Thursday, February 22, 2024



Do not be wise in your own eyes;  fear the Lord and shun evil.  This will bring health to your body and nourishment for your bones. ~Proverbs 3:7-8

It seems the older I get (too quickly, I might add), the more supplements I've introduced to my body.  Although some have truly made a difference for the better, there are some with which I part ways.  Their promises for more energy and better health ring empty.

I've also ditched my daily tumeric I have been taking for joint pain, especially in my wrists.  Too much time on the keyboard?  Probably.  Instead, I've opted for this:

Danny researches this product thoroughly, and in only two weeks of taking it, I can feel a measurable improvement in pain-free mobility.  It's a win-win for me since it also helps with hair growth and skin health.  I'm already takin Nutrafol, recommended by my dermatologist, for battling thinning hair.  Who would ever think that the product, so widely advertised, would actually do the trick?

I highly recommend it to any of you who are struggling with hair loss.  However, keep in mind that is by no means inexpensive.

But in my book, Nutrafol has been a worthwhile investment for me.

Yes, good health and nutrition are the bulwarks for living our best physically, but what about spiritually?  How can we boost the quality of time we spend with God each day?

We invest.

In His Word.  In prayer.  In quiet contemplation.  In listening for and to His still, small voice.  Not just daily, but moment by moment.

And as we do, we come to realize that all our surroundings speak to the sacredness of life and living well.

(I will be reviewing Sacred Surrounding by my good friend, Jean Wise, soon!)

God is with us, for us, in us.  At all times and in all places, no matter what circumstances we face or what troubles may come.

No matter how much our joints might ache or how disheveled our hair looks, God loves us just the same.

Every one of us.



  1. Indeed, God's Word is essential to healthy living. And the world needs it now more than ever.

    God bless.

    1. Now more than ever . . . So true, Victor!
      Love and blessings!

  2. Amen! God's Word, time in prayer and meditation with Him are the best investments we can make. My eternity requires it to stay spiritually healthy. Like you, it seems I take more OTC supplements than medicines. I take a concoction each morning to help stave away Covid and flu by naturally boosting my immune system. That's in addition to my regular daily vitamins and supplements. Glad you've found things that work for you ma'am. God's blessings.

    1. I sure hear you, J. D.! At our age, there seems to be no end to supplements, though I don't take a multi-vitamin per-se. I did not include Immuneti in the list above; that boosts the immune system as the name suggests.
      God boosts our belief system and gives us all the spiritual supplements we could ever need.
      Love and blessings!

  3. I'm all for investing in God's Holy Word! He is the only One that can truly sustain us.
    When I gave up sugar/carb's not only did I lose over 45 lbs but my hair grew back, fingers are stronger, skin color improved, no more annual infections, no more B-12 shots, we're saving money on food, etc. No supplements or antibiotics needed anymore. I didn't realize I was a sugar addict with all the carb's in my diet! I was masking an eating problem and kept getting sicker and sicker. Our Doc is now eating this way and he's sharing it with all his patients. I highly recommend eating almost entirely carnivore. It's the way God intended for us to eat.
    Hope y'all are doing well. I'm lovin' this warmer weather. Can't wait for Spring planting.
    Blessings In Christ. xx

    1. I'm so impressed by these improvements you've made to your health, Sparky, by simply changing your diet. Wow! Losing that amount of weight is a testament in and of itself. Sugar has never been a big part of my diet at any time. No need to start now!
      We are doing much better after that ordeal, but we still have some hurdles to jump in the future. Thanks for asking!
      Love and blessings!

  4. I heard too much tumeric is harmful so good you stopped it

    1. I hadn't heard that, Christine, but I sure am glad to know it now. I guess I made the right choice!
      Love and blessings!

  5. It's wonderful to hear that you've found relief for your joint pain and hair health with Nutrafol. Investing in our physical well-being is important, but so is investing in our spiritual health. Taking time for prayer, reflection, and connecting with God can bring us peace and strength in any circumstance.

    Hugs and blessings, Martha

    1. Yes, Veronica, I'm so happy for being able to reverse the hair loss, but even more so for being out of pain. And when it comes to overall health, we need a good, hearty daily dose of the Lord, don't we? Can't do anything without a close relationship with Him.
      Love and blessings!

  6. I have taken biotin for years & definitely see a difference. I tried tumeric and gave it up. My kids have touted the collagen- peptides also. May have to give it a try.
    Blessings, Martha!

    1. They are doing such a great job, Lulu, at least for me. No turning back! I've heard about the benefits of biotin, too.
      Love and blessings!

  7. I only take cod-liver oil capsules along with my Blood pressure pills, not sure if the cod liver does any good but the pills work and keep my blood pressure down.

    1. I do take pills (prescription) for blood pressure, too. The cod-liver capsules help, I'm sure, Billy.
      Love and blessings!

  8. I shouldn't be surprised to find more places where we're on the same page, Martha. I also ditched the tumeric and Diane and I have been using the Peptides for over a year now and consider it a good move. And speaking of moving, after 4 hip replacements and 2 fake knees, the gym and I have a love/hate relationship. I love the part that keeps me moving. As one of my favorite physical therapists loves to say, "motion is lotion." But I hate that it never gets easier or more appealing to get myself together and head out to punish myself again.

    In any case, dear friend, there are some things no one can do for us--like our walk with the Lord, if we don't make it the priority of our lives, no one else can. God bless you for another insightful and encouraging bright spot in our day.

    1. Thanks so much for your kind words here, Ron. I can't imagine what it would be like to hip replacements and fake knees - ouch! It must be hard to keep moving as you know you should, and I admire you for sticking with the exercise.
      And it's so true that only we can place our priorities in the right places. Following Jesus takes the top spot! He is the true miracle worker.
      Love and blessings!

  9. Thanks for the shoot out on the book too! Love seeing your supplements. Good review of them. I am always looking for the miracle drug - ha. But the word of God is the best!

    1. I plan to do a full review, Jean, as time allows. As you well know, life has been a full three-ring circus around here, and is just now getting back to some sense of normalcy.
      We all want that so-called miracle drug that makes us feel younger and more energetic, but you're right to state that God's word is always the best!
      Love and blessings!

  10. There are so many options and testimonials available, one doesn't know quite what to believe. I do trust your words, however -- and just wish I might justify spending the $ for the Nutrafol.

    1. I trust making this claim because my dermatologist recommended it highly, and it truly does work. Yes, it is big $$$, but to me, it's worth every penny, Myra.
      Love and blessings!

  11. Thank you for sharing this with us. I appreciate your thoughts and testimony on all of the above, but most especially regarding God's Word. That is where our lasting strength and hope comes from. The other is all helpful, however, and we thank you for sharing it with us!! Blessings to you and Danny today.

    1. I'm so glad you enjoyed this post today, Pamela, and you're so right: God's Word is the place we get our lasting hope and strength. I couldn't put one foot in front of the other without the knowledge that He cares for me and has my best interest at heart.
      Love and blessings!

  12. I told my daughter only the other day she has become like her mum (Me) and my Nana her great-grandmother when it comes to taking vitamins and such to aid our bodies and help us function better.

    1. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, does it, Jo-Anne? Praying that all of you stay happy and healthy.
      Love and blessings!

  13. Olá, Martha
    Que legal você encontrar um produto para a queda do cabelo e para as dores, cuidar da saúde é muito importante e o tempo com Deus fortalece a vida espiritual, Ele é o nosso ajudador em todo tempo, um forte abraço.

    1. I'm excited about these discoveries, too, Lucinalva. And God is most certainly our helper at all times!
      Love and blessings!

  14. Bible study, prayer, and meditation improve the health of our spirits just as eating right and exercise improve the health of our bodies. How gracious God is to provide the means for strength and vitality of body, mind, AND spirit!

    1. Oh, yes, Nancy, our God is gracious always, and knows exactly what we need to thrive and do our best in this life He's given us. May we ever be grateful!
      Love and blessings!

  15. Martha, I have tried so many supplements over the years and rarely do they do what is promised! I don't have hair growth problems, thankfully. My hair and my nails grow faster than I can afford to keep up with them! Thanks for your recommendations!! Continued good luck with them!!

    1. I hear you, Terri. I'm always a tad suspicious when it comes to "medicine men" who hawk their goods, promising the sky. I'm really grateful for this new supplement that seems to be working well. I'm ever grateful for God's gracious gifts that truly keep us going.
      Love and blessings!

  16. Nice post , I loved so much "Do not be wise in your own eyes".

    1. That is a wonderful admonition, and one we don't always pay attention to in our day-to-day lives.
      Love and blessings!

  17. Interesting post. I have yet to find a vitamin that truly works for me. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

    1. I hear you, Cecelia. That can be elusive, but God's love and care for us never is.
      Love and blessings!

  18. Enjoyed learning about products you've not had good results with and the ones that have worked for you. The analogy to our spiritual well-being is spot on. God's Word, prayer, praise and worship in particular will help our spiritual health best and better than anything else. God bless! Karen Friday

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed this post, Karen. There are so many simple things we can practice daily to stay close to God; we just need to do them and stick with that routine.
      Love and blessings!

  19. Thank you for these health recommendations, Martha. I'll have to invest in the Nutrafol. I'll let you know if it works for me.

    1. Please do, Debra. I'd love to know if this product worked for others, too. Again, patience does come in handy as it's not an overnight phenomena, but it will work over time. Glad to know that being close to God has immediate results!
      Love and blessings!

  20. Glad to hear you found some supplements that delivered as promised. That's always an exciting win. Sounds like you're investing your money and time wisely. I'll look forward to what you think of Jean's book! I'm sure it will be fantastic. She's such an insightful writer.

    1. I'm so happy for this, too, Lisa. It is a win-win, as I'm sure Jean's book will be, too. I'm looking forward to reviewing and promoting it.
      Love and blessings!

  21. Thank you for sharing your experience with these products, Martha. That is wonderful that they are working well for you. May God continue to bless you and Danny.

    1. I'm glad you liked this post, Cheryl. May God continue to cover you and yours with all His grace and love!
      Love and blessings!

  22. Thank you for sharing. I always love it when others share their tried and true. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  23. Thank you for this very wise sharing! have recently started CoQ10 and lycopene to regulate my blood pressure. I'll let you know how it goes Aloha

    1. Please do let me know how those supplements work for you, Cloudia. I do take a prescribed pill for blood pressure, but I'd love knowing if there's something else that works.
      Love and blessings!

  24. I too have tried many supplements and rejected most, including vitamins. They sometimes actually do harm. CoQ10 is one that helps with the heart.

    Hugs and Blessings

    1. Yes, it does help if you have heart issues, Jim. I believe Danny is taking that for his. Most supplements, though, are disappointing and costly. I don't take any vitamins per se, either. I'm with you when it comes to not really doing much good, and possible harm.
      Love and blessings!

  25. I've found that most supplements you buy at local stores such as Walmart, Costco, etc are not physician grade. I get my supplements through a place called, but you do need a doctor's referral to get through them. These are very high quality supplements, and you will notice improvements. My favorite brands are Thorne, Metagenics, Standard Process among others. I'm so happy to hear that the collagen peptides have helped you, along with the hair growth! That is wonderful! Many blessings to you dear friend!

    1. Thanks so much for this additional info, Marilyn! I'll be seeing my doc soon for an annual checkup, so I'll be sure to ask him about Fullscript. He's a PA, so he may be more amenable to seeking out alternatives.
      Love and blessings1

  26. It becomes warmer now. Let's take a walk under the bright sunshine to make us healthier.


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