Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Gifts of the Spirit

1 Corinthians 12:8-11
To one there is given through the Spirit a message of wisdom, to another a message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues, and still to another the interpretation of tongues.  All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he distributes them to each one, just as he determines.

"God gives unique gifts to each of us, Anna," Jim told her.  "We know they are His gifts when doing them brings us incomparable joy and satisfaction like your art does for you." ~Excerpt from Redemption - Adventures in The Glade 

My granddaughter, Virginia Rose, like the character of Anna, Davy's younger sister, in my Glade novels, loves to draw.  She tells me her favorite activity in kindergarten is art.  Whenever Virginia comes to visit, the first thing she used to request was for me to set up her Crazy Sand.  Not anymore!  Now it's paper and crayons.

In perusing a sampling of Virginia's art work below, I can't help but feel this just-turned-five-year-old has a gift like Anna's.

But it's what Virginia draws when last at our house that has me convinced she is, indeed, gifted in art.  She purposely asks for these objects to look at in order to render a depiction of each.

Honestly, these last two works of art amaze this Gammie.

And I pray Virginia will continue to develop her talent over the years, just as Jim encouraged Anna to do so, and use the skills with which God has blessed her to bless others.


With what gifts has God graced you?  How are you using these to His honor and glory?

Prayer:  Father, we thank You for all the gifts You have given us by Your Holy Spirit.  May we use them to faithfully carry out the work You would have us to do here on earth.  Bless our gifts that they might be a blessing to others.  In Jesus' name, we pray.  Amen.


  1. Aaaaah future artist! What is so important in this discussion is for each person to realize we have all been gifted differently. No one should feel inferior. (I can't draw...LOL). My gifts of prophecy (forth-telling/teaching/preaching) should never be compared to someone's gift of hospitality. We each have our own uniqueness.

  2. Now...if i can only write like you. :)

    1. Bill, you are so right-on when you say we have all been gifted differently and shouldn't feel inferior when we don't have the gift of another individual. God has, graciously, made us all unique that we might contribute to His kingdom as He sees fit.
      But don't second-guess yourself on the writing, my friend - your blogs are really inspiring!
      Love and blessings!

  3. Hi Martha! Watching a young person unfold before your eyes is so exciting and rewarding. What a great source of encouragement you are for your little Virginia. That's what we all need to allow the seeds of our talents to grow!

    I was wondering the other day where my talents lie...and I am not a little one anymore! I like to talk to people, and I do genuinely care about how people feel, and hearing about experiences. Maybe I have the gift of listening?
    I agree with Bill of course. We are all made differently and have gifts that differ. That's what makes this life so interesting!
    Thank you for your gift of writing and sharing with all of us,

    1. Yes, Ceil, it is so exciting to watch Virginia Rose growing and changing, though there is a part of me that wishes she could stay little forever. :)
      As for your talents, one of them is definitely writing and inspiring others to seek God in the ordinary. I adore your blog, and look forward to reading it every Monday morning - what a fabulous start to my week!
      Love and blessings!

  4. Martha, It does appear that Virginia is a budding artist. Hopefully that gift will be encouraged and nourished by all the adults in her life. My gifts? Preaching, teaching, writing, and (to a degree) music. How am I using those gifts? Well, I preach when I'm given the opportunity, I facilitate my adult Sunday school class, there's my blog (which incorporates more than one of my gifts). The music...well...I'm planning to provide some special music in the future at church.

    Love and blessings!

    1. Kim, you are definitely using your gifts in a way that I know pleases God and inspires those whose lives you touch, either in person or through your blog. Keep on keeping on, and add the music to your list down the road!
      Love and blessings!

  5. I love to see the art work of children. One time our grand daughter did a picture and then she asked for a ribbon kind of like one you put on a package. I was very curious what she was doing and when she got finished with her project, it said this: YOU are as pretty as a present. (bow included) it was awesome. I still have it.

    1. Aw! What a priceless gift your granddaughter presented to you, Sharon! Yes, the art work of children is so much fun to see; here's hoping Virginia Rose will always keep drawing and creating!
      Love and blessings!

  6. Great reminder for each of us Martha. We serve a God who gives us everything we need to accomplish what he desires. B Blessed!

    1. Amen, Mike! He certainly does, and it's our job to use them wisely.
      Love and blessings!

  7. You have every reason to be proud and think she has artistic ability. That is amazing! ♥

  8. You have every reason to be proud and think she has artistic ability. That is amazing! ♥

  9. That artwork made me smile. Frame some of them and give them back to her someday. What a gift to encourage her talent too. Your post has brought sunshine into my day!

    1. Oh, Jean, I'm so glad this post brought you a smiling sun! Yes, framing is a wonderful idea; I'll have my daughter give me the pictures so I can do that, too.
      Love and blessings!


Grace for the Race

  Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.  After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry...