Tuesday, September 29, 2015

I Have Called You Friends

John 15:15
I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master's business.  Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.

Yes, it's illogical.

But every time I have an upcoming event for my novels, and am loading all the necessities into the car, I can't bear to load Racer, my squirrel puppet, overnight.  I just can't.  I don't wish to envision this charming guy waiting in a dark and lonely car boot when his usual place is atop our printer next to my computer.  My husband, Danny, laughs, though kindly, at my eccentricity.

I know . . .

It's illogical.


But remnants of childhood imaginings rule the day for me when it comes to Racer.  He is a part of me, not just mentally in my books, but physically when my hand's movements transform his inert image, and his character comes to life with the mere wiggle of fingers.  My antics with him intrigue passers-by with a gamut of reactions:  amused; surprised; confused; startled, but most of all, engaged.

I know I would neither see nor realize all those emotions in strangers were it not for Racer.  The actions of my arm, my fingers, are God-willed in making him come to life; some folks even do double takes, thinking for a brief moment that he is a real, live, breathing squirrel!

And as strange as it may sound, Racer is alive to me.

A loyal companion.

Realer than real.

Truer than true.

Not my servant, but my friend.

How does knowing you are Jesus' friend, not His servant, affect you?

Prayer:  Father, it sounds illogical and irrational that Your beloved Son, Jesus, would call us His friends, yet that is exactly what He did and continues to do.  May we ever celebrate the new life You have given us through Jesus, and show the world what it means to be His friend.  It is in His precious name, we pray.  Amen.


  1. I think you are wise for using a visual object that helps your write, promote your book and gives an content to others as you promote your book. I think how often pictures do the very same thing and we want to protect them.
    Love, love, love the analogy you use in understanding the love of Christ.
    We wear cross around our neck, hand spiritual pictures up in our home, put a fish bumper stick on our car and other ways to show our faith in Jesus Christ.

    1. Yes, indeed, Betty - Racer's presence helps enormously whenever I'm promoting my books. And there are so many visual ways out there to let others know we are following Christ; I love to wear my cross, Christian-themed shirts, and I have a decal in the back window of my car that reads: "Forgiven by Jesus." I tell you what, having that on my car window really makes me behave myself when driving around. Lol!
      Love and blessings!

  2. I think you are wise for using a visual object that helps your write, promote your book and gives an content to others as you promote your book. I think how often pictures do the very same thing and we want to protect them.
    Love, love, love the analogy you use in understanding the love of Christ.
    We wear cross around our neck, hand spiritual pictures up in our home, put a fish bumper stick on our car and other ways to show our faith in Jesus Christ.

  3. Martha, I agree with Betty's words. Visual imagery is so very helpful, especially for those of us who are visual learners.

    It's overwhelming and heart-warming to realize that Jesus calls me friend.

    Love and blessings!

    1. Yes, Kim, Betty put it perfectly, didn't she? I, too, find it overwhelming when I realize Jesus is my friend - the God of the whole universe cares for me, for you, for everyone. Just amazing!
      Love and blessings!

  4. I'm looking forward to reading more Martha. You already know that.

    1. Bill, the book is out, but won't be available through Amazon for another couple of days. Publisher thinks it should be up for ordering by Friday. You can check by going to Amazon and typing in Martha Orlando; if it's posted, you'll see it!
      Love and blessings!

  5. How cool to have him to bring your stories alive and a great lesson you taught here. I love your blog! I always feel closer to God after I have visited you.

    1. Kathy, how can I even begin to thank you for your kind words here! It is my hope and my prayer that I reach others through the Lord with the words I share.
      Love and blessings!

  6. How cool to have him to bring your stories alive and a great lesson you taught here. I love your blog! I always feel closer to God after I have visited you.

  7. Martha, I had no idea about your books! This is so wonderful! And, as far as Racer, I totally get this. I have named everything in our house - stuffed animals, bear sculptures, figurines. To me, all these precious things that speak to my heart are indeed *alive*. One of my all-time favorite children's stories is The Velveteen Rabbit. For indeed, if *things* are well-loved, who knows?!

    And to answer your question, I don't know that I have adequate words to express what it means to be called Jesus' friend! I love Him as my Savior, worship Him as my Lord - but to have Him as my very best friend? It's a comfort beyond compare!!


    1. If things are well-loved, then, yes, who are we to question? We have our agenda that God gives us. I love the Velveteen Rabbit, too. Sometimes, I think we are the Lord's Velveteen Rabbit to love upon and cherish always, even when life wanes, and we are uncertain except for His unfailing grace.
      May we always make Him our exceptional friend!
      Oh, and about the books? You can click on the website in the column above.
      Love and blessings!

  8. Love how you care for Racer. made me smile!! Great lesson too.

    1. Thank you, Jean! Racer could be inert, but then again, so can we. And we are too tempted by it, just standing by and doing nothing. Blessings to you and thanks for the input!
      Love and blessings!

  9. Hi Martha! I think God speaks to us through everything, even Racer. He is special to you and teaches you about engaging people, and being thankful for such wonderful childhood memories. What a gift! Who are we to question what God uses to share HIs love?
    Wonderful shot of you at your event. Being an author is a lot of work, isn't it? I think so many believe that you push some 'publish button' and then go home and wait for sales. Hah! Keep on working and teaching, and don't forget to bring Racer!!

    1. So glad you understand, Ceil, that God truly can speak to us through any object or situation He chooses. We simply have to be open to those opportunities.
      And yes, writing is one thing, promoting is a totally different animal. It can be exhausting yet exhilarating at the same time. Once all six novels are published (the fifth just was!) I'm plunging head-long into some major promotions!
      Love and blessings!

  10. Oh Martha, Racer is so cute. I wouldn't be able to leave my friend in the dark car overnight either. Being a friend means everything doesn't it! Blessings to you! Thanks for this awesome analogy.

    1. I'm so glad to know, Deb, that I'm not the only one who feels that way about Racer. :) And yes, being a friend does mean everything!
      Love and blessings!


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