Friday, May 22, 2015

In His Image

Genesis 1: 26-27
Then God said, "Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground."  So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.

For every work of creation is threefold, an earthly trinity to match the heavenly.
First, there is the Creative Idea, passionless, timeless, beholding the whole work complete at once, the end in the beginning:  and this is the image of the Father.
Second, there is the Creative Energy begotten of that idea, working in time from beginning to the end, with sweat and passion, being incarnate in the bonds of matter:  and this is the image of the Word.
Third, there is the Creative Power, the meaning of the work and its response in the lively soul:  and this is the image of the indwelling Spirit. 
~Dorothy L. Sayers - The Mind of the Maker

"Let us . . ."

Here in Genesis, at the beginning, the very beginning of all human life and consciousness, the Trinity is revealed.  And as I enter the final editing stages of the second novel in Adventures in The Glade, I cannot agree more with Dorothy Sayers' summation of the process.  I can only speak from a writer's perspective, though I would love hearing from those of you who create anything and everything from original art, music, recipes, clothing designs, you name it!

The Creative Idea:  When the idea for The Glade Series begins to gel in my mind, I know the whole story.  I know where I want to go with it and where I wish it to end.  My outline is etched in both head and heart.  Do I have every detail mapped out?  Not by a long shot!  That's where the second part of the earthly trinity comes into play.

The Creative Energy:  Sweat and passion?  Oh, dear Lord, how I can identify with these words!  While it is ever a joy to write, these novel encourage me to work harder at them than at anything else I have ever pursued in my life, and to work with an unbridled passion.  I want my words, more than anything, to reflect the inspiration I daily feel from God.  In this process, characters take unexpected shapes, and scenarios crop up which move the story along, but which I could never have predicted happening, and wouldn't have, if I only allowed the limits of my human brain to guide the tale.  I long for my words to speak for and attest to His Word.

The Creative Power:  It is when I write that I can say, unequivocally, I feel closest to God through His Holy Spirit.  I feel His presence moving through me and in me, inspiring, leading, guiding.  It is His energy that transforms would-be static characters into "lively soul(s)" dancing on the pages.  If I had ever harbored any doubts about the potency and authority of the third person of the Trinity, the act of writing has dispelled them all.

We are all made in the image and likeness of God.  And I believe we are never closer to Him, the Creator of all things, than when we're engaged in the creative process.

What is your take on the process of human creativity being threefold, "an earthly trinity to match the heavenly"?

Prayer:  Father, we thank You for every creative gift You have given us.  May we faithfully use those gifts to honor and glorify You, our Creator, Christ Jesus, the Word and our Redeemer, and the Holy Spirit, our Guide and Comforter.  Amen.


  1. I've never thought of creation in this way before! What a beautiful analogy.

    1. Thank you, Jennifer. So glad you enjoyed to new take on things here. :)
      Love and blessings!

  2. I have never thought about creativity like that before either but I like it. I like the idea of it. I have always written within the premise that God gives me the words to write and lets me know what to say. Without Him, there would be no words, no stories, no anything. I love how you think of things. Good to hear your book process is going well. ♥

    1. "Without Him, there would be no words, no stories, no haiku . . . no anything." Bam! You've said it in a nutshell, Kathy. He is in it all!
      Love and blessings!

  3. I have never thought about creativity like that before either but I like it. I like the idea of it. I have always written within the premise that God gives me the words to write and lets me know what to say. Without Him, there would be no words, no stories, no anything. I love how you think of things. Good to hear your book process is going well. ♥

  4. Martha, thank you for sharing how God has inspired your creativity as you write your novels. It's truly an amazing thing to be used by the Lord to help others draw closer to Him.

    Love and blessings!

    1. It is such a blessing, Kim, to be used by God for His honor and glory. I know you know how much both of us are blessed in this!
      Love and blessings!

  5. Hi Martha! I would have to say that I agree with this earthly trinity, although I never really thought about it this way before. We have to be inspired to write, and I sure don't get that from 'me'!

    All good things come from God, so that means the energy and power do too. I think it's wonderful that you feel the Spirit so abundantly when you write. What a beautiful gift! I'm sure you look forward to writing, when you know that God is so present.
    Thank you for sharing this image,

    1. Ceil, I always look forward to writing for that very reason. It's a time to listen to Him and be inspired by His presence. I do feel blessed in it all. And no, I don't get my inspiration from 'me' either! :)
      Love and blessings!

  6. What a neat quote and I love how you weaved in your own writing adventure with it. That middle part, that's the one that weighs me down and I often where i get discouraged but calling it creative energy certainly bring life to that part of our work. very thoughtful post!

    1. Thank you, Jean! So glad you enjoyed the quote and the post. I hope you'll remember that creative energy the next time you get stuck. :)
      Love and blessings!

  7. Loved reading this post on creation Martha, never saw it like this and now I will never be able to see it any other way other than this :)

    1. Oh, Privy, I'm so glad the post affected you in this new and different way. I think we can all apply Sayers' analogy to all our creative endeavors.
      Love and blessings!

  8. This is something I've come to realize in the past three years, Martha. Of course, I could never put it as eloquently as you, my friend. May the Creative One continue to bless you! ♥

    1. Corinne, you are too kind! It is so wonderful that you have realized this same "formula" in your creative life, my friend. I don't know if Sayers' "Mind of the Maker" is still in print, but it is a marvelous book for any writer or artist to read.
      Love and blessings!

  9. Wow, I just really loved that *creative trinity* idea! It's a perfect description of the process. After all, we are created in the image of God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. May we be infused with sacred ideas, inspired energy, and supernatural power.


  10. Couldn't agree more. The energy that flows when in the midst of creation seems other worldly


Love, Joy and Gratitude

  Children's children are a crown to the aged, and parents are the pride of their children. ~Proverbs 17:6 There truly aren't words ...