Friday, October 2, 2015

God's Sweet Time

Colossians 3:12
Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.


I have too often imagined I have enough of it.  But many things of late have come to my attention, pointing me toward the sad and sorry revelation that patience eludes me more often than I care to admit.

Now don't get me wrong.  I understand that all things come to fruition in God's time, and I've truly made strides in accepting this.

Still . . .

In my mind, my foot taps restlessly, and I look to and fro for an immediate answer.  Fact is I don't want to wait!  I long to press forward toward the goal!

Martha, why aren't you more like Mary?

So even when I hear God tell me to slow down and simply rest in Him, I might heed it for a moment, but the next thing I know I'm rushing on to the next thought, the next activity, the next hope.

Martha, aren't you listening?

But God reveals, gently yet firmly, the error of my ways.

And He does so, most poignantly, through my latest novel Redemption.

I'm so, so excited when the books are delivered to my doorstep last Monday; beside myself with joy and anticipation.  I know it must be perfect as I reviewed every detail of the manuscript before it went into publication.  So did the editor at my publisher's.  Surely, there cannot be any errors or mishaps.

There can't be!

Alas!  There is.  No, it doesn't affect the content of the story.  No, it doesn't involve grammatical mistakes.  But what it does reveal is my own impatience, hurrying to edit and return the book to my publisher instead of biding my time and waiting upon the Lord.

Waiting upon His revelation.

Being patient in His time.


Lesson learned, Lord.

And I have determined that when the publisher returns the next novel, Revelation, to me for final editing, I will take my time.  

God's sweet time.


Have you ever found yourself on the wrong end of patience?

Prayer:  Father, we know that patience is a virtue, yet we so often neglect practicing it in our day to day lives.  Help us to remember to practice patience along with compassion, kindness, humility, and gentleness as we go about Your work on this earth.  All this we pray in Jesus' name.  Amen.


  1. I wouldn't mind waiting if it didn't take so long! Great post and great reminder Martha. B Blessed

  2. I wouldn't mind waiting if it didn't take so long! Great post and great reminder Martha. B Blessed

    1. Lol, Mike! You sound just like me. :)
      Thanks so much for stopping by!
      Love and blessings!

  3. Ah yes... Fighting our nature to rush through to the next thing can be quite difficult. We're called to exercise stillness and to seek God's perfect timing, but our worldly selves win out far more often than not. Thank you for this reminder Martha, and congratulations on the book!

    1. Indeed, our human nature trips us up when we least expect it, Phather Phil. Thanks so much for stopping by and for your congrats!
      Love and blessings!

  4. Martha, other members of our group will identify, as I did, so I highlighted your post on the Christian Poets & Writers blog -

    1. Thank you, dear Mary, for the highlight on Christian Poets and Writers! It means so much to me!
      Love and blessings!

  5. yes sigh, lesson learned. A lifetime of learning this lesson.

    1. Oh, you know it, Jean, you know it!
      Love and blessings!

  6. Martha, waiting can be so challenging...downright HARD. I've learned that it's not a good idea to get ahead of God. We humans struggle with the time thing. God's time is so, so much different than ours. I'm waiting on the Lord for so much that I've honestly lost track of what it is that I'm waiting for and for how long the wait has extended. Sigh!

    Love and blessings!

    1. No, Kim, it's not a good idea to get ahead of God. And I hear your pain, truly I do! It is a struggle for sure.
      Love and blessings!

  7. Hi Martha! I'm so sorry you found an error! It can really take the wind out of your sails, I understand completely. I'm glad it doesn't affect anything in your story though, that's a good thing!

    Wrong side of patience? Only every day! I am so sad about the times I was angry at the kids for something only to find out it wasn't their fault after all. What a reality check that is. Patience is always a goal, and if I remember when I failed at it more, I wouldn't fall into hurry and worry so much.
    Sunday blessings,

    1. Reality check on the wrong side of patience , , , Oh, how I hear you, Ceil! Been there and done that more times than I wish to admit.
      It is a minor error, and there is no overall harm done, but it involves pride, too, something else I'm trying to rid myself of. God, in His faithful love and grace, is guiding me toward the goal of simply being and resting better in Him. Pride needs to take the back seat to patience - always!
      Love and blessings!

  8. Oh you are so right. We don't often see the truth that our rushing to this "answer" or after that thought is a patience issue. I'm certainly guilty. Great encouragement, Martha. Thank you!

    1. Jason, after reading so many comments here regarding patience, I beginning to think the boat's not large enough to hold us all! Yes, I think we've all been guilty of being impatient. May we learn to trust in God's time.
      Love and blessings!

  9. sometimes, the best time is...tomorrow or another day. lol thanks for the insights Martha. I heard a sermon over the weekend about being the sailboat but we need something to set sail ---ummm...the wind!?! When the divine wind comes into our life, that's the right time!

    1. Oh, yes, Vishnu, I love the visual of the divine wind filling our sails. That is the perfect time to act!
      Love and blessings!

  10. Actually, Martha, if I'm totally honest, I get rather impatient with my inability to be patient! The situation of becoming a caregiver for my mother has tested my patience more than anything in my life. It's a tiring and exhausting journey - and patience wears thin when I'm weary.

    But, God is showing me that there are valuable lessons to be learned. And with His grace, I'll learn them!


    1. As we've said before, that taking care of mom thing is definitely trying for our patience; I found mine wearing thin more than I want to admit while I was with her. We know it's the right thing to do, and we do it willingly, but it is tiring, and that weariness does chip away at our ability to be patient.
      Sharon, we are all a work in progress, thank the Lord!
      Love and blessings!


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