Friday, May 16, 2014

Slip Sliding Away

Psalm 94:18
When I said, "My foot is slipping," your unfailing love, Lord, supported me.

Our granddaughter, Virginia Rose, loves going to the playground.  Any playground!  How fortunate that her new apartment complex has on on site.

While she has always loved the swings, Virginia has been a bit wary of the slide unless her dad, John, climbs the ladder with her and holds her as they swoop down together.  Not any more!  From these photos, it seems she has conquered her fears.

But, on closer scrutiny of these pictures, I think Virginia's not sliding down, she's trying to climb up that slippery slope!  The realization brings back my own childhood memories of attempting to scale the slide from the other direction.  Hands gripping the slide's sides tenaciously.  Pushing one Ked-clad foot after the other with the determination of Sir Hillary.  But, rarely reaching the Mount Everest summit, even with the most dedicated of efforts.

Slip sliding away.  Back down the incline.  Hitting the bottom . . .

And, when we live our life as if God were not at the center of it, it is a precarious venture.  A slippery slope.  Ill advised at best; traumatically disappointing at worst.  

When we attempt to scale the slide of life on our own, rejecting His presence, we are destined for failure.  We face a future of treading water, not making tracks.

I don't believe for one moment that any one of us would choose to live a life which is not moving forward with purpose, with resolve, with meaning.

And, I don't believe for one moment that God wants us to live a life devoid of purpose.  Or, resolve.  Or, meaning.

He knows when our feet begin to slip.

When we forget He is there to save us with His unfailing love.

There to rescue.  To restore.

Climbing up that ladder right behind us to support our gleeful free-fall to the bottom of the slide.

Right with us.


God will never slip slide away . . .


How is God keeping you from slip sliding away?

Prayer:  Dearest Father, the slippery slopes of this world offer temptations, falsely assuring us that we can accomplish things in this life on our own.  Your Word tells us a different story.  Be with us always, reminding us that You alone are our true and loving guide and defender through this earthly existence.  In Jesus' precious name we pray.  Amen.


  1. Last few months have been very trying for me Martha , healthwise. Giving cancer tests as doctors were trying to ascertain what was wrong with me I was staring at my biggest love being challenged - the love for life. And that is when I realised He is just testing me... He wants to know how firmly am I standing on my definition of faith - When being thrown off a cliff have faith, either He will give you wings to fly or He will be standing down to hold you.

    And I just let it all go... I fell gracefully and yessss He was there to hold me <3

    1. Oh, dear Privy, you have been through the wringer of life, for sure! I am so saddened that you have had to go through these tests, but gratified to know how God has held you so closely during this time of trial. You have an amazing faith, my friend, and the Lord will see you through always!
      Love and blessings always!

  2. Amazing how the kids test their limits by doing things differently. We did this too as kids but forgot as we got older or maybe we just want to be sure that we don't slip. What is a climb without a slip here and there? That is how we get hold of our footing....:)

    1. I agree, Janu, that there is never a climb without a slip of some sort. Just like it is in life! How many times I've thought: "Two steps forward and one step back?" :)
      Love and blessings!

  3. Martha,

    I love your post. Even with some of my physical challenges, I remember trying to climb up the slide, as an alternative to sliding down. It didn't work too well for me.

    Currently, I'm hanging on to God with all that I have in me even in the absolute hurt and confusion I'm currently experiencing in not being allowed to be part of a ministry (within my church) that I feel fairly passionate about. Help is needed, yet, I volunteer to receive a "no go". Confusing! Talk about limitations placed on me by others...ridiculously low expectations.

    Continuing to push in and through to find out what is what in all of this.

    Love and blessings!

    1. Kim, the situation you describe here is a slippery slope, indeed, and definitely a confusing one. I know you are qualified to serve, so getting turned down just doesn't make sense. But, hang on to God and He will hang on to you, to paraphrase James. He will provide, I'm sure of it!
      Love and blessings!

  4. Kids are so delightfully innocent and some, like my son are just fearless. They are ready to take on the world and climb up the slide because it is more fun going up backwards then going down. Then we grow up. Kids simply have faith without question, and then they lose faith and fear steps in. It isn't till we find God once again and trust him that we get that faith back. Even then we have doubts...but it is so much better to trust Him. Lovely post Martha!

    1. I loved your reflection here, Kathy. As I watch my granddaughter at play, I'm reminded continually of the innocence of childhood. No wonder Jesus told us we needed to be as little children to enter the kingdom of heaven!
      And, God will take our fears away when we turn to and trust in Him.
      Love and blessings!

  5. Knowing that God is in us and that it is impossible to be separated from His love or presence, fills me with faith and confidence because I know that His love is unconditional. Oh that we could love one another so completely.

    Your little granddaughter is growing quickly. What a precious little beauty.
    Big hugs, sweet Martha.

    1. That is truly a comfort, Leah, that we can never be separated from God's unconditional love. I, too, wish that's how we could all love one another.
      Yes, Virginia is a big girl now and I'm enjoying every moment with her. :)
      Love and blessings!


Grace for the Race

  Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.  After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry...