Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Extra! Extra! Read All About It!

Psalm 145:6 (MSG)
Your marvelous doings are headline news; I could write a book full of the details of your greatness.

I follow with regularity a vast amount of blogs.  Some are secular in nature, but most fall into the category of Christian reflections.  As a Christian writer myself, I find the latter to be a welcome source of inspiration and encouragement for my own faith walk.

Who are these bloggers, you ask?  How I would love to list each and every one of the, but cringe at the thought I could have a senior moment and leave some dear soul out of the lineup.  So, let me simply share with you my general impressions for now; in future blogs, I will feature quotes from these awesome individuals when said quotes fit with the theme of my post.

These Christian writers are a diverse group to say the least.  Men and women of all ages and stages of spiritual growth.  Some are published authors; some are aspiring to reach that goal.  Some are pastors, others laity, like myself.  Married, single; parents, grandparents; retired/working - their life experiences run the gamut.

Each blogger has a unique style and voice in his or her writing.  In my year of "wonder," I sit back and reflect upon how God has made us each in His own image, you so different in how we express ourselves and relay the Christian message to others.  Each writer is refreshingly original, and I appreciate every one of them for their distinctive, one-of-a-kind panache.

But as different as all these bloggers are in style, they all share the same headline news:  Extra!  Extra!  Read all about it!  God is great!  All the time!

And there is no end to the way in which they can express the greatness, goodness, mercy, love, and forgiveness of the Lord.  Even if they were to write 1,000 posts a piece, no amount of words could ever manage to detail and contain all of God's greatness.

Yet write on, they must.  For there is another thread which binds them together:  Their love for God and their passion to share that love with a hurting world which need Jesus more than ever.

I am so grateful to know these devoted Christians who are using their gifts of writing to evangelize and inspire others.  It is a blessing and an honor to be a part of their personal faith journey.  I find comfort in their words, knowing I'm not alone in my daily walk with the Lord.

So, blogging brothers and sisters (you know who you are), hat's off to you!

Keep on keeping on!

Run the good race!

Share the Good News of God's Kingdom.

It's headline news!


Are you a blog follower?  If so, what type of blogs do you tend to favor?

Prayer:  Father, we thank You for all those who use the gifts You have given them to spread the Good News of Christ Jesus to the world.  Whether they are writers, artists, songwriters, singers, teachers, or preachers, bless and inspire them, Lord, that they may bless and inspire others.  In Jesus' name, we pray.  Amen.


  1. I mostly follow the "Christian" genre of bloggers. Very rarely, unless directed by a blog, do I purposely look up a blogger who is not a Christ-follower. While perhaps giving a unique perspective on the world, their worldview is skewed from mine.

    1. I hear you, Bill! Just to clarify, when I refer to "secular" here, I mean folks who are Christians, but write on other topics like raising children, having and keeping a positive attitude, etc.
      Thanks for coming by!
      Love and blessings!

  2. Martha, your words are encouraging to me. You know the why. :) Our God is good all the time, as you stated. We really do have a story to tell. Why do I sense that I'd better get to my writing? (I mainly follow blogs written by Christian authors.)

    Love and blessings!

    1. Yes, Kim! Get to that writing! :) You have so much to offer others through your inspiration, and you DO have a story to tell.
      Love and blessings!

  3. I think you and follow many of the same blogs. I know I feel like many of those we read are good friends and would love to meet them in person someday. I have met several of them and it does even deepen their words when I read them. What a privilege it is to write for the Lord. I am grateful for this opportunity.

    1. I think we do, too, Jean. Isn't it amazing how many folks are out there, yet our circles seem to intersect with the same people of great faith and inspiration.
      And yes, it IS a grand privilege to write for the Lord.
      Love and blessings!

  4. I love reading other Christian blogs. I am always encouraged, challenged, convicted, uplifted, and inspired. And yes, the common theme is "God is GOOD!!"

    I find that blogging for me is a journey of faith. Writing about my triumphs and struggles brings me closer to the Lord. And, if through our words, others are blessed - well, then that's just icing on the cake!!


    1. You are so right on here, Sharon! It is icing on the cake when our words spill over to others and encourage and bless their own walks of faith. As Christians, we do need to build up the body in His love and grace. Like you, my blogging, too, reflects my faith journey. God has taught me so much through this process of writing that I can never imagine not continuing upon this path He is paving for me.
      Love and blessings!

  5. I follow mostly Christian blogs. I post a lot of quotes on my fb wall an friends ask me all the time, where do you get all those quotes. I would say half I get from my blog reading. I have been able to encourage a couple of people to blog. Like Sharon, it helps me to write out what God is doing in my life, keep me accountable and when I see it all written out, somehow that helps me grow. I can think of nothing better to write about then Him.

    1. Betty, indeed, there is nothing better about which we could write than God, our Lord and Savior. I'm so glad to know you are sharing inspiring quotes on Facebook. There are so many out there who desperately need to hear the Word and know God loves them. He wants us to bring His kingdom to fruition and it sounds like you are doing just that!
      Love and blessings!

  6. Martha, the Christian blogging community blesses me in countless ways. I agree. I love how God uses each uniquely created one to touch my heart and mind for Him. Blessings and hugs to you!

  7. I am blog follower Martha and I do follow a wide array of blogs, what I love about them - is the way they touch my heart, make me smile :) Just like urs <3



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