Friday, September 11, 2015

God's Good Purpose

Philippians 2:12-13
Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed - not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence - continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.

For most of my life, I haven't had issues with sleeping soundly through the night and waking up at a bright and early time in the morning.  The past few years, but this last one in particular, I find myself rousing up in the night, sometimes repeatedly, to use the bathroom.  Is that simply something to be expected when one turns sixty? :)  The good news is, I'm always able to lie right back down, snuggle under the covers, and fall fast asleep again.

I spend the last two weeks with my mother as she, at long last, is released from rehab after suffering a fractured right femur.  She requires 24/7 occupancy in the house by a family member to make sure she can navigate, protected, from pillar to post.  We decide early on to use our cell phones to communicate during the night should she need assistance in getting out of and back into bed when nature calls.

It works!

I hear the calls and immediately leap out of my bed in the adjacent room to hasten to her.  Once I tuck her back into bed and return to mine, both of us, thankfully, are able to doze off peacefully into the land of dreams.

After my first night spent in Mom's home, reality hits.  All my moments of nocturnal awakenings, yet being able to regain soothing sleep, was God's way of training me, preparing me to meet my mother's needs down the road.

To fulfill His good purpose.

For God is good, all the time.


Have you ever cared for an aging parent or loved one?

Prayer:  Thank you, Father, for guiding us in all our endeavors and leading us along the paths You have so lovingly created for us.  May all our actions reflect Your will and fulfill Your good purpose for our lives.  In Jesus' name, we pray, amen.


  1. Hi Martha! My heart goes out to your poor mom. Having broken my leg this year, I know how debilitating it can be. What a blessing you were for her!!

    My Dad had shoulder surgery about two years ago, right side. He was in his upper 80's and a widower. He doesn't see well, can't cook...and that's without the handicap of not having use of his arm. I lived with him for a month. It was hard, but it was easy too.

    I hope you enjoy your sleep now, and recoup from taking care of your dear mother. I know you were a huge help and comfort to her.

    1. Boy, Ceil, you know exactly where I'm coming from! And I readily identify with your statement "it was hard, but it was easy, too." I want all the best for my mother and if that means staying with her another week or two, then so be it. She really is getting stronger every day and is determined to move from her walker to a cane as soon as she can.
      Yes, I am enjoying the rest right now as my brother is there with her, but I'll be back there come Monday.
      Love and blessings!

  2. Martha, your post is meaningful to me. I attempted to care for my mom at home when she finally got home from MAJOR surgery and rehab. It was huge challenge, particularly when I didn't get training. My voice wasn't heeded when I expressed my concerns about caring for her. I was able to go for several weeks with some help from friends.

    While it was sad when she entered hospice, she was also placed in a long-term care facility where she received the care she needed and deserved.

    It was an overwhelming task and nearly brought me to my knees...literally!

    I'm so glad that you were able to care for your mom!

    Love and blessings!

    1. Thank you, Kim, for sharing your experience with caring for your mother here. Yes, it is so difficult and we are so grateful for any outside help we can get. I know your mom appreciated all the care you gave her as a loving daughter.
      Love and blessings!

  3. I spent the last 6 weeks of my mom's life (dying from a rare form of cancer) helping take care of her. I would drive 4 1/2 one way and stay for a couple days then head back home to preach, etc. then head back to PA again. I would do it again in a heartbeat. Love knows no limits or bounds when it comes to showing it to those who need it.

    1. Amen, Bill! Family is everything, and it's an honor and privilege, no matter how weary we become, to care for our moms and dads as they age. Thank you for sharing your story here.
      Love and blessings!

  4. This reminds me so much of when my kids were babies! I would wake immediately if I heard either one of them on the baby monitor. Once I got them settled, I went right back to sleep.

  5. This reminds me so much of when my kids were babies! I would wake immediately if I heard either one of them on the baby monitor. Once I got them settled, I went right back to sleep.

  6. There is such a joy in tending to our loved ones, isn't it?


Grace for the Race

  Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.  After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry...