Thursday, September 3, 2020

Clowning Around


Proverbs 17:22

A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up all the bones.

Virginia, Savannah and Alexandra are three of the happiest girls I know.  All summer long, they have enjoyed each other's company (though Virginia's patience wears thin on occasion), playing games and going to the beach with Mom and Dad.  As school has been closed since last April, it has been an endless summer, indeed!

Most of you know that we spend countless hours with Virginia as she is growing up.  All those memories are priceless ones, where we truly got to know our granddaughter on every possible level.  Not so much with her younger sisters.  Yes, I did quite a bit of babysitting while the family was still living nearby, but there weren't many all-day visits or even the occasional weekend overnight.

So, though we "know" Savannah and Alexandra, we don't know them in the intimate way we do Virginia.  We are relying on their photos and our weekly FaceTime chats to reveal their budding personalities.  My daughter, Sarah, recently shares these photos with us.

Savannah has such a winning smile, and you can tell by the photo how close she feels to her mother.  We remember her as the sister who is the first to whine and cry at some perceived injustice; not always pleasant to be around!  But in these next two pictures, Savannah displays a remarkable penchant for clowning around!

Who would ever have guessed that Savannah would become a photo-bomber!  Oh, how Danny and I laugh when we first see these pictures as her comical expressions cheer our hearts.

The girls will be starting back to school after Labor Day.  It will be Alexandra's first foray into the classroom as she begins kindergarten.  While I'm excited for her, and all my girls, this thought crushes my spirit:  All children are required to wear masks right along with the adults in the building.  I'm saddened to think that Alexandra's first memories of school won't include seeing smiles on the faces of her teachers and fellow students.  And I'm concerned that mask wearing could detract from the ability to concentrate on learning.

The few occasions when I've had to wear a mask, I've experienced nothing but discomfort.  But I can't project my own experience onto theirs.  Kids are so much more flexible than adults, aren't they?

And if there is a plus side to any of this, at least when she's wearing a mask, Savannah won't get called out for making silly faces at inappropriate moments.  Clowning around is one thing, but being the class clown is quite another!



  1. A wonderful post, Martha. I agree with you that we are living in difficult times, especially for children, as they learn to live and adapt to the new environment we're in. Schools are opening here too with varying degrees and regulations as to how to deal with events.

    We need to pray a bit more. God bless.

    1. We always need to pray a bit more, Victor, that's for sure! I'm hoping the girls will be able to enjoy school in spite of all the requirements.
      Love and blessings!

  2. I loved seeing these photos, they are all such beautiful girls! I can understand your concern about the masks, I feel the same way. My son's fiancee is a KG teacher, kids are already back in school here. She said it's a little challenging but feels the children are doing really well with it and that it doesn't seem to be having any negative affect on them. Like you said, kids are way more flexible than adults. I'm sure she will do just fine :)

    1. I'm so glad for this reassurance, Martha! I can't help but be worried, but that's a grandmother for you. :) Glad you enjoyed the photos of these precious ones.
      Love and blessings!

  3. Love this post, Martha. So funny how Savanah photo-bombed the other photos. Praying over her school experience and wearing a mask. It's so surreal to think of how times are so different for children these days that most of us never had to deal with.

    1. Thanks for your prayers for Savannah, Karen! These are crazy times, especially for our children and grandchildren, as we try to navigate all these new rules and regulations.
      Love and blessings!

  4. Oh my goodness, such cuties! And yes, clown of the class could mean trouble :)

    1. Oh, yes, it certainly could, Marja! Praying this little rascal will behave herself. :)
      Love and blessings!

  5. How funny are those photo-bombs! Curious how children's personalities defy description sometimes. But yes. I'm no expert, but totally believe they're naturally resilient. More so than some of their 'elders' (*grin*). Wishing you and Danny a blessed day!

    1. The photo-bombs are definitely a hoot, Myra. I laughed all over again when I posted them here yesterday. And we can all use more cheering up in these drag-on days.
      Love and blessings!

  6. Your girls are all adorable and I know it hurts your heart that they had to move so far away. Modern technology at least gives us face-to-face glimpses into their personalities so much better than just a photo. God bless them as they begin their new school years, and keep them safe!

    1. Yes, Terri, I'm so grateful for our face time each week - I don't know how I'd survive without it! And thankfully, Sarah is great about sending us photos whenever she gets some good ones. I'm praying for a good school year, too.
      Love and blessings!

  7. I know exactly how you feel about the anxiety for these young ones going to school and dealing with masks all day. I don't have any little ones (or big ones) going to school right now, but I've worked in schools enough to know how kids are and can only imagine how hard this will be. But, yes, they are very adaptable and they can learn to do this. Praying for your sweet Savannah and Virginia, and for Alexandra who I assume will still be at home, or does she go to pre-school yet? May the Lord give them extra confidence and patience and perseverance. Praying for their teachers as well. God is able to do all of these things we ask beyond our expectations!

    1. Alexandra is the one I'm concerned about the most, Pamela, as she is starting kindergarten - can you imagine your first impression of going to school being filled with masked people you have just met? I can't, but I'm praying, as you are, that all will be well in the end. I just learned from Sarah, too, that now they are going to have in-person learning only two days a week, and the rest will have to be virtual. How confusing is that??? I think they should stick to the original plan, and only revert to distance learning if there is a serious break out.
      Love and blessings!

  8. I wish them and the teachers the best! I am a former educator and can imagine the obstacles ahead. I pray that these resilient children will find peace and be safe from all virus potential.

    1. Thank you for your prayers, Valerie, they mean so much! I was a former teacher, too! I'm praying for all of them, too, having to adjust to so many new and unfamiliar rules and regulations. May God bless this uncertain school year with His love and grace.
      Love and blessings!

  9. Praying your grandchildren never lose that joyful spirit of youth. Will be praying their school year is safe, productive, and uneventful. God's blessings ma'am.

    1. Thank you, J.D., your prayers mean so much. I think we all are hoping for the same thing, that schools remain healthy and successful this year. I pray the girls will always retain the joyful spirit of youth!
      Love and blessings!

  10. What great pictures Martha! I love that Savannah has become a photo-bomber. It shows her personality coming to life. I do agree with you...I hate the masks and don't wear one every chance I get. Or maybe I should say I wear one only when I have to. Only once have I not been served but they said I could put my shirt up over my mouth. (See eyes roll). Until you see the girls in person enjoy those pictures!!

    1. I do enjoy and relish every single photo of the girls Sarah sends to me, Bill. And I'm glad you could appreciate the newest photo-bomber with me. :) I get the eye-roll, too. Mine have ventured into that territory more than I would like to admit at this point in time.
      Love and blessings!

  11. Martha, your post is so very precious. The photos are simply too cute for words.

    Yes, children are quite adaptable and do help us see the lighter side of life, as well as the exquisite beauty in the most mundane of things.

    My heart is sad, though, for all the mask wearing. I do think it will not be very positive on the educational experience.

    Love and blessings!

    1. I'm with you, Kim - I don't think the masks for children is either wise or necessary. A plurality of studies show that kids are the LEAST likely to contract the virus and/or pass it on to others. How are these little ones, so used to hugs from mom and dad, going to adjust in a strange environment without seeing smiles on their teachers' faces or their arms around their shoulders? So many children are reduced to tears on the first day of school, how will comfort be offered? All questions that will be answered in time.
      Love and blessings!

  12. I love seeing their smiling faces. Your daughter and the girls are just beautiful Praying for a blessed and healthy school year.

    1. That's what I'm praying for, too, Beckie, and am so thankful for yours! We all need to pray for all the children and teachers returning to school like never before.
      Love and blessings!

