Friday, April 17, 2020

Not Even Solomon

Matthew 6:28-29
And why do you worry about clothes?  See how the flowers of the field grow.  They do not labor or spin.  Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.

Currently, I am missing my neighborhood walks.  Why?  My IT Band on my right leg is acting up something fierce!  If you have ever experienced this problem, you know precisely what I'm talking about.  Yes, I'm doing exercises that seem to help, applying an ice pack to the affected area, and Danny is kind enough to buff my leg out with this:

Ahh!  I'm so glad he decided to invest in this baby a while back!

The walks I have been able to take, though, have made me ever so grateful that the lock down has happened in the spring, when everything is blooming, and there is color bursting all around.  So, I thought I'd share these cheerful photos of God's glorious creation with you.

Beautiful!  Not even Solomon in all his splendor was arrayed as these.  So, in the uncertain times in which we find ourselves, let us take comfort in knowing that our Father, who created the world and everything in it, is eternally in control.

And may we take time to admire and give thanks to Him for His handiwork and His infinite blessings.



  1. Praying for your early recovery, Martha. Plenty of rest ... and prayers.

    It is nice to see so many flowers in bloom in my garden ... apple trees, pears, cherries and plums ... all are blooming and saying, "Have Hope ... Trust in God." Even the vine has started to grow tiny leaves.

    Let us truly believe that God is still in control, and has always been.

    God bless my friend.

    1. Thank you for your prayers, Victor, as I recover from this ailment!
      Yes, how wonderful it is to see the blooms of springtime, and realize that God is truly in control. That brings such peace and comfort to our hearts.
      Love and blessings!

  2. Praying for you Martha. Sometimes when legs ache one’s spine gets out of alignment which affects everything from the neck down to the ankle. Don’t know if you are up to seeing one but I recommend as my neck and back was hurting real bad a few months ago and a few adjustments have me pain free and even running more upright. Wishing you the best๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ‘

    1. Thanks, Valerie! My husband had something similar to what I'm going through, and his chiropractor couldn't "fix" it with a spinal adjustment, but gave him exercises to do which really helped him. I do believe I will get better over time.
      Love and blessings!

  3. Hi Martha, I am not sure what kind of machine that is... but your pictures are beautiful and I hope you will recover fast!

    1. It's a buffing massage machine, Marja, and it really helps! Glad you enjoyed the photos. :)
      Love and blessings!

  4. Perfect verse to accompany this spendor in the grass!

    Lifting prayers from my home for your comfort! I'm embarrassed to admit, I've not heard of IT band -- and just spent several minutes on Google. Is this an actual buffer? Because my osteoporosis precludes my getting chiropractic treatment, I wonder if my lower back pain wouldn't benefit from one of those machines.

    1. Myra, yes, this is a buffer, and it can work wonders on sore muscles. And don't be embarrassed about not knowing what an IT band is - until Danny had problems with his, I had no clue either! If you Google it, you'll see why I didn't include a photo of the anatomical area - Lol!
      Love and blessings!

  5. If we have to get trapped in place, I'm so thankful that spring is the season we're in! This week has still been a little cold for my taste, but I know warmer weather will come this weekend. Hope you'll be able to get outside for your walks sooner rather than later, Martha!

    1. I'm hoping that, too, Lisa, as walking is one of my favorite things to do - it always clears my head. I hear you about the cooler temps in the South, but we will be warming up very soon, so take heart! :)
      Love and blessings!

  6. Thanks for sharing the beautiful photos from your walk. I'm glad you were able to get out again and enjoy God's amazing creation.

    1. Yes, Beckie, God's creation never ceases to amaze and inspire me, and I'm so grateful when my leg does feel like cooperating so that I can enjoy a walk. Still have a ways to go in the healing department, but that will come in time.
      Love and blessings!

  7. Oh, no! So sorry to read about your IT band! I can imagine how you miss your walks. Thank you for sharing the spring flowers. God is with us even in this time of crisis.

    1. Thanks for your empathy, Laurie! Happy to report that the exercises I've been doing are really helping, so I should be back to walking within a day or two.
      Glad you enjoyed the photos, my friend. Yes, God is right here with us!
      Love and blessings!

  8. Thank you, Martha, for sharing your beautiful pictures. We are enjoying a beautiful spring this year in Tennessee. I believe the lord has sent us an especially gorgeous spring because He knew we were going to need it. I pray your leg feels better soon. May God bless you and Danny.

    1. I'm so glad to hear that your spring is extra gorgeous this year, Nells. Such a blessing at a time like this! And yes, my leg is slowly, but surely, improving with the exercises I've been doing.
      Love and blessings!

  9. First of all, Martha, your pictures are gorgeous! There is nothing wrong with your phone camera (re: your comment on my blog about pictures). These pictures are beautiful, and the trees and flowers are just stunning! So please don't underrate your pictures! I love them. Now, I am sorry about your "IT Band on your right leg", but I must confess, I have no idea what that is. And I also have no idea what that machine is. I must look all of that up so I can understand. But I do understand that whatever it is, it must be painful and I know how it hurts to have any kind of pain in legs, feet, knees, or back. Yes, that certainly does make it difficult to walk and enjoy walking. Praying the pain will soon go away and that you will be able to once again get outside and enjoy God's beauty all around you. I love the pictures of your area. Every bit of it is so pretty. Please take care and get feeling better very soon.

    1. As I said to Myra above, Pamela, I didn't want to post a photo of the IT band because, well, it's a bit too graphic. However, it is the ligament that extends from the hip down to the knee, and when it's irritated, it can cause a lot of pain and discomfort when you walk. Happy to report that it is getting better with exercise, and I should be out and about soon.
      And thanks a bunch for your kind words about my photos! :)
      Love and blessings!

  10. Once again you take the beauty of what God provides and record it for our benefit, Thank you!

  11. We are so blessed to be able to enjoy nature's beauty. I don't understand what the little unit is supposed to do for your leg - but I hope you heal quickly.

    1. It's an electric buffer, Carol, so it massages the leg muscles beautifully. And yes, isn't it great to be surrounded by God's marvelous creation?
      Love and blessings!

  12. Your photos brightened my day and hope your leg gets better. Never heard of a leg buffer before. learn something new everyday!

    1. Actually, Jean, this buffer is designed more for use on the back; our chiropractor uses one, and that's why Danny purchased it. It does help!
      Glad the photos brightened your day, my friend.
      Love and blessings!

  13. Love your beautiful photos Martha. You have a lovely area to stroll in. I signed up for a Zoom presentation from Israel this afternoon from the Israel Bible Center, and they were answering questions from people, but were especially addressing the COVID problem and the mark of the beast, etc. One of the professors mentioned the story of David and the plague in 1 Samuel 24 and how he chose the plague because he would rather be in the hands of a merciful God than the hands of man. Another professor made a quote from a book he had read which fit in nicely and I think is worth repeating. "When you are in the midst of a plague, you are in the hands of God". It's a very comforting thought and also reassuring.

    1. Diane, these are comforting and reassuring thoughts, indeed, and I'm so glad you shared them here with us. God will get us through this time, I'm certain of it!
      Glad you liked the photos, too.
      Love and blessings!

  14. Martha,

    Your photos of God's amazing creation are stunning. I'm thankful to have eyes to see that beauty and to worship GOD and NOT the creation.

    Lord--Jehovah Rophe--our Healer, I lift up to You Martha and speak life, health, and healing over her--from the top of her head to the tips of her toes and the soles of her feet. Jesus, place Your healing hands on Martha's leg and heal her IT band--renew, restore, recreate things as You need to as the Great Physician. May all who witness this healing know that You are the One who heals. Thank You, Jesus for Your healing touch. In Jesus'Name, Amen.

    Love and blessings!

    1. Oh, Kim, what an awesome prayer! I'm certainly humbled by the words you've prayed over me. And you know what? I just saw your comment this morning, but when I got up today, I noticed that my leg was much improved and on the mend! Do we serve an amazing God, or what? His healing touch came on me, and I thank you!
      Love and blessings!

    2. PTL!!!!! Martha, that's really all that is needed. It's not me! It. Is. Jesus. See Jesus!!!

      Love and blessings!

    3. Absolutely, Kim! Overjoyed that God worked His healing power through your words.

  15. Thank you for these refreshing spring photos, Martha. Isn't it wonderful that God faithfully still sends us these cheerful signs of His Presence? We have been awed by a house finch couple building a nest right outside my office window the last two days. :) I'm sorry pain is preventing you from taking walks. I hope and pray God gives you relief! Love and blessings to you!

    1. What could be more enchanting than watching house finches building their nest? Wow! Yes, God gives us signs all around that He is present and active in our lives.
      As for the leg, it is much better as I write this, so hope to be walking by tomorrow.
      Glad you enjoyed the photos.
      Love and blessings!

  16. Thank you for sharing your pretty spring photos with us! I too and really grateful it's spring.

    "So in the uncertain times in which we find ourselves, let us take comfort in knowing that our Father, who created the world and everything in it, is eternally in control."

    Amen! Thank you for these beautiful encouraging words!


    1. You are so welcome, Annie! I'm so glad you chose to stop by my place, and so enjoyed your column over at Homespun Devotions. I'll be sure to look up your blog!
      Love and blessings!

  17. It is so important to take the time to marvel Martha. Even in this uncertain time, we can still marvel at God's beauty. Thanks for that.

    1. Oh, yes, Bill, there's nothing stopping us from doing that, is there? So much joy in the spring to be had when we have eyes to see.
      Love and blessings!

  18. So pretty, Martha! I sure hope you soon get relief from your pain. It sounds like Georgia will soon begin releasing the lockdown, so maybe life will resume "normal" for you soon! God bless you. :)

    1. Cheryl, I'm truly happy that our governor has set the initiative for opening up businesses. Danny and I will continue to self-isolate for a while, as both of us are at high risk, but I'm overjoyed knowing others will be able to get back to work! And yes, my leg is improving with each passing day.
      Love and blessings!


Let It Snow!

  He gives snow like wool; He scatters the frost like ashes. ~Psalm 147:16 Yes!  We finally get snow!  Our last decent storm occurs in 2017....