdom.  Filling my heart, mind and soul.

I'd rather have God's gracious gift of wisdom and to love as He loves more than anything else I can imagine.  And to think, all we need to do is ask Him, and we will receive it from our generous Father.  He doesn't withhold any good gift, but showers us with grace and mercy at every turn.

May I live out my days with gratitude for all my blessings.



  1. Dearest Martha Jane,
    Happy Birthday to you!
    Those daffodils bring such joy in early spring and like you wrote, we would not be able to get up if having to plant them now...
    Yes, the gift of God's wisdom is the most valuable one.

    1. Thank you, Mariette, for the birthday wishes! And may we all choose God's wisdom above our own.
      Love and blessings!

  2. Happy birthday, Martha! Our daffodils have come as early as Feb. 20, but this year, they're late. I except the bloom to start next week.

    1. Thanks for the birthday wishes, Glynn! It makes sense that your daffodils would be running behind since your winter is a lot longer than ours here in Georgia. I know you'll enjoy them once they are in full bloom.
      Love and blessings!

  3. Feliz aniversário, Martha que Deus abençoe sempre a sua vida, és um presente do Senhor, que Ele continue usando a tua vida, linda postagem, as flores encantam, um forte abraço.

    1. Thanks so much, Lucinalva! I do hope God will continue to use me for His purposes.
      Love and blessings!

  4. Happy Birthday, dear friend! Your yellow blooms are exquisite -- my favorite color!
    I've never planted bulbs, but can certainly relate to the thought of kneeling then getting back up unassisted. Perhaps it's best I do any future kneeling while at the altar.

    1. I gave up kneeling at the altar ages ago, though it still feels strange, Myra. I didn't know yellow was a favorite color for you. So glad you enjoyed the post, and thanks for the birthday wishes.
      Love and blessings!

  5. Happy birthday, Martha!! We need to celebrate each year as a gift from God, even when the aches and pains get in the way at times. I wish you many blessings in the year ahead!! Hugs!

    1. Absolutely, Terri! Each day is another gift from God and we should celebrate all the moments He gives. Thank you for the birthday wishes!
      Love and blessings!

  6. Happy happy birthday!! I am blessed to know you.

    1. Thank you so much, Jean! I am blessed to count you among my friends, too.
      Love and blessings!

  7. First of all, a hearty and heartfelf HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Martha! I'm so glad your flowers poked their heads up to celebrate with you, and glad you chose to share them with those of us who don't have any. Diane and I enjoy seeing them here and there along the way to town, but don't have any in our yard. Like you, my "visits" to the ground beneath my feet are less frequent than they used to be. If something requires my hands to invate the territory generally occupied by my feet, I usually ask myself whether whatever I'm going down there for is really worth it.

    I always love the way you're so transparent and that you share yourself in so many uplifting, encouraging, and Christ-honoring ways. Have a blessed, joy-filled day, and we join the rest of your tribe who rejoice that God blessed the world with you.

    1. Thank you so much for the birthday wishes, Ron! I'm so glad I'm not the only getting-up-in-years person who prefers to keep the ground under my feet and not my knees. It's a challenge to be getting older, isn't it? But I'll take all the days that God wishes to give me and live them to His honor and glory.
      And I'll rejoice in the daffodils.
      Love and blessings!

  8. How lovely! I do enjoy daffodils. Our property is too sandy and porous for any bulbs. When we lived in Jax our yard was full of them because the soil was nice and rich. I miss that. Beautiful post. Have a blessed day. 🌻

    1. That coastal plain grows a whole new array of natural species, Sparky, that's for sure. Give me the good ol' red clay any day. I hope just seeing the daffodils lifted your spirits, today.
      And thanks so much for the birthday wishes!
      Love and blessings!

  9. Happy Birthday, Martha Jane! I love the idea of tossing the store-bought flowers outside so they land in tree branches. What a clever idea!

    Your daffodils are beautiful. I seldom see them here (as well as tulips) except in the floral dept of the grocery stores. The winters here may not be cold enough to nourish them enough to bloom.

    1. As I said to Sparky above, it's the sandy soil, combined with the mild winters, that don't nurture flowers like daffodils. I'm so partial to them now, and look forward to seeing them every spring.
      I'm glad you enjoyed the "flowers in the tree" too.
      Thanks so much for the birthday wishes!
      Love and blessings!

  10. Yes, yes--happy birthday Martha! Blooming daffodils are a lovely sight, and an exceptional treasure indeed, appearing on your birthday! I too am thankful that age has brought at least some wisdom. And I do pray that God help me share it judiciously as he sees fit. (That takes wisdom too!)

    1. It all takes wisdom to follow God's commandments and expectations of us as we traverse this life. The daffodils give me so much hope and reinforce all of God's promises of everlasting life.
      Thanks so much for the birthday wishes, Nancy!
      Love and blessings!

  11. What???? TODAY is your birthday???? Oh my! Why didn't I realize that? Since you are no longer on FB I don't have them to remind me of birthdays! I do hope you have had a lovely day, my dear friend, and yes, those Daffodils are so pretty and sweet!! I'm so glad you planted them when you did and that they come back every year for you!! What a blessing!! We can't grow them here in Florida, and we do miss them. They are my sister Doris' favorite flower and her birthday is April 5th, and I try to always find some for her to put in the hole of her Angel Food Cake, the tradition our mother started and I've tried to keep it going, but it is getting harder to find daffodils that late anymore. Usually Publix has them in March, but by April they seem to just have tulips. Anyway, I am happy you have them for your special day today. Happy Birthday dear Martha! May God bless you with many more happy and blessed birthdays!!!!

    1. Thanks so much for your birthday wishes, Pamela! I'm so delighted that they are here for my birthday, too, as they are in my top favorites of blossoms. I did have a nice and celebratory day; I hope to post something on Tuesday about what Danny so generously gave me as gifts. Of course, with everything he has recently been through, the best gift is Danny himself.
      I love the tradition your mother started, too. I understand why daffodils are difficult to find, especially in Florida with its sandy soil. Tulips just might have to do!
      Love and blessings!

  12. Happy, happy birthday, Martha! The daffodils are lovely and you are a lovely friend and soul. Karen Friday

    1. Thank you so much, Karen, for your kind and heartfelt birthday wishes - they mean so much! Yes, there is nothing like daffodils to inspire heart and hope. I'm sure you will see plenty of them up your way, if not now, soon.
      Love and blessings!

  13. Great words and fine photos. Thanks, Martha. :-)

    1. My husband can take credit for the wonderful photos, Frank. He is always willing to help with my blogs, which I so appreciate!
      Love and blessings!

  14. Happy Birthday, Martha! Your reflections on aging and the beauty of daffodils are both poignant and uplifting. May you continue to be blessed with God's wisdom and grace in the years ahead.

    Hugs and blessings

    1. Thanks so much for the birthday wishes, Veronica! I'll be celebrating all week long. So glad you enjoyed this post, too.
      Love and blessings!

  15. That's a real bummer! I missed your birthday because I don't check my computer or Feedly on Friday (my day off). Hope you had a great birthday! The age is irrelevant if you are surrounded (or at least have someone at your side like Danny) to celebrate. Like you I am finding things I used to do harder to do, and wonder if I will ever get up. :) Thanks for the flower pictures. I'm glad Jo did not see them. She may ask me why we don't have any. WHEW! Escaped that buzzsaw. :) :) Happy belated birthday my friend.

    1. Belated or not, Bill, your birthday wishes are so appreciated! I'm so glad that I have Danny and my family to celebrate with, believe me. And oh, yes, that could be a buzzsaw, indeed, when it comes to daffodils. :) They certainly are my favorite spring flower, bar none. (I'm glad I'm not the only one who struggles with certain chores, too!)
      Love and blessings!

  16. I was the first here this morning to wish you a Happy Birthday. And my comment has vanished. Gives me an opportunity to write again wishing you all the best and many happy returns full of joy, hope, good health and all that you desire.

    God bless always, Martha.

    1. I can't believe it disappeared, Victor! Sometimes, Blogger can be a pain. Let me know when and if it happens again.
      And thank you so much for your wonderful birthday wishes!
      Love and blessings!

  17. Happy belated birthday, sweet Martha!

  18. Hope your birthday was awesome and I like the flowers

    1. My birthday was an awesome one, Jo-Anne. Glad you enjoyed the flowers, too.
      Love and blessings!

  19. i love your valentines tradition, friend ... and i'm already on the lookout for any signs of daffodils and tulips peeking out from the frigid ground. i yearn for springtime's arrival even while i acknowledge that we have quite a ways to go.

    i see that you and my mom share a birthday. that would have made her smile.

    sabbath blessings to you and Danny.

    1. That's so special that your mom and I share the same birthday, Linda! One of my uncles did, too.
      Hang in there - spring will arrive before you know it. Your daffodils will be blooming and mine fading by that time. Good reminder to simply enjoy every moment!
      Love and blessings!

  20. Happy Birthday , Martha, and many happy returns of the day!
    The daffofils look lovely, and perfect for your great Day.

    1. Thanks so much for the birthday wishes, Duta! I'm glad you enjoyed seeing the flowers, too.
      Love and blessings!

  21. I'm a day late, but Happy Birthday, Martha! I love the "whimsical" tree and your daffodils! Love and blessings to you always!

    1. It's never too late to tell a friend happy birthday, Trudy, and I appreciate your well-wishes. I'm glad you liked both the whimsical tree and the daffodils, too.
      Love and blessings!

  22. Daffodils are beautiful and mu mothers favorites, I managed to get some growing on her grave, I just hope they survive

    1. Oh, I hope they survive, too, Billy - that's a lovely plant to have growing on a loved one's grave. It calls to mind the resurrection of our Lord.
      Love and blessings!

  23. Happy Birthday Ms. Martha! Thirty-seven is not old ma'am; you have a long way to go. God ain't done with y'all yet. :-) In any case, I pray you had a blessing-filled birthday. Sorry I missed it ma'am.

    1. I had a wonderful birthday, J. D., and I do so appreciate your wishes, belated or not! 37??? Nice try - lol!
      Love and blessings!

  24. Wishing you a happy belated Birthday!!!! smiles

  25. God is the source of giving as well as the gift! Thank you, Dear. Aloha

  26. Lindas flores e uma publicação show! Bju

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Thanks for your kind words here, Lon.
      Love and blessings!

  28. These images are a respite when old. They a just beginning to bloom in my area. The snowdrops and crocus are in full bloom. My walks are a joy when They are in bloom. Your daffodils are gorgeous.

    Hugs and Blessings

    1. I'm so glad you enjoyed the photos, Jim. Yes, the blooms are a balm to my eyes and my heart. Let's vow to enjoy them while they last!
      Love and blessings!

  29. Your daffodils are surprisingly beautiful. They look showing us the dignity of nature.

    1. I agree - they are beautiful! There is such nobility in God's creation.
      Love and blessings!

  30. Happy Belated Birthday, dear Martha! Your daffodils are so lovely. I sure can relate to not being able to do as much as you used to. It is very hard to accept and adjust to. Aging is not for wimps, that's for sure. LOL! God bless you, sweet friend.

    1. Thanks so much for the birthday wishes, Cheryl! I'm very thankful for the new year God has given me.
      Love and blessings!


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