Friday, October 9, 2015

A Crown to the Aged

Proverbs 17:6
Children's children are a crown to the aged, and parents are the pride of their children.

Once my children, Daniel and Sarah are born, I repeatedly hear from my mother, "Your own children are great, but there's nothing more special than being a grandparent."  I confess, with diapers to change, noses to wipe, endless laundry to do, maintaining feeding schedules, and attempting to juggle home and work, I hardly understand where Mom could possibly be coming from.

But now I know.  And Mom was spot on!

There is no greater joy in this life, aside from knowing the Lord, than being a grandparent.  This Gammie and Papa, aka Danny, are enjoying every sweet and precious moment we spend with them.

Alexandra Nancy is uncharacteristically fussy in the family photo above.  She is, overall, a calm, good-natured baby who is always looking around and taking everything in.  She will be three months old on October 23rd.  Hard to believe!

Then there's Savannah Jane.  She is always on the go as you can tell by the photo and eager to explore the next forbidden fruit available, be it the cupboard doors under the sink, a plug outlet, or a remote control.  At sixteen months, Savannah isn't quite grasping the concept of "no," but she's getting close!  We never had that issue with Virginia Rose, but her dad, John, reminds us that Virginia didn't walk until eighteen months and Savannah walked at a year.  That explains a lot, doesn't it?

Still, Savannah's humor and adventurous spirit are captivating and contagious!

Last, but not least, is the confident, unflappable, ever cheerful Virginia Rose.  She is this Gammie's heart's delight.  That is not to say the other girls aren't, but the two of us have spent so much time together during her five years, we have forged a special, indissoluble bond.  Virginia's winning smile and bubbly personality, I'm convinced, can win the heart of even the most inveterate curmudgeon.

Virginia is, and always will be, our precious princess!

Danny and I know how much we are blessed by this family, and the young ones who bring the crown to the aging (not that aged yet!).  We savor and cherish with abundant love the joy of being grandparents.


If you are a grandparent, have you found my mother's saying to be true?  If you have neither children nor grandchildren, are you finding ways to spend time with little ones whom Jesus said bring us closer to God's kingdom?

Prayer:  Father, we thank You for children everywhere in this world.  They are treasures!  Let us celebrate every moment we spend with the ones through whom You chose to reveal Your kingdom to the jaded and worn.  May we all become as little children as we seek to follow You in our daily faith walk.  In Jesus' name, we pray.  Amen.

Meditations of My Heart will be on hiatus next week due to my plans to visit with my mother.  Hope to see you all back here on Tuesday, October 20th.  God bless!


  1. Beautiful joys. Grandparenthood is wonderful.

    1. Thank you, Fran! Yes, being a grandparent is the best!
      Love and blessings!

  2. Beautiful joys. Grandparenthood is wonderful.

  3. Martha, your post is simply so precious! You're granddaughters are so precious and cute. It's fun to see differences in siblings--same parents--yet they can be so different in temperament and appearance. I probably should find a way to spend time with little ones--they do seem to "get" things we adults miss.

    Love and blessings!

    1. Yes, Kim, it's amazing to see the differences in all three girls - that's part of the fun! And you should, indeed, spend some time with the "littles" if you can. I know they are always asking for volunteers in the elementary schools if you have time for it.
      Love and blessings!

  4. Grandkids are definitely a true blessing. My Dad used to joke with us and said that if he had known how much fun the grandkids would be, he would have had them first! Hope your Mom is recovering well. Have a great visit.

    1. Love your Dad's joke, Jack! I think we would all have done the same thing given the choice. :)
      Mom is doing ever so much better. Thanks for asking!
      Love and blessings!

  5. Grandkids are definitely a true blessing. My Dad used to joke with us and said that if he had known how much fun the grandkids would be, he would have had them first! Hope your Mom is recovering well. Have a great visit.

  6. Such precious grandchildren. Yes, it's a lot easier (and more fun) being a grandparent. I remember how influential my grandparents were, and how much they taught me about life and faith. But most of all, I remember how they just loved me - for no particular reason - just because I was in the world! This kind of love is really give and to receive.


    1. A grandparent's love is so very precious, Sharon; I can't agree with you more! I never got to see my grandparents often as I was growing up, but when I did, those were treasured times to be sure.
      And thanks for the compliment concerning the girls. I'm partial, but I think they are all beautiful!
      Love and blessings!

  7. Such lovely picturess.... they brought a smile on my face. And yes my grandmother says the same to my mother :)

    Hope your Mom is doing well. Take care.

    1. I think all grandparents must feel the same way, Privy. :) So glad the photos made you smile!
      Love and blessings!

  8. Hi Martha! I always love family photos, and this is no exception. What a lovely family group here!
    My mom never said anything like that to me, but plenty of my friends did. I really didn't 'get it' until I had grandchildren of my own. I just got back from a long weekend of shopping with my daughter, and she brought along her two month old, as she is breastfeeding. What wonderful experience! I loved the 1:1 time with Charlie, and to see my daughter be such a great mom. That warms my heart!!

    Your little grandchildren look so cute, and have such different personalities. I can see why you love the first so well. She looks like a grandma-loving gal!

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Ceil! It's so nice to know you recently had such a special time with your daughter and new grandchild - those are the kind of memories we keep forever!
      Love and blessings!

  9. From this Grandma heart to another Grandma this post. Proverbs 17:6
    Children's children are a crown to the aged, and parents are the pride of their children. I love this scripture.

    1. Thanks so much, Betty! Yes, grands are grand, and Proverbs 17:6 says it all.
      Love and blessings!

  10. Grandbabies are the best. They just make my heart happy! Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful family with all of us. God bless you!

    1. I know, Deb! I love what you said - they make the heart happy - absolute truth in that.
      Love and blessings!

  11. Your grandchildren are beautiful Martha. Thanks for sharing.

  12. Your family is so beautiful. I am really looking forward to the day when I will have grandchildren. Until then, I am enjoying my sweet kids. Blessings to you!

  13. Your family is so beautiful. I am really looking forward to the day when I will have grandchildren. Until then, I am enjoying my sweet kids. Blessings to you!

    1. Oh, yes, Kathy, enjoy those children each and every day. They are a treasure.
      Love and blessings!


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