Friday, July 29, 2011

Close to You

Psalm 73:28
But as for me, it is good to be near God.
I have made the Sovereign LORD my refuge;
I will tell of all your deeds.

The inspiration to convert my blog from an occasional musing to a daily devotional came to me just over two months ago. I have yet to miss a post and never intend to. The time I have spent immersed in God's word, meditating upon it, and writing reflections based on a verse from that day's scripture has fostered my faith and honed my skills as a writer. Best of all, though, are the butter flies of anticipation fluttering in my stomach each day when I open the assigned readings, locate them in the Bible, and begin perusing them. I can't wait to hear how God will speak to me! It is so, so good to be near God!

How are you drawing close to the Lord today? Have you made Him your refuge and strength? Are you telling others of the wondrous deeds He has done for you? Are these daily devotions here helping you to realize God's presence in your life in a new way? I pray this is so!

May the Lord bless you and keep you in the light of His word and may His love surround you always!

Psalms 69:1-23 (24-30) 31-38 or 73
2 Samuel 5:1-12
Acts 17:1-15
Mark 7:24-37


  1. I have to admire you for writing daily devotions. Certainly this strengthens you spiritually – how could it not? Also I suggest you connect with others who are doing the same. I follow a few who post daily, although it’s impossible to get over to everyone’s site every day. But when I do it’s like receiving a fresh cool drink on a hot summer day: refreshing.
    One of my BBF is Phil. His posts are in the form of prayers. Check him out and connect at the following FB site. Phather Phil’s…

  2. I certainly will check Phather Phil out - love that moniker! Yes, it does help so much to read inspirational writings of others and I look forward to reading his blog, especially since I write prayers every week for our contemporary service and have been assigned to write one for our revival this coming Sunday - bit nervous about that one! :)
    And, yes, this discipline HAS strengthened me greatly and I am relishing every moment spent in God's word.


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