  13. Your granddaughters are adorable! Such wonderful photos. My grandsons started back to school this week and they had to wear masks too. So far, it doesn't phase them in the least. If I had to wear one for 7 hours a day, I think it would not be a pleasant experience, but we do want them to be safe!

    1. Thanks, Laurie! I think they're adorable, too, but then again, I've a "Gammie" perspective. :) I am comforted to know your grandsons are doing well with this new regimen, and will keep hoping and praying it will be the same for my grands. Honestly, I think of teachers as essential workers, and I'm praying that taking this plunge will be a plus, not a minus.
      Love and blessings!

  14. Savannah is definitely a cutie, and I get the impression that she is one of those children who shake things off and adjust quickly. All of the children are so sweet looking. I know you miss them terribly, love to you and blessings.

    1. I do miss them so much, Nells, that's for sure! I think Savannah is a cutie, too, and I'm sure that she and her sisters will adapt to the new regimens at school. Kids are wonderful that way.
      Love and blessings!

  15. Boa tarde Martha parabéns pela linda família.

    1. As your comment is in Portuguese, my friend, I'm taking a jab at what you have said here. My take is that you like the post and have complimented my granddaughters. Thank you so much!
      Love and blessings!

  16. A beautiful perspective on loving family you have there Martha, such smilers too, real treasure.
    The Lord watches over such little ones as the Lord Jesus said, “their angels do always behold the face of My Father in heaven”, as we pray, they are blessed...kept by the power of God,
    I remember my first day at school, at 5 years, we had just moved towns for second time in my young life, so it was very strange and new ... had no friends, but settled quickly.
    Thanks for being a blessing, and may God bless you too, especially in these unusual times, a blessing to rest simply in Him! Praying you’re all kept well too!
    Hugs, Shaz in Oz.x 😊

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

    1. Thank you so much, Shaz, for your kind words here today. Yes, the Lord watches over the least of these, and I pray with you that they would be both protected and inspired by the obstacles they must face. Thanks, too, for sharing your personal story of being misplaced as a child, but how resiliently you learned to cope. This gives me such great hope!
      Love and blessings!

  17. Lovely post. I am sitting here watching a young squirrel run up and down a tree right outside my rv window as the same time your post popped into my computer. Just reading about your grandchildren sure made me miss our youngest ones in California, especially the youngest, Reedley. We spent more time with him then any of our grand children. Those first four years we will never regret and there is a special bond between us and all the other grandchildren know it but they don't mind cause him being youngest makes it ok. Lovely pictures.

    1. Oh, yes, Betty, those first bonds are so crucial and are deemed to be forever unbroken. But we need to be willing and able to go with the flow, trusting that God's plan is the best for our lives. And a squirrel cavorting outside your window at the time this post arrived in your inbox? Racer has many ways to touch and infiltrate our hearts with God's message of love and grace. :)
      Love and blessings!

  18. Beauties all! We miss those days when we could see people's smiles. The masks are so unnatural, uncomfortable... Have you seen this video?

    1. I haven't seen this video, Debra, but I will certainly check it out once I'm done with this reply to you. I long to see smiles, too. We all do. It's how God created us, and we must hold on to that no matter what!
      Love and blessings!

  19. Aw, they are just precious! I know you miss them so much it makes your heart hurt. I just hate the thoughts of loved ones being separated by that awful virus. It has turned the whole world upside down, and it is sad to think of that little one having to start school wearing a mask. I find them so uncomfortable, too. Dear Lord, help us all, these are such trying times. May HE keep all of us and our dear loved ones safe, in Jesus' name.

    1. Amen, Cheryl! May the Lord keep and protect us in these times as we struggle to come to terms with all these new requirements and procedures. And yes, I miss these girls so very much and can't wait to be able to see them again.
      Love and blessings!

  20. you are so blessed. They are happy, beautiful kids! Love seeing them here today and sharing your joy


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