Friday, January 3, 2014


Mark 13:32-33
"But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.  Be on guard!  Be alert!  You do not know when that time will come."

The word I chose to guide me in the year 2013 was "love."  It served me better than well, and opened up new opportunities to realize more fully God's love for me, the love He has for all of us, and to share this love with those I encountered each and every day.  I have many treasured memories of lives sincerely touched.

As December approached, and the New Year encroached, I struggled with which word to pin on 2014.  What could it possibly be?  Love is so powerful, how can any other word match it?  Outdo it?  Most importantly, how is God speaking to me in this year about to unfold?

How is God calling me to live out my life in the next 365 days?

The word comes to me while my husband, Danny, and I are on vacation in the Nantahala Mountains of North Carolina.  God beckons me to the windows of our cabin.

"Watch!"  He says, revealing His glory . . .

Though convicted in that moment, I am not absolutely certain that the word "watch" is my "watch word" for the coming year.  I question.  I pray.  I play with other words which, at the time, seem appealing.

Yet, faithfully, relentlessly, and ever gently, God steers me back to the one word He planted firmly in my wavering, wandering mind.


And, so, I shall.

I will watch.

I will stand guard.

I will be open to all that He spreads before me.

I will be ready to receive His gifts, ready to give in turn to others.

Aware.  Awake.  Alert.

I will watch . . .


Do you choose a special word for your life each New Year?  If so, please share in the comment section!

Will you pray with me?
Father, help us all in the New Year to draw closer to You and invite Your Presence into our lives every day.  Let us be awake, aware, and alert to Your signs and wonders.  Prepare us to receive Your Son anew when He returns in glory to rule the nations.  Amen.


  1. Loved the pictures in this post and your thoughts. Inspiring!

    Wishing you and yours the best this 2014!

    1. Thanks so much, Jessica! Glad you enjoyed the photos, my friend.
      Wishing you and yours every blessing in the new year, too!

  2. What a heart-felt post, Martha. Watching is so important. At least for me, watching is also linked with waiting. Expectantly watching and waiting. Hmmm...wonder if that's my phrase for the year.

    Love and blessings,


    1. Kim, it could be! The two are linked and go hand in hand. I'm hoping that the watching will grow me in awareness of His presence in every moment of my life.
      Thanks so much for coming by, my friend, and for sharing on Google today.
      Love and blessings!

  3. Beautiful picture and an interesting word for 2014. I will have to come back to see how God uses that word in your every day life. I think we are to be watchmen or women in this world. Watching for Him in all circumstances.

    I am doing a one word this year with the word perspective. It keep coming up over and over the last few months of 2013 so I thought, why not, even though it's not a word I would pick so I am excited to see how God uses it in my life. You have encouraged me with your words. Blessings

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Betty!
      Oh, I like the word "perspective" which you have chosen to guide you in 2014. It makes me think of being more discerning and less judgmental of people and circumstances. It can't help but grow you in God's love and purpose for your life.
      So glad you enjoyed the photos. I'm lucky to have such a great photographer for a husband. :)
      Love and blessings!

  4. Awesome pictures Martha. A very happy new year to you. Good Luck and keep watching.

    1. So glad you enjoyed the photos, Janaki! I'll be sure to tell Danny.
      May God bless you and yours in the New Year, too, and thanks so much for stopping by today.
      Love and blessings!

  5. Martha, I don't think that God could have planted a more appropriate word that 'watch', especially with everything that is going on around the world today. We are told to 'be knowledgeable' and to 'watch and be ready'. Maybe this word goes much deeper than any of us realize at the moment. Thank you for sharing this! Hope that 2014 bring you many blessings ♥

    1. So true, Mary - we are to be awake, aware, and alert, ready for anything God is prepared to reveal to us. And, maybe it does go deeper than any of us can imagine right now.
      Blessings and love to you in the New Year!

  6. Yes, watch and SEE. Beautiful pictures and words. Happy New Year!

    1. Thank you so much for visiting, Lisa Marie, and for you kind words.
      Happy and Blessed New Year to you, too!

  7. Beautiful pictures and interesting word. Wish you a wonderful 2014. Many blessings.

    1. Glad you enjoyed the photos, Suzy. Yes, it is a different word and, as I shared above, one I didn't immediately cling to. Now, though, I'm finding it fits perfectly!
      Love and blessings to you in the New Year!

  8. Watch! I wonder what He's going to show you this year. Praying you are open to the timing of His wonder. And I'm so grateful for your encouragement. Blessings as your keep your eyes open. :)

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Sandy, and for the blessings wished for the year. Yes, I wonder, too, what God is going to show me and looking forward to each new day.
      Love and blessings!

  9. Beautiful pictures Martha, am speechless! Nature is so beautiful and God has given us this life to enjoy its beauty to the fullest :)

    Wishing you and your wonderful family a very happy New Year full of love and laughter always.

    Thank you so much for these beautiful words, I somehow needed them today.

    1. Thanks so much for coming by, Privy! Glad the photos and the post met you where you are today; just knowing that makes my heart happy. :)
      Happy and Blessed New Year to you and yours!

  10. Maybe you are to "watch" for how God is working in your life in this new year. Either way, your pictures were breath taking and your post inspirational. My soul and heart is always fed when I come here. I always feel happy after I visit you and at peace! ♥

    1. Kathy, you are so kind, and I am so gratified that my posts bring you happiness and peace. I can't begin to tell you how this word "watch" is already changing my outlook in an amazing way. I'm looking forward to God's work within me in the days to come.
      Thanks so much for visiting! Love and blessings!

  11. Beautiful and divine photos Martha. You know for sure there is a divine Creator when you take in sights like the one you've posted. We can see or 'watch' the presence of God in such beauty and really in all things in life.

    1. Oh, yes, Vishnu, His presence is vivid in these wonderful photos Danny took! I'm hoping that the word "watch" will help me see this same grandeur in the most mundane sights. Heightened awareness is my prayer.
      Thanks so much for stopping by, dear friend!
      Love and blessings!

  12. We were together when the word "love" was chosen for the year... I have found and experienced it profoundly in my life last year and yes, you are right, it would be difficult to outdo such a 'powerful' and amazing word.

    This year, I have not chosen an exact word yet but I will let you know as soon as the Lord draws me to it. "Watch" is somewhat exciting as in anticipating what is to come :)

    I pray with you...may the Lord find us ready when He comes. Lots of love dear friend!

    Love the pics you shared!

    1. Oh, Melissa, I can't wait to know what word the Lord will give you for this year! I'm sure, though, that it will be the perfect fit for your faith journey.
      Love was, and is, a difficult one to outdo, and it still lingers in my heart. But, my prayer is that "watch" will bring it to an entirely different, more spiritual level. I'm looking forward to each and every day in this new year.
      And, yes, when the Lord returns, may He find us ready and waiting.
      Much love and many blessings, dear one!

  13. Dearest Mom, thank you for watching over me! I feel your loving eyes upon me. Love you so much!


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