Friday, January 17, 2014

It's Working!

Ephesians 4:15-17
From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.

My granddaughter, Virginia Rose, always wants to know, if family members are not around, where they are and what they are doing.  After dropping her mother at work the other day, we are driving back to my house when Virginia begins:


"Papa's at work today."


"Giovanni's at work, too."


"We just dropped Mommy off at work, and your Daddy is working, too."

Virginia pauses for a moment.  I wonder what she is pondering.  Finally, she blurts out what should be the next obvious inquiry, but one I least expect:  "Gammie?  Work?"

Oh, how I want to explode with volcanic blasts of laughter!  Do I work?  Oh, yes, baby, and you can't begin to understand how hard I work.  Taking care of the home, taking care of you, seeing my hopes of 500 words per day only simmering on the back burner because of precious time spent with you, dear one.  And, loving every moment because God has graced me with your irreplaceable presence.  So, I answer:

"Yes, Gammie works.  I'm a writer."

"OhhHHhh."  Virginia's sing song response assures this Gammie that she understands nothing of the process of writing, but that she is gratified in knowing her grandmother actually does something each and every day.

Makes something of her life .  .  .

Works.  At.  Something.

And, it's working!

Saint Paul reminds us of the human need to work and the power inherent within those tasks.  God gives us gifts which must be recognized, embraced, and practiced.  If we are to build God's kingdom in this world, it takes willing and hard-working hearts, minds, souls, and hands.

It takes determination and drive, with God's help, to build up The Body.

Can we be the supporting ligaments for the Body of Christ?  Can we be joined together, building up ourselves and others in His great love?

Can we cling to God's promise, even when we feel that our contribution is small or insignificant?

Can we keep on keeping on, even when our work seems, at first take, not to be working?

Yes, we can, when we take the Lord at His word, trusting that He will see us through

"Gammie?  Work?"

Working for His kingdom, dear Virginia, working for His kingdom . . .


Do you feel that the work you do on a daily basis is satisfying or unsatisfying?  Please share in the comment section.

Will you join me in prayer?
Dearest Father, may we all know and realize in our hearts, minds, and souls, that You are always with us, no matter where we find ourselves  Build us up with Your love through Your grace, and help us to always do the works you have planned for us to do to build up others for the sake of Your kingdom.  Amen.


  1. Yes... you... ARE! And you're making a difference, far more than the immediate. I think of your 500-word discipline as something like plowing up hard ground and investing some precious seed, giving God time to create an increase.

    And those "interruptions"? Back burner-makers? Oh, they're just fertilizer for more planting, just as you did here. I can't wait for the day when she's old enough to say, "Gammie, you're going to write about this, aren't you?" :-)

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Andy, and for your most encouraging words! Yes, those "interruptions" can provide lots of fodder for future stories and blog reflections. In the year of "Watch," I'm allowing all the back-burner experiences to be a welcomed opportunity.
      And, maybe as Virginia gets older and realized that I do write about her, she'll behave at all times? :) Nah!
      Love and blessings!

  2. This brings to mind the quote:
    If you follow your bliss
    If find what you you love to do and make that your career, you'll never work a day in your life.

    Seems as if you and I Martha, have followed that adage quite well.

    1. It seems great minds think alike, Chris - this exact quote swirled in my head as I wrote this. I'm glad we are both in the same boat of doing what we love in our "work."
      Thanks so much for visiting!
      Love and blessings!

  3. Well, yes and no, to be honest. I have a day job, which I normally enjoy depending on the company. Current gig isn't as rewarding, but I remind myself regularly, it's just a job and not who I am. I thank writing for this, it keeps me sane. Glad to see your words, M.

    1. Writing keeps me sane as well, Brenda. And, we share the same passion for it, don't we?
      Thanks so much for coming by today!
      Love and blessings!

  4. You do work, Martha, and you don't :) When work is passion-filled, love-filled and inspired by God, it's not really work, right? Writing is definitely hard work but often it's like a divinely inspired act. I'm glad you're putting your heart and soul into your work and serving the Lord at the same time. The truth of your writing is like a brightly burning candle.

    The fact that you're working at home and spending time with Virginia is surely going to help us realize that writing is a great gig :)

    1. Thanks so much for coming by, Vishnu, and for your kind comment here. You are so right - when we work at what we have a passion for, it never really seems like work, does it? I am so blessed to be doing what I love every day!
      Love and blessings!

  5. I smiled along with you as you shared Virginia Rose's questions and delightful spirit! My two nephews are older, aged 8 and 11 respectively, but the way that their young minds work is still fascinating. The lack of protective barriers, walls built up to keep others at bay, provides such clarity and that laser focus that cuts right to the heart of any given matter. It also frequently provides unexpected hilarity that just charms right down to our very soul. What a beautiful glimpse into your world, sweet Martha. You are imminently blessed.

    Much love!

    - Dawnie

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Dawnie! So glad you smiled right along with me here; she does my heart and soul good every time I'm with her.
      And, your two nephews are still enjoying an age of innocence at 8 and 11. What joy children bring to our lives. No wonder Jesus said to let the little children come to Him, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven!
      Love and blessings to you!

  6. Martha,

    Thanks for this post. It's a great reminder to do the work God created us to do. On the flip side, sometimes it's just good to "be" and not to work. I love seeing the world through your sweet granddaughter, Virginia's eyes.

    Love and blessings,


    1. Thanks so much for coming by, Kim! Yes, it IS important to simply be at times, especially when society tells us our worth is in what we do, not in who we are.
      So glad you enjoyed this post; I enjoy seeing the world through Virginia's eyes, too!
      Love and blessings!

  7. Like you...I am a writer but so much more and some days it is exhausting but so worthwhile!

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, Kathy! Yes, there are days, like yesterday, when I have all the energy in the world to write and the words just tumble out. Other days, though the words come, it's more like pulling teeth, but I'd never give up on it for the world. It is so worthwhile!
      Love and blessings!

  8. It is not always easy to see that everything seems to be working... but it does. Do I find my work satisfying? In many aspects yes despite the income but my heart rejoices everytime I am able to see a researcher growing in his'her own field or a patient smiling and satisfied with the good done to her.

    The Lord provides in many other creative ways and love is part of it.

    I pray with you! I love this post and Virginia is all grown up now ~ what a joy to see!

    1. In our limited vision as humans, it is impossible to see the whole picture. That's where faith in God comes in, full and strong.
      All is working, all is working as planned, and He has the whole world in His hands.
      You, Melissa, are a vibrant part of His plan. Keep on keeping on, and God will faithfully lead!
      Love and blessings, dear one!


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