Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Angels Are Not Just Heard on High

Proverbs 4:18
The path of the just is as the shining light, that shines more and more unto a perfect day.

It is the day after Christmas.  My husband, Danny, and I are scheduled to drive the long stretch to my mother's house to spend the day with her.  Danny has had problems with an implant which, after a remarkably healthy run of five years, becomes infected.  Dr. T., his oral surgeon, gives it everything he has to save it previously in the month, but this ornery tooth decides to come loose at the most inconvenient of times.

"Martha, call your mom," Danny calls to me from the hallway as I'm sipping coffee and checking my e-mail.  "We can't make it today."

"What's wrong, honey?"  I ask in alarm.

"It's the tooth.  I can feel it wobbling.  It hurts to swallow.  I've got to see about this today."

"But, Danny, it's the day after Christmas!  Won't the office be closed?"

"They should have an emergency answering service.  I'm calling as soon as I'm out of the shower."

Danny places the call and waits.  After two hours, there's still no response.  What was supposed to be a shining and perfect day is fast deteriorating into one of doom and gloom.  In desperation, Danny scrolls through his most recent calls on his I-phone, praying that he hasn't deleted his surgeon's cell phone number from the list.

Miracles of miracles!  Danny finds it!  Promptly he calls and leaves a message explaining the situation.  Within ten minutes, Dr. T. returns the call and sets Danny up with an appointment at 2:30 that afternoon even though his office is officially closed for the holidays.  He has no dental technicians available, but his wife, who is a pediatric dentist, agrees to assist in the procedure.

We arrive at the office early; Dr. T. and his wife arrive on the dot.  We have no idea what holiday plans they have scrapped to be the angels we need in this moment, but they greet us with sincere smiles and Merry Christmas wishes.  The procedure takes less than thirty minutes.  Danny is relieved from his nagging discomfort, and we are free, all of us, to enjoy the remainder of this blessed holiday in uneventful bliss.

And we realize:  Angels are not just heard on high.  They live and dwell right here among us.  We know Dr. T. and his wife are devout Christians, but on this day, we also know that they walk the walk, not just talk the talk.

Danny sends them a heartfelt thank you note the next day.  We are both so grateful for their sacrifice of time, for showing extraordinary love and care for a patient, for going above and beyond the call of duty.

They are the just, shining their light full force.

They turned our not-so-good-horrible-miserable day into one of perfection.

Isn't that what God promises He will do for us when we ask?


Have you experienced a time when someone's sacrifice in love and caring for you made all the difference?

Prayer:  Father, we thank You for those angels in our lives; those who rise above the moment to tend to the needs of others without any expectation of reward in return.  They show, by being just and merciful, the light You wish us to shine unto a perfect day, the day in which Your light is perfected in each and every one of us.  In Jesus' name, we pray.  Amen.


  1. This rarely happens but is a great testimony when it does. At the age of 57 I found myself wearing braces. The day after Thanksgiving a wire came loose which became a dangerous weapon. I call my orthodontist and he volunteers to meet me at the office for the 10 minute procedure. I will never forget that and hope I that sensitive to people who need me.

    1. Oh, that's such an encouraging story, Bill! I know that orthodontist was your angel on that day. I agree, this type of thing rarely happens, but when it does, we will always remember it.
      Love and blessings!

  2. You are blessed Martha and this is a rarity these days. We need more Angels like Dr. T. God bless his creed.

    1. Yes, we sure felt blessed that day, Janu! The world could use more angels - lots of them!
      Love and blessings!

  3. Martha, I love this story. I am so grateful for the angels that habit our earth and come to our aid.

    1. So glad you loved the story, Betty! As I told Janu above, the world could certainly use more angels.
      Love and blessings!

  4. Martha, I love this devotional. Thought provoking. I'll never know how deep of a sacrifice a particular person in my life made (and perhaps continues to make?) to be there for me. I thank the Lord each day for this person--he is one of the most spiritually deep people that I know. He is some one I want to be like "when I grow up".

    Love and blessings!

    1. It sounds like you have an amazing angel in your life, Kim. What a blessing God has given you through this person. Thank you for sharing here.
      Love and blessings!

  5. Neat story except for the pain for your hubby - and what a great reminder how kindness shines light on all of us. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you, Jean! Kindness does have a light all its own.
      Love and blessings!

  6. I love stories like this! I love it! God using people to bless and help each other. Woo Hoo!

    1. I know how much you love (and share) inspirational stories, Deb. Glad this one touched you!
      Love and blessings!

  7. It always amazes me when angels like this present themselves in my life like this...and I always thank God for them because he touched their hearts and sent them. ♥

    1. Oh, yes, He did, Kathy! We were so blessed by this wonderful dentist and his wife. May we all be angels to one another.
      Love and blessings!

  8. God bless him and may there be more like him Martha! I recently encountered this when I met an assistant of my doctor. She has since then kept in touch with me through phone calls or messages just enquiring about my health. But last week she called me and surprised me when she said I did a special prayer for you at the church today and am sure you will be fine soon. It touched me a lot! <3

    1. Oh, what a sweet angel you have met through what I know is/was a trying time for you! A friend once let me know she offered special prayers for me at church - I was so honored and humbled, too. One can't help but be touched deeply by such a sweet, thoughtful gesture.
      Love and blessings!


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