Friday, September 25, 2015

Even To Your Old Age

Isaiah 46:4
Even to your old age and grey hairs, I am he, I am he who will sustain you.  I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you.

While I am staying with my mother during her recuperation from leg surgery, my daughter, Sarah, and her husband, John, bring themselves and the three grand-girls down to Mom's house for a most welcome visit.  Oh, how those little ones brighten Mom's day, not to mention mine!

Alexandra Nancy

Savannah Jane

Virginia Rose

Sarah, Virginia Rose and I retreat to the porch for a spell to escape the sounds of Atlanta Falcons' football.  (Did I mention Mom is hard of hearing?  My word, how loud the television is!)  Virginia is wrapped up in practicing writing her name and drawing butterflies as Sarah and I converse.

"I do hope if and when I get to be as old as your Nana," I say to her, "that I can count on you to help me out just as I'm helping her now."

"Of course, Mom," Sarah assures me.  "I'll be right there for you."

Virginia pauses in her work, looks directly at me, and states in all seriousness, "Gammie, you'll never get old."

Sarah and I share a hearty laugh over this, but it gets me thinking.  When I look at my 87-year-old mother, I don't see her as an elderly person.  I really don't.  She's just Mom, plain and simple.  Maybe that's true for all of us when we see family members through the eyes of love.

And I believe that's how God sees us, too.  Though our hair is grey, our faces careworn, and our bodies bent with age, we are still His little children.  He made us and promises to sustain us.  He carries us and will ultimately rescue us when our time comes to return home to Him.

I find great comfort in these thoughts.

And I rest assured in the knowledge that no matter how old I get or how much I age in looks, to Virginia, I'll simply be the Gammie she loves.

Are you aging gracefully, or is it a struggle for you?

Prayer:  Father, no matter how old we are, it is such a blessing to know we are Your beloved children.  Help us to remember that wrinkles and grey hairs do not define who we are in Your sight, and that is all that truly matters.  In Jesus' name, we pray.  Amen.


  1. Your grandchildren are utterly adorable. I like the thought of never getting old. Our spirit or soul never really does. Inside we are forever young. It is only our earthly bodies (or mere shells) that age. Love your insightful posts. ♥

    1. Yes, Kathy, just our shells that age, not our souls! So glad you enjoyed today's post and the photos of the grands.
      Love and blessings!

  2. Martha, wonderful insights on age. I've heard it said that, "age is a number". In a way that is true. Currently, I'm at the point in the "aging process" that's a bit challenging. Focusing my mind elsewhere is helpful as I discover new aches and pains (arthritis!).

    Love and blessings!

    1. So sorry to hear about your bouts with arthritis, Kim. I know that has to be the proverbial thorn in the side for you. Hope it abates!
      Age is a number, nothing more, nothing less. I'm convinced that God can keep us young at heart always if we trust in Him.
      Love and blessings!

  3. What a neat thought. My parents died when they were younger so I don't have them now. Treasure her!! and thanks for sharing such a wonderful insight

    1. I will treasure her, Jean, and plan to go back down to be with Mom in the middle of October. So sorry you have lost your parents, but we can both take comfort in knowing we will be reunited one day in heaven.
      Love and blessings!

  4. Extremely adorable, Martha!

    Looks like your granddaughter has found the magic potion of youth - our minds:)

    I'm sure these grandkids keep you young in body and spirit.

    1. Oh, they do keep me young in body, mind, and spirit, Vishnu! Children are the most amazing tonic when it comes to aging - they are, indeed, the antidote for growing old. We keep fit in all aspects so that we can keep up with them!
      Love and blessings!

  5. Yes, children do brighten a day; don't they! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Oh, yes, they do, Jenny! Thanks for stopping by today.
      Love and blessings!

  6. Beautiful children. Such a blessing. Glad you are able to help your Mom, good for you.

    1. Thank you, my friend! I'm happy I've been able to help her, too.
      Love and blessings!

  7. What a darling she is! You've been a big blessing to your Mom, Martha. God bless you. And Virginia is right! :)

    1. Thank you, Corinne! I'm so glad I could help Mom out; I will be going back down there in a couple of weeks (son and brother will fill in until then). Hoping she'll be walking only with her cane by then.
      Love and blessings!

  8. Beautiful grand children. I love that quote. I know that your mom truly appreciates all of your help in her time of need.

    1. Thank you, Mitzi! I think they are beautiful, too, but I'm the Gammie, so it comes with the territory. :)
      She is appreciative, and it's been my honor to help her in this time of need.
      Love and blessings!

  9. I went through a period several years ago when this growing older begin to get to me. There was less of life ahead of me then what was behind me unless I live to be 130. But most of the time I stay busy and stay thankful
    God loves to use us older ones as much as the younger ones. How He uses us may differ in the living it out part but His heart for has never changed as I aged. His love continues to keep me steady on this path of aging, and He continue to remind me there are still lost ones out there and I can be a part of them coming to Him. Lovely post Martha.

  10. I went through a period several years ago when this growing older begin to get to me. There was less of life ahead of me then what was behind me unless I live to be 130. But most of the time I stay busy and stay thankful
    God loves to use us older ones as much as the younger ones. How He uses us may differ in the living it out part but His heart for has never changed as I aged. His love continues to keep me steady on this path of aging, and He continue to remind me there are still lost ones out there and I can be a part of them coming to Him. Lovely post Martha.

    1. Such wise, astute thoughts on aging, Betty. Yes, God can use us at every stage of our lives, young or old. And I do think staying busy AND being thankful in all things are key to aging wisely and productively.
      Love and blessings!

  11. Amen. Beautiful children and beautiful words. :) Thank you, Martha.

    1. Thank you for stopping by, Jason, and for your kind words!
      Love and blessings!

  12. Replies
    1. You are so welcome, Diana! Thanks for dropping in today.
      Love and blessings!


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