Tuesday, October 6, 2015

God's Love Will Never Fail

Lamentations 3:22-23
The faithful love of the Lord never ends!  His mercies will never cease.  Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning.

God's love for me will be the same for me tomorrow just as it was yesterday and will be for me for eternity.  Eternity never grows dim.  Eternity never loses its luster.  Eternity never says, "I've had enough."  God's love for us is eternal.  So, while our love wavers from day to day and circumstance to circumstance, one thing, and only one thing, remains the same.  God's love will never fail.  ~Pastor Mike Fisk at Built With Grace 

God's love will never fail . . .

As I pen this post last Thursday in preparation for this Tuesday's offering, the world is in turmoil.  Mass shooting of confessed Christians at a community college in Oregon.  Russia sending bombers to Syria.  Refugees pouring into Europe.  ISIS growing stronger with each passing moment.  Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu addressing the United Nations, warning of the real and present danger of a nuclear holocaust should the Iranian deal go through.




I want to turn it off.  Tune it out.

But like a relentless march of the enemy's forces, the bad news keeps on coming.

Making me feel helpless to stem the tide of evil from flooding my heart, my mind, my very soul.

I've had enough!

And then, Pastor Mike's words remind me:  "Eternity never says, 'I've had enough.'"

God can take it and take it all in.  All our failings, our miscreant behaviors, our lamentations, our shortcomings are all in His sight.  He knows we struggle, fall and fail in this earthly life.

But He also knows the rest of the story.

For God, in His infinite wisdom, mercy and grace, gave us Christ Jesus, His only Son, to be a ransom for our transgressions, so that our own fragile, sad and struggling stories could be caught up and bolstered by a lustrous and promising eternity.  

An eternity where love never fails

And therein, my hope lies.

Hope eternal.

God's love will never fail . . .


How are you realizing God's great comfort, peace and eternal love in this troubling world?

Prayer:  Father, our hearts are heavy when we read news of man's inhumanity to man.  We pray today for the victims of evil acts by those who don't know the saving, unfailing grace found through Christ Jesus, Your Son.  May the hearts of those bent on destruction of others be so transformed by Your love, that Your kingdom might one day be realized on earth.  In Jesus' name, we pray.  Amen.


  1. Your title reminded me of the song "Your Love never fails, never gives up, never runs out on me." That promise sustains me. While I'm disturbed by all that is happening, I am also not wringing my hands. I have a God who has things under control. Good post Martha.

    1. Bill, that's one of the songs we often play at our contemporary worship service at our church. I love it! And yes, His promise sustains me, too.
      Love and blessings!

  2. Martha, Thank you for this amazing post and the reminder it contains of God's never failing love. I find so much comfort in this, especially as this dark world grows increasingly dark and evil so prevalent. No matter how things seem, God is in control and knows exactly where we are and what is happening to us.

    Love and blessings!

    1. Yes, He does, Kim, and I, like you, take great comfort in that knowledge. I really don't know how people who don't believe in God and the saving grace of Christ can wake up each morning and face the day.
      Love and blessings!

  3. There are some days when I would give anything for that eternity to begin and the nightmares of this life to just end. Still in the deepest part of me I believe that God has a plan and even the hell we experience on earth is all part of it. Still, there are some days I would rather throw in the towel and be done.

    1. Yes, God does have a plan for each of us, Kathy, and he knows we will have those days when we just throw up our hands and want to give up. But we are to pray for His help and press forward toward the goal He has set for us.
      Love and blessings!

  4. There are some days when I would give anything for that eternity to begin and the nightmares of this life to just end. Still in the deepest part of me I believe that God has a plan and even the hell we experience on earth is all part of it. Still, there are some days I would rather throw in the towel and be done.

  5. Hi Martha! It does seem like we are growing immune to these disasters doesn't it? Why do these shootings seem so 'regular' in our country? I think it must be the undertreatment of mental illness.

    My heart also goes out to the hospital that was bombed in error. All the Doctors Without Borders killed and hurt. Good God, please help us...

    1. Oh, I agree, Ceil, that the hospital bombing was horrendous, and the fact that shooting violence seems to be on the increase is just as disturbing. There are so many individuals in need of mental help and counseling. Let us pray family and friends see the need in a loved one before it's too late.
      Love and blessings!

  6. Such a lovely reminder Martha and at a perfect timing when we all need it the most

    1. Thank you so much, Privy! We do so need God's comfort in this hurting world.
      Love and blessings!

  7. God can take it. Love those encouraging words. Interesting ones from your pastor too - God never says I have had enough. That really struck me as it is a line I use frequently but never thought before that it really doesn't reflect who God is. Thanks for that insight. Blessings on your weekend!!

    1. Jean, until I read these words from Pastor Mike, I hadn't thought of it quite this way either. I'm so glad you found encouragement in these words.
      Love and blessings!


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