Tuesday, January 13, 2015

These Words of my Mouth

Psalm 19:14
May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.

For years, I keep a journal.  Seven volumes line the inner shelf of my wardrobe; my memories gathering dust.  Waiting for me to one day return and read about the joys and sorrows of my past, and perhaps, discover some connection between the person I was then and the one I am today.

Why do I stop writing a journal?  Why do I lose interest in an activity which brings me much solace and comfort?  Allows me to share my deepest, most precious thoughts, even if they are meant only for my eyes and God's?

Danny and I marry in 2005.  That's when the need and urge to keep a journal melts away.  Here is my soul-mate, my beloved, with whom I can share my every thought, my every feeling.  And he can share the same with me.  A real live and lively love; much more satisfying than the ramblings of drying ink on inanimate pages.

So, I simply lose the drive, the compulsion, to maintain a journal.

Fast-forward to the spring of 2011 and the beginning of this blog you are reading today.  I find with writing daily devotionals (yes, I really did start out posting a reflection per day), there is even less of a desire to return to a hand-written journal.  As I include many personal experiences and family photos in my posts, Meditations of My Heart serves, in some ways, as a memoir for me while, I hope, it provides inspiration for you.

Christmas 2014:  I unwrap a package from my son, Daniel.  I'm amazed to discover that it is, of all things, a journal!  But it's not any ordinary journal.  Oh, no!  At the bottom of each blank page is a quote from scripture, the idea being, of course, that the words which will grace the page will reflect the meaning of the passage from the Bible.

"When I saw this, Mom," Daniel tells me, "I thought about the devotions you write on your blog.  I thought this would help you with your ideas."

I feel the tears stinging my eyes.  I am so moved by my son's thoughtful and heart-felt gift.  I give him a warm and grateful hug.  "Yes, Daniel, this will help," I assure him.  "I know it will!"

And, guess what?  It already has!


Do you keep a journal?  If so, do you prefer to hand-write your entries, or do you type them on your computer?

Prayer:  Father, may the words of our mouths and those we write down come from our hearts.  May they ever be pleasing in Your sight, and reflect the glory that is Yours alone.  In Jesus' name, we pray.  Amen.


  1. I use a Moleskine as a journal. I try to make an entry every day but also am not "tied" to that. Oh, I still hand write mine. I'm old school in that. :) Or is that just old?

    1. Nothing "old" about wanting to keep a hand-written journal, Bill. :) I'm in the practice of attempting to write something each day, but haven't made a smooth transition to it being in the journal yet.
      Thanks for coming by!
      Love and blessings!

  2. Oh how exciting! Your son sure knows his mom. Happy New Year to you and your beautiful family, Martha.

    1. Thank you, Leah! Yes, it is exciting, indeed. :) Happy New Year to you and yours!
      Love and blessings!

  3. I still write my poems and blog posts in my journal first and then type it on the laptop. These days most people's writing is limited to signing their names.

    1. That is so neat, Janu! Now when I read your writing, I'll know it originated on pen and paper; there is such a personal touch in that practice.
      Love and blessings!

  4. I don't keep a journal, but I have found that my blog is the place where I pour out my heart, wrestle with the tough stuff, and celebrate good times. It's where I seem to *meet* God in a special way. And, of course, the community of fellow believers that I have met is priceless.

    Such a thoughtful gift from your son!


    1. Writing my blog has been that for me, too, Sharon. I always compose on Word first, though, and let my thoughts stew for a few days before I actually release it to the blog in case I see any changes I want to make.
      Love and blessings!

  5. Beautiful! I'm always writing! I am not overly disciplined in journaling, but yes in notebooks! I have them everywhere!

    1. Martha, at one time I had three little notebooks on my desk and was ever grabbing one here or there to jot down ideas; now, I've restricted it to one and, of course, my new journal. They are so, so handy when inspiration strikes. :)
      Love and blessings!

  6. What an amazing and thoughtful gift you received from your son!

    Over the years, I've written in a journal but never seemed to stick with it for long. However, I started again (in earnest) three or so years ago and have written more consistently. I prefer to do journals in a hand-written format. There's something special about that, I think.

    Writing is therapeutic in a variety of ways.

    Love and blessings!

    1. Yes, it was an amazing gift, Kim, and I'm truly enjoying the challenge of the prompts. I'm glad you are back to keeping a journal; hand-written pages are more personal and do take more time to compose, but are well worth it.
      Love and blessings!

  7. What a thoughtful gift from your son. I don't journal exactly. I keep a prayer notebook and a planner where I keep post thoughts and ideas, plus Trello and Evernote online. My goal for 2015 is to do a better job of organizing those thoughts so I'm able to find them more quickly.

    1. That's a great goal, Deb! I've never tried Trello and Evernote; will have to look into it. :) Right now, the little notebook on my desk serves for jotting down my ideas. Thanks for coming by!
      Love and blessings!

  8. Wonderful gift. Hope you had a great Christmas and New Year Martha.

    So many of us bloggers used to have journals previously it looked likes. Our blogs have now come our message and our medium of sharing with the world.

    1. Yes, going back to a journal and continuing to blog feels like I have a foot in both past and present, but I'm finding I really enjoy handwriting in a journal again. It was a wonderful gift, indeed!
      We did have a lovely Christmas; hope you did, too, and are looking forward to many blessings in the New Year, Vishnu!
      Love and blessings!

  9. Wonderful, both the Christmas gift given to you and your musings about it!

    1. Thank you so much, Portia. Your kind words always warm my heart!
      Love and blessings!


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