Monday, September 21, 2020

It's Late


John 8:44

When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

Poems usually occur to me in one fell swoop, and I choose to go with the words I'm hearing in that moment.  I know I'm not the only one troubled by these turbulent times.  As Christians, we've been under attack like never before in the history of our country, whose Constitution guarantees religious freedom and the right to worship.  We've had to close our churches during this pandemic, while weed and liquor-selling businesses get to stay open.  There are more examples I could offer here, but I won't.

Instead, may the words of this poem reveal to you how the father of lies wishes to keep us quiet, sedated, asleep, as he performs his vile works in this world.  He will tell us we do not matter, that we have no hope, but we know differently.  Jesus has overcome the world, of this we are certain, but we can't afford to stop fighting for His message, and our rights.

Believers, awake!  Do not submit to worldly ambitions, but let the Lord make sure we are not lulled and disheartened by the devil's schemes.

It's late

Go to bed

Don't awake

Until we say

You can

Because we know

And you don't

Stay quiet

Seal your lips

Close your eyes

Sleep, sleep

Until we say

Power is ours

Never yours

Not again

Never, never

Will you hold

Your precious own

Because we are

And you are not



  1. I believe when we go through difficult times, God is giving us an opportunity to rely on Him. To trust Him once more. To turn to Him in prayer and in hope. To admit we are weak, helpless and in need of His love and mercy. God has allowed us to come to difficult times in our lives; He will certainly see us through it.

    “Every test that you have experienced is the kind that normally comes to people. But God keeps his promise, and He will not allow you to be tested beyond your power to remain firm; at the time you are put to the test, He will give you the strength to endure it, and so provide you with a way out”. (1 Corinthians Chapter 10 Verse 13).

    God bless, Martha.

    1. Wise words here, Victor, and I do agree with you wholeheartedly. God is definitely giving us the opportunity to rely more on Him for our everything. We so need His love, grace, mercy, and strength when we are feeling weak and defeated. God will see us through!
      Love and blessings!

  2. I agree wholeheartedly with what your friend Victor has stated above, especially from God's Word in I Corinthians. These are difficult days for every believer, and we must stay alert and vigilant or we will find that the "father of lies" has snuck in while we were asleep and taken over totally. We must stay awake and keep our eyes focused on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our Faith...He will keep us safe no matter what the world chooses to do.

    1. Yes, Pamela, God will keep us safe in this chaotic world when our focus is sharply upon Him. I'm fully trusting in Him to see us through and guide us faithfully that our days might reflect His glory to a hurting world.
      Love and blessings!

  3. This is not a time to slumber or to lull ourselves into thinking that all will be well, this will soon pass. There are those who have made it abundantly clear that it will be around, especially if followers of truth and right do not bow down to their agenda. May God's people stand strong.

    1. Yes, Bill, may all of us stand strong against the father of lies, donning the full armor of God, knowing the Lord has our backs. It is no time for slumber as if nothing evil were lurking in the shadows, because it is.
      Love and blessings!

  4. Chilling, but oh so powerful. We, as believers must not stoop to complacency, for the enemy is near. As Bill's said, may we stand strong!

    1. Amen, Mevely! Complacency cannot be allowed whatsoever. We must stay strong and active with the Lord.
      Love and blessings!

  5. So true, we do need to stand strong, especially now when the Father of Lies is tempting us to trust him. We need to listen to God's eternal truth.

    1. Amen, Laurie! Let us all listen to God's eternal truth.
      Love and blessings!

  6. Well said, Martha Jane. I agree with all of the comments above. It is a trying time for Christians and we do need to trust Him and keep praying. Thank you for this!

    1. I'm so glad this poem spoke to your heart, Terri. We certainly do need to keep trusting and keep praying!
      Love and blessings!

  7. Boa noite Martha Jane obrigado pelo excelente comentário. Que Deus derrame bênçãos sobre a sua vida.

    1. Thank you so much, Luiz, for your kind words! May our Deus shower us with blessings, grace and strength to endure these times.
      Love and blessings!

  8. this is our time now, time to be strong and courageous and be the examples for all those around us. I have felt this more and more as I watch how our world is going.

    1. Amen, Betty! I think we have all felt the urgency of standing up for God's message for this world. The father of lies would have us think differently, but we cannot afford to for one moment.
      As you said, our time is now!
      Love and blessings!

  9. Powerful! And so timely, Martha.I love your poetry.

    1. Thank you, Beckie! You know, I was thinking of your novels when I wrote this, and how the demons would attempt to defeat us. Isn't going to happen when we have the Lord on our side!

  10. Oh, how true, sweet friend! It is high time we wake up and put on the whole armor of God and FIGHT back. No more will satan quiet the church. Enough is enough. I am so encouraged by what Sean Faucht is doing. Have you heard about it? He is taking worship to the streets.
    If they can protest and carry on like heathens and burn our flags and Bibles on city streets, we can worship and lift up the mighty name of JESUS in the streets. Here is the link to his latest meeting in West Palm Beach. Praise God, He is raising up an army!

    1. I had not heard about Sean Faucht, Cheryl, so I'm so very glad you brought him and his movement for Jesus here. What a great idea!!! Yes, if rioters can take to the streets, we can certainly take the Gospel message there, too.
      Love and blessings!

  11. Amen Ms. Martha Jane! This is NOT the time to fall for Satan's lies. We must be bold, visible, and girded in truth my friend. It is past time for Christian-Americans, and Christians worldwide, to stand up and announce that Jesus Christ is Lord and we choose to live under His teachings, laws, precepts, and examples. Not the world's. Acts 5:29 When the world no longer bases its laws on God's word, then it is time to choose to obey God rather than man. Sorry if I get too excited here. :-D

    1. One can never get too excited when it comes to following and obeying Jesus, J. D.! I did download The Warrior's Prayer you shared on your blog today. It is absolutely perfect in this time of chaos and turmoil that the father of lies wants to create in our hearts and in our country. Let's put on the full armor and keep praying!
      Love and blessings!

  12. Martha, this is very well said and I agree with several of the comments above.

    Difficult times do show us (and others) what we're made of and our true character comes out. And yes, difficult times are when we realize how much we really do need to depend on God FOR EVERYTHING!

    Love and blessings!

    1. Absolutely, Kim! We do need to depend on God to see us through each and every day; He will see us through our difficulties.
      Love and blessings!

  13. I'm so grateful for the truth that Jesus has indeed overcome the world and that we are already victorious. I don't always feel victorious this year, but yes, let's stay awake and alert to where Christ is at work and join him there.

    1. I hear you about not feeling those moments of victory in this troubling year, Lisa, but it's imperative to, as you said, stay awake and alert to God's calling, and heed Him at every turn.
      Love and blessings!

  14. Amen sister. It's time to wake up, get up and do what God says to do. Live Victoriously in Him! Praise God! ❤❤❤💪🙏🙌🕊🔥

    1. Amen right back at you, Marla! Yes, let us live victoriously for Him, and Him alone.
      Love and blessings!

  15. Ameb...awake for your adversary the devil gies about, seeking whom he may devour.. so Peter warned us.
    How I pray for your country Martha.. and for mine. May G9d have mercy upon us. Your founding father's must be weeping over your nation. Kamala Harris has many hoodwinked.
    May they awake and see the truth, for then the truth will make you free.
    Thy word is truth.
    Thanks for sharing, and may God bless and keep you and all whom you love safe and well.
    Prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz. X

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  16. Sorry for typos. Late at night on mobile tiny screen etc.

  17. Replies
    1. This is better link. Truly sad. This brother is head of Australian Christian Lobby. Very straightforward. Bible based.

    2. Thank you for your prayers, Shaz! Yes, our founding fathers are NOT happy with these shenanigans, and I pray with all my heart that President Trump will be reelected. I'll check out the link you shared here, too.
      Love and blessings!

  18. Ins't amazing the power of words to express our deepest anguish!

    1. Amen, Jean, yes that power is amazing! I always feel like a weight has lifted when I finish writing something like this poem.
      Love and blessings!


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