Tuesday, September 15, 2015

I Can Do All This

Philippians 4:13
I can do all this through him who gives me strength.

I have my daily routine down pat.  Morning coffee, prayer journal and scripture reading, checking email, reading inspirational blogs, catching up on the news, heading for the gym, cleaning, feeding the birds, laundry, and writing during the afternoon.  Supper time finds Danny at the stove and me on clean-up duty.  In the evening?  Time to unwind and relax!

Oh, how that comfortable routine is disrupted when I go to stay at my mother's house for two weeks!  From the instant my feet hit the floor in the morning, I am off and running, stepping and fetching, throughout the day.  I'm not complaining, mind you, but the adjustment to my mother's schedule and her needs at all hours of the day and night certainly has my mind in a whirl.  It is all so new and all so demanding.  At times, I can barely catch my breath let alone spend any quiet time in writing or reflection.

But in those moments when I feel particularly burdened, I remember that God is with me.  I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.  It is His peace encompassing my being that helps me remain calm and steadfast in my care-giving.  And in the midst of all the chaos and uncertainty of the day to day, I come face-to-face with His incomparable joy.

After all, I remind myself, isn't it a blessing to have my mother still with me?  With us?  Serving her, tending to her in her hour of need is the least I can do for the one who gave birth to me and has cared for me and about me all these many years.

Yes, I'm tired.  But it's my joy to be your strength in these days, Mom.  I wouldn't have it any other way.


Are you trusting in Christ to give you the strength you need for this day?

Prayer:  Father, when we are exhausted and at the end of our rope, let us cling to the promise that we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength.  Help us to focus upon Your great love and mercy that we might show the same to those whom we serve.  In Jesus' name, we pray.  Amen.


  1. Glad to hear your attitude toward your mom Martha. I wish I could still wait on mine. Truth is: I am 62 and may someday need the same kind of care you are giving your mom. I shiver at that but know it could be a reality (unless God graciously steps in).

    1. That is certainly a reality for me, too, Bill, as I'm 60. It truly does make us awaken to our own fragility as human beings. I am back with her this week as she continues to heal.
      Love and blessings!

  2. Hi Martha! God bless your efforts for you mom. It's not easy, I know that. I have my morning routine too, and afternoon plans of hopefully getting in some quiet writing time. When I don't get that time, or miss a prayer time, I do feel out of sorts.

    You know that you are being God's hands and feet and head and voice for your mom, the best prayer of all. What did your mom have? (You don't have to answer that, just curious.) I hope your next week with her will be a little less stressful, hopefully she will have healed a bit more.

    God be with you in your 'off week' time, building up your strength to meet the demands of your precious mom. You're going to be great, and a healing presence for her.

    1. Thanks for your kind and encouraging words, Ceil! Mom fell and fractured her right femur. Lots of rehab before she will be able to go it on her own, but she is improving every day, thanks be to God! She is a strong-willed and determined woman, so I know she will get better eventually.
      I do hope I am enough for her. The image of being God's hands and feet for her gives me such comfort. Thank you!
      Love and blessings!

    2. Oh, you are enough. Don't worry about that. I feel so badly for your mom though, as I went through a broken leg bone myself. God give his peace and grace to both of you.

  3. I admire your perception about some of the most mundane things of life making it seem so beautiful!

    1. Thanks so much, Privy! Couldn't ask for a better compliment! :)
      Love and blessings!

  4. Martha, I'm so glad you can care for your mom. It is quite the adjustment all the way around. When my mom needed care after she developed cancer, the burden fell squarely on me (no siblings); friends helped as they could. My challenge was greater because I was starting a new job--that of being a half-time lay pastor at two small churches that were both a short distance away. Yes, Lord got me through that time. At times it literally brought me to my knees! Prayers for you and your mom.

    Love and blessings!

  5. I'm so glad to know God saw you through that tough time with your mom, Kim. It never ceases to amaze me how He always comes through for us when we are in need. Thanking Him every day for His grace!
    Love and blessings!

  6. Oh Martha, how I know of this journey. I just returned home from visiting my mother yesterday. I have been going down once a month (about 2 1/2 hours away) to visit her and help her for a year and a half now. When I'm in town, I live in her house. It is very exhausting to enter into her world. It's painful to watch in person her deficiencies, it's tiring to minister to her physical needs. And yet, I am so glad she's still with me. And it's precious to talk about the Lord with her.

    God sees us as we serve in this particular area. He gives us strength we do not have, patience we cannot muster on our own, and peace for the grieving that comes...


    1. Sharon, we are, indeed, twin sisters of different mothers, and in it for the long haul with love and devotion. Ironically, my trip to see my mom is the same length as yours, and all back roads as I can't tolerate expressways.
      Yes, it is tiring and exhausting, but it is worth every single moment as I know you know. Thank you for sharing your experience here, my friend!
      Love and blessings!

  7. There is something so peaceful and reassuring about routine. You write in the afternoon? I do better in the morning. My conflict I do best in taking my long walk in the morning that conflicts with my best writing time. I once heard you should write out your ideal day - which is what you did here - and often it will appear. I need to work on my conflict and spend less time on emails and social media!! You are inspiring me!

    1. Yes, routine is so comforting, Jean, and we do so miss it when it's no longer available because of circumstances. I used to think I did my best writing in the morning, too, but God showed me otherwise - I do better in concentrating when the necessities are tidied up and tucked away.
      I'd never heard of that concept of writing out the ideal day - so glad you shared it here! I'm honored to have been able to inspire you as you ever inspire me!
      Love and blessings!

  8. Good morning, Martha. The Lord will see you through -every hour, every moment. I also cared for my mom who had Lewy-body Dementia. We have a gracious and mighty God!
    Ephesians 3: 20, 21 Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus, throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen


Grace for the Race

  Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.  After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry...