Friday, January 31, 2014

Back Seat Driver - Part 2

Virginia Rose in her car seat

2 Timothy 3:16-17
All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

Like many young couples, my daughter, Sarah, and her husband, John, share one car.  When John lands a full-time position with a local children's hospital, Sarah depends on me to drive her to her part-time job, and babysit for granddaughter, Virginia Rose, until John gets of work and can come pick the little one up.  Do I mind?  Not in the least!  I'm just so happy to be able to help out.

When I arrive, Sarah and Virginia are ready to go.  We fasten Virginia securely into her car seat.

"Gammie's house?"  she asks.  That's where we had all headed the day before so Sarah could borrow my car to get to a doctor's appointment.

"No, Virginia, first we're going to take Mommy to work, and then we'll go to Gammie's and Papa's house."

I'm steering the car through the apartment complex maze to get to the main road.  As I approach it, my grandchild's litany begins:

"Right dere, right dere, right dere, right dere . . ."

I shoot Sarah a quizzical look.  "What's Virginia doing?"

"Giving you directions to the mall," she answers with a chuckle.  "She does it all the time."

"No kidding?"

"Right dere, right dere, right dere!"

I turn onto the main drag.  Virginia quiets down until we reach the first traffic light.  "Red means stop!  Stop, Gammie!"

"I am stopping, Virginia."

The light changes.  "Green means go!  Go, Gammie!  Careful dwiving!"

I press on the accelerator.  "Gammie, too fast for Ginna.  Swow down!"

"I'm going the speed limit, honey."

"'Kay," she says.

Another red light and the last conversation is instantly replayed.  As we get closer to our turn into the mall, Virginia's chant cranks up once again:  "Right dere, right dere, right dere . . ."

I turn left, then make a quick right onto the mall drive with my granddaughter boisterously teaching me the way as if I have no idea where I'm going.  This tickles Sarah and me, and we begin to giggle.

"Not even four, and already a back seat driver," I note.

"Can you imagine what she'll be like when she learns to drive?"  Sarah says.  "She probably won't want anyone telling her what to do."

"Right dere, right dere, right dere.  Ow, Gammie!  Stop!"

"Can't help it, Virginia.  We went over a speed bump."

As we close in upon the mall entrance Sarah always uses, Virginia's mantra intensifies.  I don't know how she is managing to breathe!

"Right dere, right dere, right dere, right dere . . ."

And, if either Sarah or I had any doubts that we reached our final destination, Virginia assures us of our journey's success.



While amusingly entertaining, Virginia Rose's directions were unsolicited and unnecessary.  Sometimes, when we are correcting, teaching, rebuking, or training a growing Christian, we may forget to stop, pray, and glean if what we are saying is something which will equip them for good works in the name of Christ.  And, if advice is not given in a loving spirit, we run the risk of offending the very people we wish to help.  Before we decide to back seat drive, let's make sure we know the way ourselves.  The best way to do that?  Read God's Word, go to Him in daily prayer, and ask the Holy Spirit for guidance.

Prayer:  Father, give us this day the gift of discernment when reading the Scripture, the guidance of Your Holy Spirit as we walk by faith, and the ability to train others in Your righteousness.  Fill our hearts, minds, and souls with Your love, grace, and peace that we might be thoroughly equipped to do every good work in Your name.  Amen.


  1. How seriously funny and cute is she?? LOL What is truly amazing is that you found a way to inspire and teach from it. I simply love that about you! ♥

    1. Kathy, you are too kind! I do find so much of my inspiration in the mundane and the seemingly ordinary events which lend themselves to entering God's gateways. I am blessed by this and blessed that readers like you take the time to comment!
      Much love!


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